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Everything posted by btb

  1. A 24 hour loop of Blitzkreig Bop, their homage to The Bay City Rollers would do...
  2. I note with interest the attempt to rehabilitate Prince Andrew in the wake of his father's death - business as usual for "The Firm" and their hangers on.
  3. We had a Tory NI Minister who didn't seem to realize fully the difference between Nationalists & Unionists a few years back - is it really such a surprise that a mainland newspaper editor wouldn't automatically make the leap from "the glorious 12th" to July KB & pallet burning? Did a quick check and found out they don't have a NI edition, which would probably have stopped that particular combination of headlines. ******************** Moving off-topic my favourite clashing headlines page was years ago when "Drug Bosses Arrested" appeared beside a picture of Princess Di & an oversized teddy bear.
  4. Not really an issue of bias, but indifference to anything outwith the Westminster Bubble over the Alba party standing for the Holyrood elections - none of the commentators from down south that I've heard so far seem to realize that by standing only in the List category they aren't gonna do the SNP much harm directly. Small potatoes maybe but we're part of the first B in BBC.
  5. Is it even left-leaning to think that cosying up to the Tories has cost them credibility & votes? I still see Sarwar as a Branch Office manager whereas Monica Lennon might have been willing to pursue a more "independent" line of thinking. I live in Ayr & have been voting Green in the list votes since 2007 but I would've looked at Labour under Lennon before (probably) voting Green again.
  6. Big game which will set the tone for the post-split fixtures for us - a win against Well would pretty much guarantee us finishing above them. Now it has been established we are the big club it only remains for us to decide when we gat our soft penalty - 37 mins for me!
  7. On the one hand I say no, on the other the OF are never gonna give up on this issue - pester power!
  8. I lived in Newcastle for a coupla years and have friends & family in Liverpool and Manchester too - back in 2014 I used to say to them you'd be better off as the South of Scotland - they laughed at the time but they're a bit quieter these days.
  9. See, it's good to be "out of the closet", sad you don't post on BAWA anymore (but I don't blame ya) it's dying a lingering death and I guess a lot of us have to put our hands in the ayr for that...
  10. He won't be punted straight away as he's obviously BJs pick for this electrion, but if he goes on at the current rate of naffness he might get replaced in say 12/18 months. What might be more embarrassing for BJ is how he will be able to speak for Scotland and justify denying IndyRef2 if the Tories drop from second to third - still a shortage of brass neck has never been one of his problems.
  11. Not to forget the 5-0 drubbing in the last game of the season after we'd won the division - did we care?
  12. I don't think we've ever beaten them in a Cup game. Have a running bet with a Caley fan @ work - £5per win/loss settled at the end of the season. Never won for a decade until 17/18 in the Championship.
  13. Great result for us yesterday, Ross County & Hamilton are the only two top flight teams knocked out so far so it'll likely be a tough game in the next round - bring it on!
  14. Ah those famous dinner parties of yours Stuart...
  15. What has Sillars done wrong, OK he's a dinosaur whose politics are stuck in the 70s and likes 20 minute drum solos - but neither of these are criminal offences.
  16. Female pundits are on the whole just as good/bad/cliché driven as their male counterparts.
  17. Live in Ayr and will be voting SNP for the Constituency and Green on the List votes - again!
  18. To be played to a finish on the day due to Covid. After the last game between the teams this is really a must win for us if we're to prevent our season going off the rails, so no pressure...
  19. Brexit: 500 Brit expats living in Spain fear being deported to UK by Wednesday (msn.com) Schadenfreude, but this guy in particular...
  20. I'm a man who bears a grudge and if the situation was reversed I'd still be blaming Hertz... What pisses me off is fans of the dead club who bring it up.
  21. Fairy Nuff - that'll be via my CHI number I presume.
  22. How would you get a vaccine passport? I had my first jab earlier in the month but binned (re-cycled) the paperwork the following morning.
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