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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. I have a whatsapp group with my mum and 2 sisters that we communicate on daily. Speak to my dad by call or text every few months. Almost never speak to my various step siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and the like. Just not a big one for family stuff really.
  2. Richard Sinclair is a cracking fella. Neil McGowan is a good laugh. David Fernandez was a really sweet humble guy. Had a good laugh with Alan Combe at a supporters club night. Dylan Kerr cheats at pool. Spoke to Andy Graham outside the Rock one day and mentioned Ross Forsyth hadn't looked the part since recently signing. I then went to walk off but he kept talking in great depth about fitba for about 10 minutes and wouldn't let me end the conversation. Just a really friendly guy with a passion for the sport.
  3. Buy an Ltd online. It's £12.50 and takes 10 minutes. Register online as self employed. Open a Starling business account, takes 10 minutes. Job done. Liability insurance isn't especially expensive for single entities either, if you just want it to cover the basics.
  4. The old girl was looking grand in the sun earlier.
  5. We were like a different team yesterday. Lafferty adds the dimension we have sorely been missing. Still a long way to go and he can't carry the team himself, but yesterday gives me cautious hope we can do it.
  6. It doesn't really matter who we have fit as they're all shitebags.
  7. When I moved to Bonhill about 15 years ago I got a bus from Alexandria station up the hill home. It goes through some weird grey estates with names and numbers instead of streets. Some ned decided the bus was pulling away to swiftly as he was disembarking so pulled a clawhammer out his plastic bag and smashed the bus doors in as it pulled away. Also while living there some wee p***k pointed a crossbow out a close window at me. Aged about 17 on a number 2 bus in Clydebank on a Friday night some ned appeared out of the darkness as the bus slowed at a roundabout leaving Faifley and fucked a Buckie bottle off the window my old dear was sitting at. Window held and I counted my lucky stars she had given me the aisle seat. Got on the wrong train to work one morning and found it was some limited stop express service. Somewhere after the train voice said chatelherault we went under a bridge and some p***k chucked a rock onto the carriage roof at about 9am on a Wednesday.
  8. Went I went to Forfar with Dumbarton the bus tyres were slashed and we had to wait a bit longer in the pub after the game. Not the biggest problem ever.
  9. Yes. Yes. Drew loads of cocks on a desk, chair, filing cabinet, wall and floor in school. Then realised I was sitting amongst a sea of pencil cocks and decided to let the teacher know I'd "found some graffiti" to take the heat off myself.
  10. It was the return to school in August that resulted in me getting ill. After the 1st week back.
  11. The guts of 5000 pages? Can you summarise? Preferably into a single, short paragraph.
  12. Did he indeed? I haven't read the thread through. But if he wants to debate that with my wheezing, lifeless corpse he's welcome to.
  13. Still having bouts of breathlessness, confusion, aches, sleeplessness and exhaustion circa 7 months after getting the Rona. It's some laugh so it is.
  14. The Moonster is wee enough that he could stand up inside your average double oven. A bored housewife could use him as a dildo.
  15. https://www.reed.co.uk/courses/oven-cleaning-course-and-career-cpd-certified-special-discount-offer--only-19/55504 Disdain not included.
  16. Literally did. About an hour ago. Pishing in paint buckets was common on building sites back in the day if you needed to thin your paint FYI.
  17. I'm kicking arse at Fortnite, Mario Kart and Mario Odyssey, but if I ever see Cuphead or Minecraft ahgain I'll smash the console to pieces and blame the dug.
  18. There's a dead rat in the toilet block of my office, so I had a pish in a 2 gallon tub of paint and put the lid back on. When the painters come in tomorrow for materials I'm going to let them take it. It's magnolia anyway.
  19. It bothers me generally, but when it's something that I'm really knowledgeable in it drives me into a murderous rage.
  20. My son keeps asking me to bring his Nintendo Switch to his mum's house and I keep saying I will but I've forgotten. I haven't forgotten, I'm just enjoying playing it too much to give it to him.
  21. I routinely get asked for my opinion, give it in an accurate, detailed and easily understandable manner and then get a reply of "I'll check with my dad". She's 33.
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