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Everything posted by btb

  1. Excuse me if I'm wrong but hasn't Mr Benny Factor given his £3M to the SPFL this season to be divvied up between all the clubs, or was that just spare cash. All in all in still makes Ann an expensive ride.
  2. Mibbes coincidental, mibbes no but the club's annual financial report is normally sent out to shareholders towards the end of November, I enquired about it being overdue yesterday and was told the club was unsure when it would be made available - ties in with us (our auditors) noticing something wrong & telling the polis.
  3. No, no, no, you're getting it all wrong, this is just one of the opportunities Brexit is bringing us.
  4. Mibbes aye, but mibbes DD will splash the cash for someone with a track record.
  5. Don't think so, IMO he's on the way to break Tommy Craig's record of most managers served under. Must look out that pack of Sellick Top Trump cards.
  6. After being cut-up for the umpteenth time on the way home from my daughter's can I nominate Domino's delivery drivers as a group entry?
  7. Yeah, but presumably Sturgeon has a date set in mind, whereas for Sarwar & Nash it's part of a "no referendum ever" strategy - they will always find a reason why now is not the right time.
  8. I agree, there's never gonna be a "good time" to leave, even today "they" are saying now is not the right time...
  9. WTF, that tweet seems to have missed out Celtic & Rangers - shome mishtake shurely?
  10. Labour haven't really campaigned in my constituency (Ayr, Cumnock & Carrick) over the last few elections, don't recall anyone knocking on the door or seeing any party representatives other than the SNP either at the polling station. Changed days - I remember Donald Dewar chapping my door during the 2000 by-election for Holyrood back when it was just Ayr. You can just about understand non-campaigning but a formal alliance would surely be too much for Labour, although I'm not 100% sure about the Lib-Dems.
  11. There's probably a market for that amongst Tories of the Jacob Rees-Mogg ilk!
  12. Surprised BJs not sacking Patel, I'd have thought it'd be easy to find a nodding-dog type on the back benches to replace her. The only reason I can think is that it's only her Cruella de Ville tribute act keeping BJ from being the most hated politician in the land.
  13. No matter how bad the Brexit fallout is it's gonna be portrayed as a triumph in the usual pro-Tory platforms with any problems written off as teething issues. If the lockdown & arrival of vaccines drives Covid rates down I can see BJ going in April/May and being lauded as our greatest PM since Churchill - Brexit completed, Covid defeated! His predecessor TM is charging £100k a speech and I reckon BJ would be keen to pick up a slice of that, a lucrative book deal & a few plum directorships kerching - after all who can survive on the PMs measly salary of £150k?
  14. Good to see Flynn on the bench for today's game.
  15. I see The Grauniad is naval gazing with regards to whether Steve Bell's cartoon of Starmer/Salome with the head of ' Corbyn the Baptist is anti-Semitic. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/nov/12/cartoon-reader-complaints-steve-bell-former-labour-leader-head-plate
  16. Thought the Nobel Peace prize winner would've been dead by now - I take it he waited till after the election before giving this endorsement. Anyway to recycle an old Eric Idle joke I see Biden has appointed Ron de Klain as his new Chief of Staff.
  17. The two main political parties in the US are center-right (Democrats) & right wing (Republican) so when Trump came along in 2016 & made a pitch for blue-collar &' left-behind US voters he was tapping into a segment of the population that is largely ignored outside of election day and the run-up. That Trump was never gonna deliver the economic solutions these people needed, was in a way pitiful - as in the UK most people know that the system isn't working for them but get sidetracked a la Moe. PS - Fuck Trump!
  18. Nice to see she's responding sarcastically to an 11 month old tweet - there's a place for her on P&B.
  19. This is gonna be Trump in January when Biden is being inaugurated...
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