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Everything posted by btb

  1. My worry would be if you don't know how many doses of vaccine you've administered can you be 100% sure you've got enough for the second doses?
  2. Grauniad saying Johnson blinked first... Brexit trade deal possible within days after Johnson concession, says EU | Brexit | The Guardian
  3. Leave won by around 1.27M votes in the UK - my arithmetic is not what it was and I'm making a few assumptions but with the electorate in the Republic around 3.3M in their 2016 GE and assuming a similar turnout to the UK of 72% in the referendum the Republic would've had to vote 77% remain - just saying! ************** My workings 3.3M * 72% Turnout * 77% Remain = 1.83m 3.3M * 72% Turnout * 23% Remain = 0.55m Difference = 1.28M
  4. Might not have been the DUP but some of the more Brexity Brexiteers suggested that it would be untenable for RoI to remain inside the EU if we left - can't really remember the details of their argument but I found this from an old Grauniad article from around the time the delectable Priti Patel said we should use the threat of food shortages to pressurise the Republic to drop demands for the backstop.
  5. If they are going to sign a deal then these weren't going to ever be needed, so why alienate half the party? I always saw the amendments as BJ doing a bit of sabre-rattling to please the EU purists within his party, like I said a bargaining ploy albeit a stupid one that could never really be used especially after the Don lost the US election last month. Why alienate half the party - who knows why the mofo does anything?.
  6. Not just the DUP, the HoL amendments were voted down in the Commons by 357-268 last night, so with 10 DUP MPs I'm guessing 347 Tories voted in favour just to see them given away less than 24 hours later. The controversial sections of the Bill were essentially a bargaining ploy by the UK government, an obvious deal-breaker for the EU and BJ ditching them means we're going to sign something in the next few days (famous last words). Not that it bothers me much but the 357 who voted the amendments down last night must be feeling pretty foolish today!
  7. Is it just me or do her offers to pay the fine & donate her fee for the gig seem like grandstanding?
  8. If there was any doubts as to the proposition in the thread title that Brexit has become a farce the news that the Covid vaccines are to be flown in by military aircraft come Jan 1 to avoid delays at ports caused by Brexit must end them.
  9. What happened to Hearts was a result of their own intransigence and ended up costing Thistle too (not sure about Stranraer). Budge was give a chance to introduce reconstruction proposals but as they were designed principaly to benefit Hearts "expansion for one season" she alienated everyone else in the virtual room - no sympathy for Hearts or their paranoid fans.
  10. After last season being "called early" and with the risk of postponements so great this season it was the onus of individual clubs to avoid a situation they could be held responsible for - seeing the points (oops!) where we fell short the punishment seems both inevitable & appropriate to me. I really don't want to see us descending into whataboutery over the issue..
  11. I think the clue is in the phrases highlighted, we were aware of the breaches and chose to ignore them whereas Aberdeen would not have been aware of the night out till the story emerged in the media.
  12. A bit off-topic maybe but I wonder how much Brexit & the red line in the Irish Sea might affect the constitutional balance in NI - no sushi rendered.
  13. Boris was born in the States & his family has German & Turkish roots his middle name is practically Pfizer so he pretty much deserves all of the credit.
  14. I saw it discussed at the time, but during the referendum even guys like Farage were touting a soft "Norwegian" style Brexit where we'd be aligned with the Customs Union - it didn't become a real issue till TMs "red lines" meant taking us properly out.
  15. If you reverse Tony Fitzpatrick initials you get FT - I'd say that's indisputable proof...
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