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Everything posted by btb

  1. Erm, IIRC and I guess that's a big "if" we won 4/4 against Clyde in 2005/06 and Roberts got progressively more upset insisting that Clyde were just as good as us and that it was all down to bad refereeing! PS - The Charlie Adam handball goal, in a 1 goal victory, was just about as blatant as you get!!!!!!!!
  2. Ooops! I just seem to remember opposition managers getting upset with TH especially Airdire's (would that have been Alex McDonald?) actually jumping on THs back and had one of them "senior moments"!
  3. Season of my life too and I suspect I've seen a few more - these are my memories! Second favourites for the drop pre-season, a belligerent manager who seemed to offend everyone, a heavyweight front two, more than a few Paisley guys in the team, 6-0 away to Raith which was a bit of revenge for 92/93, winning the Challenge Cup, Graham Robert's meltdown over Charlie Adam's hand-assisted goal at Broadwood, the 8-0 victory over Clydebank (biggest I can remember) who'd got their keeper from a dating site, playing against them in Morton strips two weeks later, booing Ian Ferguson at Love St., a nerve-wracking string of 1 goal victories in April, Paul McKnight, that 3-0 clincher against Raith (4 out of 4 that season & GTF Paul Fenwick!) and finally the 5-0 defeat away to ICT when we no longer gave a fuck. My individual memory was getting let into the RK stand for the Falkirk game three weeks before it officially opened - GTF Kevin "Crunchie" McAllister! Only sad notes I can remember is "that tackle" which effectively ended Chris Kerr's career & in hindsight Brian Heatherston getting sent off for Raith in the 3-0 game. PS - I still have my bunnet from that season!
  4. 2. Other teams were "punished". 4. It's not what Anne Budge wants.
  5. ….says who? Certainly not the Hamilton chairman. https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/sport/football/hearts/doesnt-sit-right-hamilton-chairman-believes-league-reconstruction-save-hearts-2551225
  6. Been with the same woman since January 84 - I'm waiting till I grow up before I get married though.
  7. I used to think that but they're gonna wear us down - you can only say no 231 times and then you say yes, just for the hell of it!
  8. At £22 a pop (for Saints)? I would also imagine a fair few would club together to watch at one persons house (with all the risks that entails) - all in all I doubt you'd be getting anywhere near the same revenue as before as well as having to put players back on full salary.
  9. Yeah but the bottom three tiers all play the same number of games, so your analogy fails.
  10. Yeah but no club is impartial, of course it'd be fairer if Hearts were saved from relegation by reconstruction it's just that the other option is so much funnier - and if Budge has shot herself in the foot....
  11. In reverse order It should be possible to accommodate two extra games for teams in the bottom half of the top flight (there's normally a free week before the post-split games start) and play-offs for the Championship play-off spot would mitigate the extra games for the Premiership team - just saying. There's obviously gonna be a deal of horse-trading but I think we can assume that Anne will have to Budge (I'll get my jacket) on her idea of a temporary reconstruction.
  12. Livi announce their reconstruction plan- A permanent 14-10-10-10 with a 6/8 split in the top flight, 2 up, 2down with a play-off spot between 12th in Premiership & 3rd in Championship... https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/livingston-outline-spfl-reconstruction-plan-21897822
  13. Probably quoting the professor from Imperial College London below... https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/coronavirus/dont-bet-on-vaccine-to-protect-us-from-covid-19-says-world-health-expert/ar-BB12QGXT?ocid=spartanntp
  14. My flabber will be gasted if the Hamilton BoD feel the need to back any temporary solution just because Gray was Co-Chair of the Reconstruction Committee.
  15. Co-Chair of the Reconstruction Committee Hamilton's Les Gray says he/Hamilton wants any reconstruction to be permanent. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/les-gray-spfl-reconstruction-conflicts-21892917
  16. Co-Chair of the Reconstruction Committee Hamilton's Les Gray says he/Hamilton wants any reconstruction to be permanent. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/les-gray-spfl-reconstruction-conflicts-21892917
  17. Exactly and when we eventually come out of the pandemic personal finances and company sponsorship may take a while to recover enough to allow sensible folks to return to football, and we're all being asked to take a slightly bigger hit "just to save Hearts spot in the Premiership and salvage Mrs Budge's legacy at Tynecastle" - and it's not even as if she's willing to be gracious about it!!!
  18. I thought Budge's objections to the first vote was that discussion had been curtailed and only one option put forward but with her desire to get down to "one or two" options "very, very quickly" it seems she wants to do pretty much the same.
  19. I thought Budge's objections to the first vote was that discussion had been curtailed and only one option put forward but with her desire to get down to "one or two" options "very, very quickly" it seems she wants to do pretty much the same.
  20. You don't build up a successful business without some acumen but like many of her ilk who've who've moved into football she seems not to realize that the "bull in a china shop" approach can be counterproductive.
  21. Budgie doing her best to get Celtic onside... It's an uncanny likeness!
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