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Everything posted by btb

  1. Were there two oaksoft's - occasionally he would post perceptive insights (well stuff that I agreed with) only to U-turn a few days later. I especially remember a post roundabout the last GE that could've been taken from the Green Party manifesto only to follow-up by saying that their taxation policies were unaffordable (more than he was willing to pay, I guess) and that they were extremists out to wreck the economy or some such. Like others I am intrigued as to the straw broke the camel's back. Goodnight sweet prince.
  2. It changed, from being the work on an expat Briton it became a full on Murican puzzle. My own third guess was from the title of an Alice Cooper track. Wordle 556 4/6
  3. Agreed, but then again it is published in a Murican rag.
  4. I read it as @GAD saying the penalties were all awarded correctly.
  5. ...to avoid a song you really hated? Couple hate Last Christmas by Wham! so much they're trying to buy the song rights so they can take it off the air forever (msn.com So far they've raised approximately 0.3% of what they need.
  6. I've often wondered how much of the vehemence the likes of Greer & Rowling feel over the issue is suddenly finding themselves on the reactionary side of the debate.
  7. John Mowatt - 1970s for being pure mad-mental. Billy Abercromby - 1980s for getting sent off 3 times in one game. Jim Dick - 1990s for showing his arse to our smelly neighbours. Billy Mehmet 2000s - for that division winning goal. Stelios Demetriou - 2010s for eating the Bounty Bar.
  8. Got the shopping all in and the presents all wrapped. Looking forward to my relationship being over by this time next week!
  9. Possibly not as their series has apparently been the most streamed program on a subscription channel this year. A bit off-topic but I saw a Daily Express headline with Greta Thunberg criticising H&Ms "private jet habit" - above Greta in Gammon Hate List, now that merits congratulations!
  10. Wordle 550 3/6 If I followed my rules on Guess2 I'd possibly have got a 2 but I was in a rush - drat!
  11. Mine too, also mask wearing no longer compulsory at the local pharmacy. I had taken mine along just in case.
  12. For me it's the whinging - I mean ball tampering's at least as old as Freddie Truman's Brylcream which IIRC he was payed to use.
  13. Is that really what promoting women's football is about? Just speculating but I reckon the men's market (number watching) has reached about as high as it's gonna get and it's all about getting more women to part with more of their money which'll be even more important in the current economic climate. Women's football & the use of women commentators covering the men's game is about building a base support of women who are happy to have their purses dipped and their emotions manipulated, as a guy now into my seventh decade of supporting St. Mirren my advice to the ladies is Just Say No!
  14. Let's have a big bump for Prince Andrew: The Musical coming soon on Channel 4! ‘We’re introducing viewers to the man behind the lack of sweat’: making Prince Andrew – The Musical | TV comedy | The Guardian Prince Andrew: The Musical airs 9pm, 29 December on Channel 4.
  15. I notice Sistah Space the charity represented by Ngozi "where is she really from?" Fulani is being investigated by the Charities Commission after online allegations of impropriety have been made. Know yer place pleb!
  16. Was coming home for Xmas/New Year that evening and got delayed although only for a few hours tops - give the rail staff a decent pay rise I says!
  17. It was always about the money, they obviously knew how much the market was worth and are clearly smarter than they usually get credit for, plenty of dosh and they've not had to reveal anything we didn't already know so far. Like I said above they're not stealing money from anyone and the only thing being hurt is an institution I've no respect for. Episodes 4,5&6 later in the week and undoubtedly a cliffhanger for Series2. PS - I don't have Netflix, so I'll have wait and see if their revelations reach the general media.
  18. Completely the opposite I salute them, unlike Michelle Mone they've hurt no-one, but let's not pretend it's not about the money even I'm Piers will be getting well paid.
  19. I think we're finally hitting the endgame with H&M pointing to the fact that their official leaving statement didn't mention privacy - it was always about control and the amount of money that would entail and they seem to be doing well keeping their brand profile/income high. As Oscar Wilde said "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about".
  20. Disfunctional Brit family relocates to California. Can't wait for Harry & Meghan to record their version of Changes and show Ozzy who the real Prince of Darkness is.
  21. Stiff Person Syndrome - it's made me popular with the laydeez....
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