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Everything posted by Clyde01

  1. Just to be clear I was not blaming Gauld, just stating his progress has suffered due to injuries and loangate breaking up any momentum he seems to gather. However, I see most people who aren’t complete simpletons have grasped that’s what I meant.
  2. Didn’t realise he was under contract until 2020, in which case they won’t release him. Likely it will be another loan again next season. We keep hearing people talk about his successful loan and how it was pulled early (madness obviously) but didn’t he only play half a dozen games before that happened. He seems to suffer from a lack of momentum career wise, things start to go well and he gets an injury or loan pulled etc Wherever he ends up next though it really needs to be a success for his career to finally take off.
  3. Came on in the 86th minute tonight in a 3-0 win. This was a big season for Gauld to put down a marker. Going on loan to a newly promoted side he should have been playing week in, week out and one of their main men. Instead he has been a bit part player. Can see him being freed by sporting at the end of the season, he clearly isn’t good enough to make it with them. Disappointing.
  4. So rangers and Celtic can hoard more of the better young players?
  5. You are spouting unsubstantiated shite again with this. Why would premier clubs back a proposal that has no benefits for them and clear benefits for the old firm? Would premier clubs be happy with all their top youth prospects being snapped up by the old firm to play in their colt sides in league 2? You state one major draw back for championship sides, zero benefits, yet conclude they are all in favour. Most League one sides would realise they could easily end up in league two at some point so will be of a similar view to league two sides. Only 2 clubs really are in favour of these utter dugshite proposals.
  6. Instead of aiding youth development the colts pish might actually make it worse. Promising young players breaking through at other premier league sides, who would normally break into the first team and get premiership games under their belt, instead snapped up and stock piled by rangers and Celtic then sent to play in league 2.
  7. I think ideally we need to go for two leagues of 18 and then regionalise but there are a lot of obstacles to overcome for that model to become reality. As a compromise/transition model 12-12-18 would work. Below that have highland, lowland east, lowland west all at the same tier and with 16 teams each. There could then be a further division below each of these or perhaps further regionalisation. If (and it’s a big if) colts were to be part of that structure they should start at the tier below highland/lowland east/west level. They could then potentially be promoted one level on merit but not allowed into the 18 team merger of current leagues 1 and 2. Merging with the juniors and getting a single pyramid should be the priority over shoehorning in colt teams though imo.
  8. Love how Graeme Murty thinks he should chip in with his opinion on what’s best for Scottish football. A man who lived and played his entire career down south till he got a gig at rangers 5 minutes ago.
  9. Surely in a one off cup game there would be more chance of pulling off a result. Instead the colts have been utterly bodied. Over the course of a season this would be compounded.
  10. You are doing a shit job Neil you useless cockwomble, now kindly f**k off.
  11. Agree 100% - getting this proposal in the fucking sea is only the start. The fact that it has been allowed to get so far really shows how out of touch and incompetent the clowns running our game are. Not to mention the national team manager fiasco currently unfolding. Regan and Doncaster’s heads should roll for this insult.
  12. Clyde is your go to example of treading water? The same Clyde that were tier 2 regulars for most of the 00’s decade, knocked Celtic out of the Scottish cup, developed international players like Gordon greer and Craig Bryson. We have been shite of late but I hardly think treading water is an accurate description of our ambitions.
  13. They probably didn’t consult Cowdenbeath because you diddies will be in the lowland league next season. [emoji41]
  14. Less home games against proper teams, 6 dead rubbers against boys teams where you will barely get a 3 figure crowd, still having to pay stewarding and match costs for those games, general anger and malaise of fan base leading to lost fans and lower season ticket sales. Worth a £15K cheque?
  15. Let’s pilot replacing Doncaster and Reagan in their jobs with a couple of chimpanzees. We can review after 2 years and see if Scottish football is any worse off. I’m guessing the opposite will happen.
  16. I think we should pilot our top tier sides not signing shite foreigners and English journeymen but instead playing Scottish players. We should also enlarge the leagues to 16 or 18 to ease constant fear of relegation and encourage playing younger players. Radical ideas, right?
  17. Perhaps someone from the SFA or one of the ‘brains’ behind project brave could enlighten us all as to what this clusterfuck will improve?
  18. Still no sensible suggestion on how this will improve youth development. Any player likely to succeed at a high club level or international level will need to be playing at a higher standard than League 2. Being stuck in a boys team with one or two b-team standard players and playing against plumbers and joiners is going to do f**k all compared to the current loan system. The whole thing is just an utterly idiotic concept, is the fact Spain do it and they won the World Cup the level of logic being applied here? Get Doncaster, Regan and the SFA to f**k. These clowns are destroying our game. Would be as well expanding the championship to 12 and sticking them there if ‘youth development’ is the real agenda here. We all know it isn’t what’s driving this though.
  19. We are constantly debating the many, many sensible objections as to why this is an abhorrent idea. Has anyone yet presented an argument for this plan? What is the objective? As I have stated many times before would Callum McGregor (as an example) be a more established player for club or country if he had knocked about in League 2 for a few seasons instead of being loaned down south and to Rosenborg. Of course not, the whole thinking behind this is questionable at best.
  20. Yep, it’s hard to poke fun at well run clubs making progress when season after season we are floundering at the wrong end of the bottom league. Time to stop spouting a ‘river of shite’ and get a team on the park.
  21. As they are traveling back to the fleet they get a transmission from Poe telling them about the abandoning ship in transports plan which Del Toro hears.
  22. So Finn and rose had to go all that way to find the ‘master code breaker’ yet by coincidence some random jake ball in a prison cell could do the same job? Not only that, he was hanging around in a jail cell he could escape from on a whim. That whole storyline was reeking of shit imo. The leia bit was pish too and some of the ‘comedy’ scenes like Luke casually tossing the lightsaber away and the sad eye creatures with chewie were cringey. Why did the shuttles not try any sort of evasive manoeuvres as they were being swatted down like flies? Just keep ploughing on in a straight line to make it nice and easy to be shot down [emoji90] Didn’t really get the significance of the hundred Reys in the cave part and i didn’t think Ren’s story about her parents being nobodies is necessarily true. Despite all this I did enjoy it overall. The throne room scene was quality and luke, Rey, Ren were all good. There was a feeling of having seen it all before though due to the close parallels to the originals. The last planet was basically just Hoth, the whole master / trainee with Luke and Rey, the Snoke & Ren relationship mirroring Vader & Palpatine, even Rey in the cave was just like Luke’s swamp vision in Empire. Enjoyable sure but original definitely not.
  23. Signed with us on amateur terms this morning. Putting the mortgage on him scoring the winner, a beautiful lob from the half way line [emoji7]
  24. Has anybody yet provided a coherent answer to how playing promising youngsters in colt sides at League 2 level or below is going to have players bursting on to the international scene and taking it by storm? Would Callum McGregor be more than a fringe player for Scotland if he had been playing in a boys team vs Elgin and Montrose rather than being loaned out to Notts County and Rosenborg?
  25. Why is it ‘right and proper’ to consider these matters when almost unanimously fans want this idea thrown in the fucking sea?
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