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Posts posted by Clyde01

  1. Wonder if Danny has been on the phone to that Watson lad released by Dunfermline last week. An experienced CB, he would be straight in to our lineup. Might have some better offers and can’t sign professionally until January but could get him in as an amateur till then. His attitude sounds questionable to be fair but we are desperate and he’s miles better than what we currently have.

  2. If these guys weren’t first choice signings (which I hope they weren’t) then why come out with pish like this:

    We are crying out for a RB and Mortimer can’t get near the team. Lennons comments would have you thinking we signed the next Cafu.

    There are other belters as well, such as how well coached and technically able Paul ‘can’t take a throw in’ Kennedy is.

    Marky Munro described as ‘a very very good defender’.

    Just laughable comments to justify the signing of utter dross.

  3. I understand Rob Jones hasn’t set the heather alight, and he’s a frustrating player but this is a comment out of frustration and anger. I can think of plenty players off the top of my head worse than him and he isn’t even the worst player we have signed this season. Clyde fans love a hyperbole, drama and a scapegoat

    I’m going to stop you right there, he is fucking awful. He looks like he has never played a game of football before. Just because we have signed a load of other dross doesn’t take anything away from this.

    Where as some of the other guys were more of an unknown we knew all too well that Jones was awful. We signed him to ‘provide us with a plan b’. What exactly is plan b then? Because he is a waste of a jersey.
  4. He almost has to go back to what he did when he first arrived. Shut up shop and make us hard to beat, even if that loses a bit of cutting edge going forward. We are absolutely haemorrhaging goals at the moment. Although with the personnel at hand that isn’t easy, Falkirk hammered us earlier in the season despite us playing defensively.

    My patience with Lennon is wearing thin and the squad that has been put together this season is an abomination. We need answers as to why things are so bad, was it purely financial? Reading some of his comments from when we signed these duds is comical. Ok your not going to come out and say they were all we could afford but the waxing lyrical looks embarrassing to say the least in hindsight.

    Two things (apart from sentiment) make me think we should give Lennon more time to turn things around. 1. Could anyone else realistically do better with the current squad.
    2. Who else is out there with the experience of our current management team that we could expect to bring in.

    We need to see a big improvement in performance over the next run of games, that’s for sure. Cove had been in poor form and seemingly breezed past us today without getting out of 2nd gear. Falkirk have been similarly poor lately so we need to be looking to get something next week. The home game against east fife in a month or so is starting to look massively important too.

  5. Not been up to cove yet so was planning to make the trip. Last Saturday has left me thoroughly demoralised so not going to bother.

    Team needs freshened up surely and no idea how he will lift them from last weeks horror show. Munro in at RB would be a start and hopefully Cuddihy fit to play in midfield after going off last week. If page is fit stick him in for balatoni (or Rumsby) at least one of them needs dropped.


    Munro Rumsby page elsdon Livingston
    Gomis cuddihy
    Goodwillie Cunningham

  6. https://www.clydefc.co.uk/news/2021/10/19/6934/#.YW7K4BrMK00   Tue, 19th Oct 2021 2:31pm

    Club Chairman Gordon Thomson spoke to official website following Saturday's match against Montrose:-

    “When I first came into this role, I said that progress would not be a straight line. Saturday was a brutal example of that. When I started, I wanted supporters to be the key part of the solution in improving the status and sustainability of our club. Last week saw the first meetings of the working groups that will help to achieve that goal, but the defeat against Montrose was a reminder of the volatility of the game and how we can’t ignore what happens on the pitch as we build for a better future.

    “Since becoming chairman I think I have missed two training sessions, so I have seen at first hand the preparation for matches and the intensity of the training. During the international break I met with Danny and Graham to review the first quarter as part of our regular run of meetings. Issues are not ignored or poor performances accepted as the norm. Work will intensify to turn results around in order to repeat the positive performances that we have experienced in certain matches this season.

    “Prior to the weekend’s match, we had confirmed a Football Forum for supporters on the 26th October and hopefully I will be able to confirm arrangements as soon as possible. The forum will be held to give supporters an opportunity - away from match day - to air their views. Frustrations and anger expressed is not surprising but the positive backing of supporters is also a critical factor in matches ahead. Our legendary trainer Mattha Gemmell once commented that Clyde supporters needed their “hearts cast in a foundry” and that remains true to this day.

    “Danny spoke, as he always does, post-match and his hurt was evident. This league is certainly cut throat as weaknesses are exploited and as results have proven, no club is assured of victory in any match. However, to repeat the positives that we have experienced this season, we all know that improvement has to occur and supporters can be assured that everyone behind the scenes will play their part to work harder and try to ensure we meet our expectations for this season."

    Just seen this on the website [emoji6]

    I’d like to hear more detail on what matches he considers to be positive performances this season. Our performances have ranged from uninspiring to absolutely awful. As has been pointed out before we were extremely lucky to grab a point at Montrose and the home wins vs alloa and cove were both against the run of play.

    Results tend to paper over a poor performance but there aren’t many games we’ve played well or even been the better side. There isn’t a clear system or pattern of play being developed and the signings we have made don’t look as if they were made with any foresight to how we would play. That’s before you factor in most of them not being good enough.

    Off the top of my head we’ve got Doherty, Mortimer, Munro, nicoll, Andrew, McGrath all of whom have not had a run in the team (or been loaned out) because they aren’t good enough.
  7. Five, count 'em, five goals for the glorious Mo.

    Missed the first goal on Saturday as I wasn’t even in my seat yet but brilliant movement, overhead kick and first time finish. Our defence though made it all too easy.

    The rest of the goals are just horrific, school boy stuff. Absolutely roasted down the flanks, balatoni has had a shocker and is at fault for at least 3 of the goals. (Just look at how far he is from his man on the 5th).

    The cheap way we lost possession by splaine for the 4th and Jones for the 5th is pathetic.

    We made Montrose look like Real Madrid, utterly hapless.
  8. The signings are obviously questionable but so are some of the retentions we have made. Rumsby over mcniff being one, mcniff isn’t great but he’s better than Rumsby. 
    Cuddihy I don’t think is good enough for league 1 and as much as Ally Love tries hard and has scored some important goals, I don’t think he’s overall consistently good enough for league 1 either. 
    The whole thing is a shambles from top to bottom just now. 

    Mcniff wasn’t great at left back but not massively worse than what we have there now. At cb he would walk into the team over what we have now. You also have howie not in the team at alloa who would be a first pick for us and Ray grant not regularly in the team at Stirling but would be a stick on at cdm for us. Frustrating we didn’t make more effort to sign/retain guys like that instead of bulking up on dross.

    ETA: harsh on Cuddihy, I would say he is one of a very small group of players we have that are up to standard.
  9. What an absolute shambles. I thought the performance vs airdrie was amateur at times but today eclipsed that and then some. We have over achieved this season so far and today has been coming with the squad of absolute shite we have cobbled together.

    There’s not a decent full back in the squad, Cuddihy the best but more needed in midfield. The central defenders are dreadful, even elsdon who has been steady so far had a shocker today. Midfield again nowhere near good enough, how many times did splaine lose possession today and Kennedy can’t even take a throw in. No wonder Goodie looks frustrated at times, he’s surrounded by absolute shite.

    We’ve got two RB’s on the bench who are not good enough, so much so Danny played Rumsby out there today where he got absolutely slaughtered. We’ve got Doherty who has disappeared because it was obvious from day 1 he wasn’t good enough. We are wasting money on too many dross players and didn’t even bring in any loans (apart from a young boy who looks out of his depth).

    We are stuck with this utter rabble until at least January, by which time we will be marooned at the bottom. Depressing stuff.

    Had been planning to travel up next Saturday but f**k that, will be lucky if I bother with Falkirk at home the following week.

  10. I'd love to see Cuddihy in the middle of the park again but at the moment he's undoubtedly our best choice on the right.
    I'd quite like to see Page too if I'm honest, taking Rumsby out of the team for a bit might be slightly unfair but after the the Airdrie performance it's probably time.

    It wouldn’t be unfair, he is gash.
  11. Well that the first quarter of the season over and we have played everyone in the league now.
    Now is the time to give reflection of the season so far.
    On 11 points think we have more than we should have based on performances to date. 
    I dont think we have put in one good performance all season so far.
    But for some magic by DGW in some of the games we would be on about 4 or 5 points and be in 9th position.
    Not looking go so far unfortunately DL.

    It’s worrying that despite not being in a great position by any means it can still be viewed as over-achieving given the squad of absolute jobbers we’ve assembled.

    Remember you can still sponsor Billy Mortimer though [emoji23].

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Dreadful performance, absolute school boy stuff at times. The cheap loss of possession for the goal and inability to take a throw in was amateur stuff.

    The only positive was it didn’t turn into the annihilation that the first 30 mins hinted it could be.

    How the hell Gomis cant get in the starting 11 is beyond me.

    Robert Jones offered absolutely nothing and was a waste of a jersey again.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. Bo’ness the better side and ran out comfortable winners in the end. Only seen Bo’ness Saturday and tonight but they have a few decent players. Former Clyde man matty Flynn did well when he came on but not the most mobile at times. Wick number 8 was one of the best players on the park IMO. 

  14. Leaves a bad taste in the mouth that Wick have basically saved themselves from elimination and have another crack at progression due to an act of thuggery.

    I’m not saying the No5 meant for that severe an injury but that’s the risk when you take a player out as recklessly as he did.

    He gets to take the field again on Tuesday whilst Bo’ness have to do it all again without one of their best attacking players. Doesn’t seem right to me.

  15. Went along as a neutral today, decent match. Even from the opposite end of the ground could see that tackle was a shocker. Hopefully the lad is ok, who knows how long he’ll be waiting for an ambulance. Amazed it wasn’t a red card, very poor from the officials. 

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