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Posts posted by Clyde01

  1. yeah this game , pivotal IMO as to our future 
    Clyde have shown a tenacity to get a result against odds (not that we are favourites ) .
    will we have Mohammed (Highland games heavy events regular [emoji2958]) niang for this game ?
    most likely not , Cue Neil Parry making wonderful saves , The Alloa fans shouting abuse at BF
    And Clyde winning by the odd goal , but in an alternate  universe we are winning 2-1 
    in that alternate world i would go with     Taggs  Graham  Durnan Church  Robertson Scougall   Cawley Trouten Boyd Sammon  the fishiest lineup we can muster
    I do not think their  is any chance of getting Scales on loan from Celtic  [emoji846][emoji849]

    I’m looking forward to BF kneeling down to watch the game at pitch level, then losing his shit as the game goes against him.
  2. I wont stop supporting the club I have followed since my first game in 1968 but I can assure you that I genuinely will not cheer or even mildly applaud anything he were to do in a Falkirk shirt.

    Aye, if he scores the winner in the play off final and gets you promoted you’ll be sitting there stoney faced and raging.
  3. My worry is that DGW has had his head turned.  He might feel that, if there have been offers, that means his penance has been done and he's got a shot at a bigger club.
    Would we find ourselves having to accept that derisory offer and reinvest the money, or have an unhappy player going through the motions?

    If he feels that way maybe he should have a read of the Falkirk or raith threads to see how welcome he would be…
  4. Looking at his tweet from last week too for some context I think he means shouts (singular) heard rather than chants by a group.

    He does go on to say ‘a little bit more naughtier’ so it’s clear grammar is not his strong point and he’s a bit thick.

    Completely unacceptable if that has been shouted obviously.

  5. Yes, because society needs people who rape to be allowed to go back into the highly privileged position they were previously in.

    At no point have I said he shouldn’t have a life anymore. It’s entirely wrong for him to be in the position he is currently in though. But as long as there’s clubs like Clyde to keep these guys going then nothing will really change.

    He’s went from earning thousands of pounds a week down south to slumming it in the lower reaches of Scottish football on a part time wage.

    It’s hardly as highly privileged as you think and that’s before the regular abuse he receives whilst doing his job. (Yes, I know he’s brought that on himself).

  6. Why does he maintain he did no wrong when he did?

    On the balance of probabilities.

    Imo a crime as serious as rape and a label as damaging as rapist should not be decided in a civil court without the burden of proof. Whilst I understand proof can be difficult to obtain in a rape case, it should be a criminal court matter not a civil court matter.

    How many other rape cases have been decided in a civil court? And more pertinently why was this particular case taken there?

  7. There is no real line tbh mate but if there was I’d say rape is on the wrong side of it. However, to become properly rehabilitated the person must actually apologise and show remorse for their actions. Goodwillie hasn’t done that bit still maintained he did no wrong.

    It’s besides the point really as he could apologise for it until he’s blue in the face but there would still be no place for rapists in football. He should “rehabilitate” himself elsewhere.

    Why would he apologise if he maintains he did no wrong?
  8. We’ve seen the virtue signalling and posturing all before. The truth is if you do sign DG it will make no significant difference to your attendance. A few will stick to their guns and stop attending, maybe that will be offset by more fans turning up if you can get a winning team on the park. The outrage around the signing will subside as the goals rattle in and DG will score plenty of goals, he’s the best striker outside of the premier league imo. From that perspective I hope you don’t sign him and he stays at Clyde.

  9. I would suggest you give him hell every game, let him know exactly how shite you think he is. He is so petulant and up himself that he will react and make a tit of himself, maybe enough to lead to him leaving. Bob Malcolm is the same, utter clowns. I’m amazed he got a gig at this level, all the same flaws as his time at Clyde being mentioned by the posters on here. Only reason he succeeded at kelty is financial muscle.

  10. Lennon mentioned the size of the pitch post match which was ludicrous.
    I can only go by what I’ve seen and the game should’ve finished 3 or 4 to Clydebank.
    im not a Bankies fan but have attended their games against Elgin and Clyde as well as a couple of their league games.
    Cup ties are sometimes skewed by poor pitches but that wasn’t the case is all I’m saying.Clydebank were just the better team with better players.
    Looking at Clyde’s results either side of the cup tie they’ve been getting results in League 1 which says something about the standard.

    As someone else mentioned when Clyde beat Celtic in the Scottish cup it was 2-1 going on 4 or 5. I couldn’t believe not just the result but how much we dominated them. We were a mid to lower championship team at the time and got bodied 4-0 off Gretna in the next round. Think you are trying to read too much into the result. There is a massive gulf from League 1 to the west of Scotland league. Darvel weren’t particularly impressive against Brechin for example.
  11. Didn't even fall out with him mate, just stopped giving him the time of day and dropped him with no explanation, tells you all you need to know about him 

    Sums him up really, complete arsehole of a man. The entitled arrogance absolutely pours off him. He’s a terrible manager and only succeeds when throwing ridiculous cash around, the ibrox way really. Only disappointment was I wasn’t there yesterday to watch him seethe in person.
  12. The only reason we are in touch is DGW.
    If you have the top goalscorer in the country then you would expect to be near the top of the table rather than 9th.
    Without DGW we would be easily in 10th.

    That’s the really frustrating thing, with a player of Goodies quality we could easily be pushing for promotion if we had built a fairly solid but unspectacular League one standard side. He is a difference maker that no other team at this level has. We will rarely (if again) have a player of that quality at our disposal. Instead we are struggling to survive because we have surrounded him mostly with guys who wouldn’t be out of place in the lowland league.

    It’s remarkable he’s the top scorer in the full SPFL when you see the dross he is surrounded by every week.

  13. No, don’t agree. Nothing to do with arrogance. QP are a decent team in League One but certainly no better than a lower half Championship team.
    How many times in our recent history have we lost 6-0 going on ten, in the third tier of Scottish football?
    Yesterday was the worst Falkirk performance I have ever seen and I’m 58……

    Worse than getting done 6-1 at Brockville off of the famous bully wee?
  14. Let's take the positives from this.  Rescuing a draw from 0-2 down feels far better than squandering a 2-0 lead.  We maintained the gap over East Fife and closed up on Dumbarton by a point.  We play a team with a naive manager who we have already beaten in 2021 next so the possibility of getting out of the play off position next Saturday is there.
    While I agree that Lennon's recruitment and tactics have been questionable this season haranguing him during the game won't achieve anything.  Get off his case.
    Many have said DL /AM should go now.  And replace them with whom exactly?
    Why was the scorer of Peterhead's first goal (name escapes me) not booked for a confrontational celebration in front of the Clyde fans?
    Here's hoping Ross Cunningham is okay.  He looked to be in serious pain when being put on the stretcher. 

    This is comical, Danny Lennon has had the easiest ride ever as a Clyde manager because he got us promoted and comes across as a nice guy. If he is getting pelters on a match day it is LONG overdue based on performances for the last year or two. I’m sure it’s still mild compared to what some other recent managers have received.

    Those who are still bothering to turn up (and fair play to them) deserve to make their feelings known. So you stick to happy clapping and let’s others do as they wish…
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