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Everything posted by Clyde01

  1. If this had a few more B'Jesus' chucked in I would swear you wrote it. Deluded pish. Whilst you maintain your throbber that beating formartine means something we will be travelling up to the arctic circle to give you diddies a tanking.
  2. I can understand BF being ambitious and applying for these jobs but he hasn't achieved anything of note with us yet. Why would a full time club gamble on him? If anything the signs with us are that he doesn't particularly coach or develop his players and has questionable man management and motivation skills. Maybe st mirren want someone who will work really hard without achieving very much. To be fair, we did come close to promotion last season and still should be contesting this year (despite horrendous luck with injury to marque signings). I would rather BF stuck it out with us and hopefully his ambition will align with our desire to go up. For him personally though that is a gamble as if we don't go up this season his reputation is in the shitter. With the injuries and little scope to replace them maybe he feels the writing is on the wall and better to cut his loses and try and jupe someone into giving him a full time job now.
  3. I have no issue with him getting praise, he is a good player and we will miss him. However, I'm not willing to write the season off despite losing 2 of our marque signings. We should still have enough to challenge and hopefully others will step up to the plate. In particular Flynn, who now has the chance to become a main man.
  4. I didn't say he would be barely missed or that we would be a better team without him. I just said there may be less emphasis on one player all the time. Maybe try reading posts before you reply to them.
  5. So BF is now bulletproof for the season as any time criticism is due the injuries will be brought up. It is a factor of course but can't really excuse his love of playing players out of position or rarely improving any player that signs with us. I still expect us to make the playoffs with what we have and find it cringeworthy how defensive some on here are of BF. Although losing Easton is undoubtedly a blow, he seems to have become closer and closer to being Messi of late. Facts are he loves to showboat and rarely makes a pass to (often) better placed team mates. Maybe we can become more of an attacking unit rather than a one man show.
  6. I'm sure the support us or we are going to f**k of elsewhere attitude will go down a storm.
  7. [emoji23] Hibs will get absolutely Malmo'd home and away. Zero points. Thankfully they don't issue negative points!
  8. FC Midtjylland and Brondby both won last night so Denmark should have 0.5 instead of 0.25 surely?
  9. Because he has brought in far better players on a bigger budget than any of his predecessors. This leads to more expectation and less room for error. Nothing to do with your club and country pish. Last season we were unlucky but this season promotion and winning at least 1 cup tie are requirements for him to stay in a job.
  10. Yawn. . . You are the only one who continually mentions this.
  11. To be perfectly honest I can't see why the other strikers were offered a contract ahead of him either. He was the only one that looked like scoring regularly. We certainly have a lot more creativity in the side now so let's hope someone can stick the ball in the net.
  12. Exactly, if the club are needing at least 520 in the crowd to break even then why not head along and hopefully see us give thistle under 20s a pumping. Hardly bragging material but would be pleasing none the less to see us smash them. Also another game to gel the team for the more important business of winning the league.
  13. Doesn't really fit the clue of having a tough time with injuries. He has been a regular at QOTS. Would be an excellent signing at this level mind but I can't see it happening.
  14. I remember us being linked with Diego Maradona Jr during the first division pushing for promotion spell. Did he ever actually play for us? ETA: it would appear not from his Wikipedia page
  15. Higgins, The Beast and someone that can actually catch a ball please!
  16. 48 posts in and no sign of a single Edinburgh city fan. I'm sure that will replicate the meadowbank experience too. Diddies!
  17. With wee fergie, Linton, Flynn and Easton we have plenty capable players of a similar mould. What we need now is a striker to finish off all the chances we should create.
  18. Ironic that signing the King of the premature tweets has led to a flurry of premature unstoppable/winning league tweets.
  19. Gemmell put himself about and did everything he could in that match. Any questioning of his commitment to the cause is wrong imo.
  20. Pleased with Linton and marsh resigning. The other 3 are pretty meh. . . Gemmell, junior, Millen would be nice next and a pacey goal scoring striker.
  21. Glad you are admitting Alloa are diddies but unfortunately well off diddies at the moment after a couple of seasons in the championship. You will find your natural level again soon.
  22. Just seen that Derek Riordan is looking for a club in Scotland. Apparently keen for one last shot to prove his doubters wrong. Worth a punt? Longworth and Riordan would certainly be an exciting front two!
  23. Bit early to make that claim surely! When we signed Archie Campbell for example lots of fans from his old clubs were saying great signing, far too good for this level, will stroll it etc and he turned out to be pish. Your man McCord looks like a good signing on paper but has hardly kicked a ball for months and injury prone. Prunty again looks like a great signing but time will tell how he performs.
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