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Posts posted by Clyde01

  1. I’m thinking it must be a flat back 4 with Rumsby and docherty as full backs just sitting back and defending. If they go forward they are lambs to the slaughter.

    If it’s the usual 352 then can’t see who will play the Rwb role and docherty would get absolutely exposed at lwb.

    Looks like Lennon’s drawn the starting 11 out of a tombola machine. Dreadful stuff.

  2. Yet again yesterday we’re seeing Tade come off the bench to make an impact with the assist. When is DL gna realise he needs to drop Jones and start Tade from the start even if he does only last for 60/70mins. Disappointing we never got the 3 points yesterday as I felt we were the better team but we never used the conditions to our advantage and we paid for that. Lucky we got at point at the end. Desperately need a win or even a draw at Firhill next week before the crunch match. But we can’t afford to let Peterhead/Dumbarton/Falkirk get too far ahead on points so hopefully this point turns things around. 

    Don’t think we need to worry about Falkirk, the bottom four of us, Dumbarton, Peterhead and east fife is what we should focus on. Two massive home games vs east fife and Peterhead coming up soon. If we can get 6 points there we will be still in the fight by January.
  3. Dont know the constitution of the CIC but expect owners will have same powers as if a Ltd company then provided sufficient owners call an EGM (extraordinary general meeting) they could demand to be given this information.  After all the owners own the club the directors are just there to run the business on a day to day basis so the owners are entitled to know things such as how much is in the bank.
    Not sure the furlough money would be extra money to spend as that would have just been paid back out to the employees.  The grant such as the £50k grant that was received by all clubs was ringfenced as not to be spent on players and I think most clubs used the money to invest in the TV system for streaming games.
    However if there is any other grants then other teams might be using this money to invest in the team as really just extra income over budget.
    Clyde are at a distinct disadvantage from other clubs who own their ground who are able benefit from trackside advertising, renting it out or using it on a daily basis as cafe/restaurant and matchday revenue.
    My office is just round the corner from the Alloa's ground and it is let out all the time, had advertising all the way round the ground.  Expect this extra income will be significant over the year.

    There are other teams that rent a ground and seem to be better run/financed than us. Also you are only focussing on the incomes from ownership what about maintenance costs, mortgage costs, etc. We pay nothing but a fairly reasonable rent to cover all that. We need to do more to generate incomes. Instead of bleating about pitch side advertising why not look at putting extra boards in the corners owned by the club. Or large tarps over the swathes of empty seats in the south or away stands to generate extra advertising incomes.
  4. We are looking at guys out of favour or not getting game time at other clubs to try and entice in during January. As I’ve mentioned before the boy Watson released by Dunfermline, realistic or not I’d be tabling our best offer and praying he takes us up. As well as a centre half we need a left back, a right back, a sitting midfielder, a striker. The full spine of the team needs strengthened.

  5. This waiting around on players sounds like an easy excuse to me. Ray Grant has been cited as one example, I’m sure Stirling announced him early July. So he’s hardly been stringing us along all summer. We’ve been slow off the mark, not made good enough offers and ended up with jobbers as a result.

    We’ve even had guys from the league below contacting us looking for a gig and getting snapped up, it sounds like amateur hour.

  6. At least 4 maybe 5. And Im no sure the reserve goalie wouldnt be an improvement on Parry. A Right back, an attacking mod, a striker and a winger and a centre back. BUt will the board allow this? Are they happy to have us in league 2 with the odd shot at playoffs? Disnae look like they want to go up from League 1 and we are struggling year on year at this level with the monet available.

    There is a very real danger we will not stay in League 2, with league sizes of 10 there is not much of a ‘safety zone’ and the quality improves year on year with new clubs coming in. We need to show ambition or we will be left behind, simple as that. It’s not unrealistic for us to be a solid league one club, but we are nowhere near it with recruitment over the last couple of years.
  7. Even if by some miracle we are not marooned at the bottom by January how can we trust Lennon to recruit what is required?

    We are not talking a couple of players to fix this, we very near need a full team. The squad we have assembled is miles away from what is needed at this level, how could so many of us see that even in the summer yet none of our recruitment team could. How hard did they expect these turds could be polished?

  8. We'll be ok as the ffort was better. Falkirk were crap apparently but took 3 off us.
    Wisnae there but hearing Jones should not be allowed near the starting team again, Docherty done well and Paige was good.
    Munroe needs hunting and Mortimer oan fur Munroe in last few minutes seemed a starnge choice.
    Something needs doing. Anither forum to tell us how good the fitness coach and PJ are at there jobs?
    last four games and no goals scored from open play and 13 let in. Apply this to remaining games and we are gone. Straigt gone. No playoffs.
    By the way where wus Balatoni and Love? Same squad said the preview.....well it wasnt

    Love was injured, as for balatoni as long as it’s far away from the first 11 then who cares.
  9. The point was made last night that Andrew and McGrath were signed as more longer term projects. They may turn out to be useful players, but I’m not sure we’ve got the resources or the time to be using two summer deals like that.

    If they are out on loan and having their wages covered with a view to gaining experience and being part of our squad next season then it’s fair enough and probably not costing us much.
  10. Goodie is the only player except Cunningham to score since august. Our recruitment should have been totally based around getting a team and system to effectively service Goodie. No wonder he is frustrated with how things are going. If he gets injured we are in deep trouble as our back up striker (Jones) couldn’t score in a brothel.

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