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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. As a lazy, moderately wealthy man myself, I enjoy sending my staff to do these things for people like you. Cheers!
  2. No, it's ceramic. You'd need a cast iron cigarette to light it off that. I only wired the c**t in the previous Sunday. Daft cow.
  3. You "getting someone out" to clean your oven is the least surprising thing iv read on here. Believe it or not there's a whole cottage industry around professional oven cleans. There's even training courses. Training courses to learn how to scrub an oven in order to exploit lazy, bourgeois scum. Scum like KnightswoodBear.
  4. She set fire to the brand new (white) cooker yesterday. Scorched all the buttons and knobs (stop giggling, you immature cretins) and filled the house with smoke. It's been in a week.
  5. The exact same cultish learned response you see from every q anon conspiracy nut when challenged on how their views are flawed. Whenever backed into a corner they always come back with "I'm not saying this is my opinion, I'm just saying do your own research". A classic coward's fall back. The non position of someone afraid or unable to stand up for the point they've tried to make.
  6. The lady who said it did so to satirise the dreadful police advice that women should stay home after dark. Don't be part of the problem.
  7. This is the kind of shit that broke my marriage. I fully support it.
  8. When you're ready to discuss things like an adult, you can join in adult discussion on serious topics. Until then, find something constructive to fill the gap in your life and save making an arse of yourself and derailing topics you aren't mature enough to participate in meaningfully.
  9. Never understood the need for some people to make any topic all about them, regardless of the fact it isn't. I believe it reflects a desperate need in their lives. Which sums throbber up perfectly. Entirely cack handed approach from the police and their paymasters last night and again with their statement. A massive own goal where instead of a delicate, compassionate, measured approach, they've destroyed public trust in them further, especially with the very group of people who they most needed to build bridges with. Staggeringly poor approach which should open people's eyes to the police as an institution.
  10. Yes I also have many experiences of cops harassing, intimidating and mistreating me. As do my family and my friends. But there's a section of society (the same section who support the military and right wing government) who will defend the police in the face of all evidence to the contrary.
  11. Some of the stories and opinions that these multiple people have shared with me with glee would make your blood both boil and run cold. They are sociopaths .
  12. Of course my experience is purely personal and anecdotal, but I can't recall a positive interaction with a police officer in my lifetime whilst they've been on duty. Stereotypes may often be unfair and biased and passe, but isn't it interesting that the stereotypes and opinion towards police is so universal? These reputations don't come from nowhere.
  13. On the side topic of weird teachers, my guidance counsellor was a chronic alcoholic science teacher who got drinker and stunk more and more of whisky as the day went on. Full on slurring his words by afternoon. Other than the kids commenting among themselves about it, it was never mentioned and went on for years (and had been going on for years). One of the tech teachers was a sadist on a power trip with a sheer hatred of children and who would intimidate and threaten kids routinely. A couple of the teachers were very obviously in the middle of breakdowns or on the verge of them. That particular school generally was very old, dilapidated and had a general air of belligerence and violence of varying degrees of severity was a daily occurrence. None of the teachers ever intervened in it and would openly pass such incidents by. If victims complained to the closest passing teacher they were instantly dismissed. A whole culture of negativity. This was mid 90s. Some of the teachers who taught me had also taught my mum 30 years earlier. Thankfully they bulldozed the place.
  14. I know several serving police officers. The idea that they are bastions of goodness is absurd. It's an open secret that people only join to get some power and that they're of a particularly unpleasant personality type in the first place. Sadly it's no surprise that there is a long list of them who've been jailed for crimes. The list of them who've done terrible things with impunity and gone unpunished is far, far, far longer.
  15. I'm not sure young Brindley is a DM. Mulumbu is deployed as a playmaker at Killie. A lazy one who isn't asked to get forwards or back, but nevertheless. So any midfielder(s) played alongside him are always tasked with the ball winning role, whether it suits them or not. And I'm very curious as to who the wee man's "Killie insider" is, given that I'm literally THE Killie / Sons connection.
  16. You must have replied to the wrong post then, you daft c**t. And anyway, I've not been infectious for months. If the good denizens of the jewel of West Dunbartonshire arent dying of Covid any longer, it's probably because they're all too busy dying of alcoholism, fuel poverty, drugs, the Glasgow Effect and shame.
  17. Square go. You as well. Bring yer maw. What's this about?
  18. We were looking like the team who would win this game until Tommy's half time double substitution.
  19. It speaks Volumes that there isn't a single team line of ours that I'm ever excited about. Squad full of dross, with not enough quality. Badly imbalanced.
  20. ^^^ Afraid of the concept of unconditional love.
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