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Everything posted by Clyde01

  1. The last thing we need is more clubs in the SPFL. The whole idea is complete fabricated bollocks. Being carefully packaged to try and bribe/manipulate club officials at this level into thinking it’s a good idea. If the pyramid can get sorted properly then an automatic relegation spot from League 2 should happen but NOT as part of any proposal involving colts. If Celtic want to turn an Irish side into a feeder team then good luck to them. I’d much rather that than ruining our lower leagues with their colt shite.
  2. Meh, not much action tonight. I guess some back story on Lydia and her mum was needed but having seen the preview at the end of last weeks show I spent the whole episode waiting for the confrontation scene which happened right at the end.
  3. Travelled down to Wales and lost on pens with captain nonce missing his, meanwhile back home Peterhead and Clyde are now breathing right down your neck. #Pleasing
  4. All the best, hope you make the final. That means you can put all your focus on a diddy cup whilst the big boys worry about the league. [emoji6]
  5. I certainly won’t be hurrying back. Crap stadium, hefty trek from city centre, stewards are arseholes and club officials desperately shushing criticism of a filthy beast.
  6. We don’t have club officials threatening to throw out any individual that dares to mention our players past actions.
  7. So he freely admitted to being a nonce rather than having to be found so by a jury. That hardly detracts from the point does it?
  8. Your captain sent anymore boaby shots to 12 year olds?
  9. I’m not sure a ‘big’ club would want a manager playing 10 at the back anti-football every week.
  10. Jamie Barclay looks about 20 stone and had a shocker for that 2nd Kelty goal. Some finale by the looks of it though!
  11. So initially there will be 4 colt sides in ‘league three’ but if this bollocks idea is somehow deemed a success will they then flood the league system with other colt sides? They haven’t even given the reintroduction of the reserve league time to bed in again before suggesting something that will completely destroy the game outside of the top tier in the off chance of developing a player or two.
  12. Maybe if you made your voices heard on the matter instead of burying your heads in the sand it wouldn’t be so easy for your club to employ a nonce. Instead you have the gestapo actively trying to hush any shouts towards him at your home games. The stewards didn’t bat an eyelid to a home fan shouting ‘ya fucking rapist’ at Goodwillie but threatened to throw our fans out for shouting ‘beast’ at your little nonce captain.
  13. Heard he accepted lower wages than you offered from Thistle just to play at a higher level. Fair play.
  14. Imagine having a joke and a bit of banter on a football forum. Shocking behaviour! What a snowflake you must be if that upsets you.
  15. Limited resources like the £600 per week they are chucking at balatoni and handling? Aye, admirable!
  16. Cast at the O2 tomorrow night. One of my favourite bands and supposed to be amazing live so looking forward to it. Hope the shiteness of the O2 as a venue (mentioned above) doesn’t spoil it.
  17. Best episode in a long time!
  18. Maybe you should put some signs up warning away fans not to abuse the convicted paedophile in your employment then your officials and stewards wouldn’t have to work so hard keeping it hush hush.
  19. If he is under contract for the remainder of the season seems a bit premature to bump him off after 5 episodes, not even the mid-season finale.
  20. Just seen that, could be interesting. What was all that A or B shit about?
  21. Appointing Bob Malcolm as his assistant isn’t much of an early indicator that lessons have been learned from his time at Clyde. Malcolm is utterly useless, his one match spell as caretaker when Ferguson left was one of the worst performances I have ever seen. A yes man for his assistant to stroke his ego, classic Barry.
  22. I thought this initially but it seems to be a random cut to someone else winding up some rope. Not sure of the significance of this, pretty sure it wasn’t Rosita though.
  23. Barry Ferguson [emoji23] A few of the Clyde posters have summed it up pretty well above. He will bring his ideas of professionalism; ice baths, protein shakes, overnight hotel stays etc. He is ambitious and will demand lots from his players. This all sounds good until you realise we are talking about part time players here, a totally different world from the pampered lifestyle he knew as a player. Anyone that doesn’t meet his high demands gets slaughtered and/or dropped, resulting in rock bottom morale and no confidence on the park. He might attract a higher calibre of player, those who view working under him as an attractive option, but this all means little as his tactical and man management skills are so abysmal. Maybe, just maybe if he has learned lessons from his spell at us and you get an experienced head (and decent coach) to work with him and help mitigate his inadequacies you might be onto something. However his own arrogance will probably rule him out of working with anything other than a yes man.
  24. We are blooding young players at international level like souttar, McKenna, McGinn. If he is (or might become) anywhere near good enough why not get him involved? The answer I fear is he is nowhere near good enough and seemingly made of glass. He is 22 now and nowhere near being in contention. I would be very surprised if the standard of the Portuguese second tier is better than our top flight. Whether it’s down to Sporting being a basket case or not it’s hardly an impressive level to be playing at for this stage of his career.
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