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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Agreed. The club is having it's turn on the turbulence rota. A look at the neighbours shows how well a club can be run, they're making strides on and off the pitch and their youth to first team pathway is excellent. But they had to go through years of misery to get where they are now and build back better to borrow a phrase from the English prime minister. A tale of two clubs. Football is cyclical as someone said on here the other day.
  2. Sam Muir wasn't good enough for L1 or L2. I'm sure he's a nice kid, but he's a junior level player. As for our signings, we're definitely going for a theme of mid 20s with L1/L2 experience and workmanlike rather than marquee. It remains to be seen if that's the right idea, but after last season's failed experiment of blending mid 30s marquee signings with teens, I'm happy to see a change of tactics in recruitment. We'll absolutely need proper CFs though. If we go another full season again with "forwards" or converted right mids up top instead of natural strikers then we'll find ourselves in a boring, frustrating slog.
  3. Bryson is made of chocolate, but on paper a very good signing and generally Stenny seem to be putting together a decent squad. As Francesc Fabregas said, signings like that at this level usually go one of two ways; great success or abject failure with very little middle ground usually.
  4. I share your concerns, but I've decided to try out optimism as a new thing.
  5. I'm going to put my head above the parapet and say recruitment has been decent so far, and paired with the existing squad members I'm cautiously optimistic. L2 is a tight league of similar quality sides, so I don't think anyone will be a runaway leader. Success, failure or mediocrity will be hard fought and decided by consistency, and that's where Farrell will really be challenged.
  6. What can you tell us about him from his time at Stenny?
  7. I sent that exact text to Clarko_son during the game last night.
  8. Burke moving on. Wants to play. Good luck to him wherever he ends up.
  9. Drumchapel is one of the largest schemes in Europe and is built on drugs and bigotry. I may be biased due to my heritage, but f**k Drumchapel.
  10. Rangers are partly to blame for that state. The club sacked the decent groundsman for a below par replacement, and the **** sent the apprentice because nobody wants to work with the Sons groundsman.* *straight from the **** groundstaff
  11. Every one of us, including The Moonster now (soon), has weans. Time marches ever onward.
  12. All good points, and as I said, I appreciate budgets need to be balanced. But it still feels too high to yer aul da. Not that it affects me generally though, as Rugby Park is an away game to me and as such I generally attend actual away games.
  13. New walk up prices seem a wee bit OTT. Appreciate budgets need to be balanced, but could potentially turn away the casual passing customer.
  14. Always liked mcniff. Happy with that signing. He played loads of positions for us when he was a young player making his way in first team football; left Ch, left back, left mid, centre mid, left wing back. Always looked like left CH would be his eventual position. Good signing for me.
  15. Carlo was decent. Works hard and isn't shite. But for balance, remember that he was a stand out in a dreadful team. And not a Dom Thomas exceptional stand out. It's always easy to eulogise about people after the fact. He's a decent player, but I honestly thought he'd have joined a League One side.
  16. It's pretty cheap. An afternoon tea is usually about £60.
  17. He's worded that really poorly. Had he said "It'll give the guys a chance to have some team bonding before the action starts", I'd have had no problem with it, even though it can be interpreted to mean the same thing.
  18. We were definitely plodding and one dimensional before McInnes arrived.
  19. Not sure how I feel about the Power signing. He looked like he had slowed down in his last season with us, was always a likely booking, was part of our relegation and jumped ship. Feels like a sideways move at best. But I wasn't entirely convinced that Alston was the right signing last summer mind you...
  20. Azovstal has fully surrendered, all of the Azov Battalion have surrendered to Russians and RU have declared "victory in Mariupol". Unclear yet whether they'll be part of a prisoner swap, war trials or some mix of outcomes.
  21. She was giving the barman a lecture for moving tables in the supporters bar the other week. The barman who is in charge of the supporters bar and had moved the tables for customer convenience. She's a busy body oddball.
  22. 3 seemingly reasonable signings so far.
  23. A guy who should be playing for Dumbarton Riverside or similar. Would struggle to get a game with the Sons supporters team. Utterly dreadful.
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