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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. It might be that the website statement is true and it suits Carswell not to be captain. I remember it happening at Killie where Garry Hay felt his performances were suffering as captain and gave the armband to James Fowler. Or it may have been vice versa, but the same outcome either way. It might be a fresh start for Carswell to concentrate solely on playing duties. I suppose the proof will be in the pudding.
  2. Not a shock, no. But does sting a bit knowing football professionals feel that way about DFC. If nothing else it just confirms that what we, the untrained punters, felt, is shared by the trained community.
  3. We didn't have time to get right into the depths of it, but I took it to mean motivation and movement, yes.
  4. Clarko_son and I spoke to [REDACTED] in the bar before one of the final league games and he was scouting for his employers [REDACTED] FC and he said jokingly "I'm here to figure out why Dumbarton concede so early", which we did about 5 minutes into the game. I saw him again yesterday and he said he could see from the warm-up exactly what was wrong with the team and why they concede lots of / early goals. When I asked him his opinion on Farrell he said "it's a professional conflict of interest so I'll just say nothing". Now, none of that is earth shattering info, and probably not a big shock, but for other coaches from similar clubs to be able to clearly see what the problems are and have such a low opinion of the Dumbarton manager's abilities (he made some other remarks too) really tells a tale.
  5. Give us a proper winger and maybe a left back (plus a sub keeper) and we're good to go.
  6. Both strips and the polos are utter belters. Well done to all involved.
  7. You know it's bad when he's had 740 clubs and still only 26. Also spent several spells of 6 months here and there without a club. Doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. Hard pass for me.
  8. Stinking name. Total nothing club mind you so almost no-one will notice / care.
  9. I almost never remember opposition players. I'm usually too busy slagging Killie players.
  10. Can't say I remember the boy McInroy from our games against Ayr last season. McInnes described him as someone he can bring on and improve him.
  11. Likes a goal against Hearts, but not much of a full back. Headless chicken with poor positioning.
  12. @Clarko_son has ordered two. One to wash, one to wear.
  13. I hated the streaming phase of the pandemic. I felt so disconnected from the game while watching it on a laptop. If I can't make a game I'll not be watching it from my house as I found the experience really didn't engage me. I still bought every stream at the time mind you, but I was delighted when we could go back in again. I do, however, in spite of my personal lack of enjoyment of the streams, think clubs should be allowed to sell streams both domestically and abroad via their website etc. The black out is outdated nonsense and not particularly relevant to the mass media age we live in today.
  14. Correct. Hence why I said "perspective is important". It rained at my son's school fun run today, but that is not the fault of Dumbarton FC.
  15. Surely an altruistic gesture shouldn't be dependent upon such conditions? You either want to help the community or you don't, it shouldn't have any relationship with who the manager is. After all, it was you who suggested it.
  16. It's not elitist. It's a minor, overpriced perk package. Anyone buying it will almost certainly be doing so as a way of putting some revenue into the club. It's not classist to buy season tickets or hospitality or sponsor a player. This is no different. An awful lot of hand wringing going on in here at the minute.
  17. The club are in a bit of a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" position with the good denizens of this thread. They launch a fundraising perk package and are told "it's stupid to buy it" and "it's elitist(!)". Yet if they took no action they'd be shouted down as well. Perspective is important. Just because the owners are a shower of p***ks doesn't mean that everything the club does day to day is abject and awful.
  18. There's nothing to stop you buying a season ticket for someone who can't already. There might not be an official club scheme for it, but there's no barrier to you doing it.
  19. Slow. Decent enough passer if lacking creativity. Centre mid stay in the centre circle and retain / win possession type. Reasonable if a bit meh. Poor over the winter but so were most then, picked up a bit of consistency towards end of season.
  20. "A clear failure by Dumbarton FC to house prospective players in the central belt. Farrell out." - FifeSons.
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