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Everything posted by Clyde01

  1. Defence still needs work imo. At the minute it’s most likely Cuddihy, rumsby, howie, mcniff Which looks not bad but howie is untested at this level. There is also no real cover apart from Duffie at RB. Fitzpatrick does not look great so far, need another 1 or 2 cbs and a specialist lb. Take it the peter grant rumour was pish? Shame, that would have been a right good signing.
  2. A few great shouts in there. Jon Stewart, Willie sawyers & ally park are all players I remember as horrific but before duffy’s time I think. Ian gray, pat scullion, John sweeney, Jamie Barclay have all been slagged over the last few pages but to me these guys were limited but far from the worst. The fact they all made so many appearances tells you that they were actually the better players of that era [emoji33].
  3. Don’t let his burd hear you calling him shite [emoji23]
  4. Linlithgow rose had Ian gray at full back and a cb pairing of Ruari MacLennan and pat scullion for most of the match [emoji23]
  5. McStay at training tonight, sounds like he has signed on.
  6. Any news on peter grant signing. Would be decent experienced option at cb.
  7. If your geriatric fans can’t cope with a couple of kids playing a drum you best steer well clear when the shawfield boys are in town! Football is much more enjoyable with bigger crowds and a bit of atmosphere. What I’ve read on the last few pages here is pathetic at best. Being on a fast track to league 2 will probably suit you to be honest, most matches there have an atmosphere similar to the moon.
  8. Aye, I’m sure you will be setting them an example to be proud of singing songs about rapists.
  9. Airdrie Falkirk Clyde Forfar Raith East fife Peterhead Montrose Stranraer Dumbarton
  10. His bar graph brings all the boys to the yard. . .
  11. Without the points deduction I reckon we would have had the momentum to win the league. Annan and ourselves were the form teams for the second half of the season and they were also shitfest specialists. Beating them in the playoff final was a decent result. Especially after missing a pen and giving them a 1-0 lead to defend going into the second leg. I’m confident we can compete for a playoff spot but ultimately would be happy enough if we consolidate with a mid table finish.
  12. Edinburgh play at ainslie Park which has an artificial pitch. Balatoni won’t even be on our radar though and nor should he be.
  13. Nicoll always played particularly well against Stirling for some reason so can see why you’ve signed him. Came in for a lot of over the top criticism from our fans but a good, honest, tough tackling pro. Stirling are quickly becoming my 2nd team. Currie, nicoll and giving us Darren Smith. Hope you boys do well next season.
  14. There was a system in place for selecting the fixtures last season based on what position you are drawn into the group. If they use the same system I reckon it will be: Hamilton - ‘home’ Thistle - away Airdrie - home QP - away I’m assuming we were drawn last into the group as we are listed last on bbc article. (Didn’t see the draw live).
  15. Wee jake is ordering his season ticket for Broadwood as we speak so he can continue his Daz love in next season.
  16. If abramovic leaves Chelsea or sheik whoever leaves Man City they are still playing in the richest league in Europe, plus the champions league, plus regularly have crowds 30-40,000, plus have multi-million pound assets in their playing squad, plus generate huge sums in retail. I’m sure the banks would give them plenty of slack given the huge sums of cash these clubs turnover and the massive value of their assets. That situation is nowhere near the same ballpark as Kelty chucking hundreds of pounds a week at guys from lower Scottish championship or league one. If your backers walk away it will all go tits up pretty quick and there won’t be a host of clubs lining up to put in mega bids for your players. If you honestly cannot see how ridiculous it is drawing parallels with some of the richest clubs in the world then quite frankly you’re an idiot.
  17. Maybe he could also explain how to be amusing to you!
  18. Man City, Man Utd, Chelsea and Kelty Hearts [emoji23] wow! Only one of those teams has crowds of under 500 at £6 a pop. What a brain dead comparison. Barry still using the old chequebook management style he learned at Ibrox and used at Clyde. Didn’t end well in either case.
  19. Nobody even made a case for Jon to be king despite him being the true heir. Sam and Davos were 2 of his closest allies and not a fucking peep. So what if he killed some imposter bitch and pissed off a few dickless foreigners. f**k off back to Essos if you don’t like it mate. He is the king by right and instead gets sent on gardening leave to the north like a fucking failed sevco manager.
  20. Everyone agrees to a Northman as king yet the north announces its independence and not a f**k is given. Surely Dorne or the Iron Islands would have thought if that’s an option we’ll do that too.
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