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Buddist Monk

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Everything posted by Buddist Monk

  1. Sorry I would have provided you a link, but it's The Sun and to be honest there is absolutely no reason to give them click throughs or extra ad revenue. They are a hate ridden "publication" that are only considered to be moderate because of the metal fucknuggets at the likes of the Mail or Express. Anyway, as for your point, I agree. I do prefer a dignified silence. Allow me to regale everyone with scripture... "Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding." Then again this is the time of the short news cycle, social media and (of course) "fake news". So what Magennis actually said and how The Sun spin it are likely to be two different things. That said, and as you've eluded to in other posts, if Lazlo can't use a 6-1 humping by a team in the relegation battle then it doesn't sound like a few 'off the cuff' remarks are likely to engender the ire of United players.
  2. This: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583429740 And this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=766190099 Are essential mods if you want to genuinely do a decent job with roads. One is the traffic manager that allows you a lot more control over the flow of the vehicles, the other is called Move It that allows pixel precision movement of objects (inc roads). When your city gets busy that can be a God send as vanilla controls can really hamper things. As for creating new junctions to existing motorways, my tip is to save the game, delete the motorway you wish to connect to and build in the junction from scratch rather than trying to repurpose the initial motorway layout. The reason to save it is that you'll f**k it up, lots of times, and big road junctions like that can cost a lot of money. There are templates for junctions which is fine, but I tend to find they are a bit dull and never quite match what I need. Plus you'll learn far more about how the traffic flows if you create the junctions yourself. One thing I'd say about amending the vanilla motorways is to do this only after you have unlocked the highway roads as you will need both the main highway and a highway slip road to get the best out of any large junction. As for the type of junction, this might help...
  3. If that's in reference to Morgan, he was out of contract in the summer and wasn't signing a new one. £300k, plus him back for the same amount of time he would have been with us anyway doesn't seem such a bad deal. I'd like more, but that's just the way it is.
  4. Good shout, sign him up. He's currently on a goal a game ratio with Alloa..
  5. In terms of early recruitment, we brought in Mullen before the window opened, Morgan is staying so really it's just cover that I'd imagine Ross is looking at now. If the cameo appearances by Sutton in the last couple of matches show anything, it's that Sutton is very ineffective in a cameo role and we need cover up front. If the Celtic kid is coming then that's central midfield covered... what else is there to add to the squad?
  6. It would certainly not come as any surprise that Sheils was abused. Considering the state of permarage our fans can demonstrate I'd be more surprised if he didn't. I am not sure if I am being unfair here, but I don't see it in the same light as racism or sectarianism. Essentially it is beneficial to have two working eyes for football so it's not something unconnected to the game that people are taking the piss; ie: skin colour or religion. I suppose in this day and age of cultural inclusivism (not something I disagree with, btw) I suppose it's bad show. Our fanbase has pros and cons. I honestly can't be fucked screaming at the officials, the opposition, the opposition fans and even our own players. I used to, but then I used to take quite the libation before games. So in that sense I'm glad someone else is doing that as it does have it's benefits in games. That said, and as several others have mentioned, when it comes to the edges of acceptability these supporters become a liability to the club not an asset. None of this should detract from what an utter bellend the father is, the epitome of the proverb that empty vessels make the most noise.
  7. Kenny Shiels is an utter wallopper, and you don't need any eyes to know that.
  8. I still think LB cover if Smith is to be recalled, and a decent wide midfielder to allow Magennis to play in the centre, are the two additions I'd be making. Hill seems like cover for McGinn/McShane, and that makes sense, but I'd still like to see Magennis being given a run there. All in all, it's a long way from Jack's last winter transfer market.
  9. From what I know, Hearts can recall him during the window but not after, so if he stays with us from Feb he'll be here until the end of the season. That could, of course, be utter mince but that's what I've been led to believe. He's playing well, and considering Hearts are pretty much at bare bones and the overhead of a new stadium to pay for (even aside the anonymous donations from the mentally ill) you would imagine Levein getting the most out of a limited squad. He might not be a regular starter at Hearts but from his performances I'd say he should have no problems getting a game for them. I think Smith himself has said that he wouldn't want to go back unless they could guarantee games, but then I'd imagine the player doesn't have much leeway in decisions like this.
  10. If anything I would have thought a RB in case (L) Smith gets called back or a wide right midfielder as it's clear McGennis is far happier playing in the centre. Still, in Jack we trust.
  11. So... talking of the Morgan/Celtic thing, and assuming it's going to go through with him loaned back until the end of the season, I'd love if he got the chance to train at Celtic during his time with us. I don't want to affect the togetherness of the team, but you'd imagine the sports scientists and physiotherapy lads at Celtic will be some of the best available to them. The one small negative I'd give about Morgan is his physical size. He's not really ready physically for the Celtic first team, although I feel technically he's more than capable of being a sub. It would be excellent to get him loaned back but also have all the Celtic money thrown at him to improve and bring him up to their standards. No idea if this is how it works, or if when he's loaned back he has no connection with Celtic until he rejoins them.
  12. It's a good game, there are a shit ton of workshop mods as well as lots of maps, but... ...there is also absolutely no challenge involved. It's a casual city builder. Probably the most impressive thing about the game is that it was developed in Unity.
  13. I see Ross Stewart scored the only goal in the game for Alloa against Stranraer. Now to be fair he's got experience playing them this season as we had a diddy cup game down there at the start of the season, but good to see him hit the ground running.
  14. Didn't a fair bit get repaid using the money from Mallan's and McAlister's transfers?
  15. Forgive me if I have gotten confused by the tedium that is OF affairs, but doesn't today's ruling simply state that King has to make an offer - not that the offer has to be taken up?
  16. I definitely think that there is a player in Stewart, but just now he looks a bit gangly and a little awkward at this level. I think a lot of that rawness would have been smoothed off with more regular football but with Reilly, Sutton and several others ahead of him there just hasn't been the opportunity. Now perhaps the argument is that he should show more in training in order to get Ross to play him more - but that's a little unfair considering I have no idea how well he does at training. As for McGinn, after watching him in some recent games he's really stepped up a level. I think £3m would be an absolute steal and wouldn't be surprised to see figures almost double that. I realise as a St Mirren fan I'll be a wee bit biased but he is a genuine talent and on that, if he continues his progression, will be a permanent fixture in the Scotland team within a few years.
  17. He won't be wasted in the reserves, he'll be loaned back to us - either for 6 months or 18 months. In a similar way Christie has been loaned out. Now I see similarities in those two players, both are quick, both are talented and both have an eye for the spectacular. Allan is a different case, he didn't just go from lower league to Celtic, he did it via several clubs. He also arrived at a Deila Celtic, so there is that element too. No, if I had to give a comparison I'd say Christie. In terms of his potential and where it could take him, he comes from the same stock as Kenny McLean and John McGinn, two players who moved from St Mirren to bigger clubs and are now one of the first names on their teamsheet. The "problem" with Celtic is that they have so much cover in that area, from the usual wingers like Roberts, Sinclair, Forrest, Hayes (for all he plays) and that's before you factor in other players who can cover that position. He's one for the future, and if he can develop more while out on loan and at some point Roberts returning to Man City and the likely shipping of Hayes (possibly back to Aberdeen?) in about 12-18 months there should be a place for him to fight for. Ultimately if you spend a pittance in your terms (roughly a £300k tag) then it's a decent gamble considering what his potential just now suggests. Whether that potential will be fulfilled who knows? That said you could buy a £30m player and still worry about them fulfilling their potential.
  18. And you sound like a fucking idiot. I have in no way said a negative about St Johnsone, if anything I have reflected on their staggering level of success. Tell you what, I'll chalk this down to a pre-coffee morning reply rather than an inability to read. Edit: Wait? You upvoted that comment? I really don't understand, you slam it then upvote it. Weird.
  19. I understand why any St Johnstone fan would defend their club, as you are at an absolute zenith in terms of your club's history. There is realistically no possible way the club can move forward though. Perhaps the same could be said of St Mirren if we had had such a staggering level of success in relation to the resources available. imo, anyone taking over after Wright will be managing over a decline though - with the already proffered caveat that people have been predicting the demise of the Perth club for nigh on a decade now.
  20. I really don't think so. If he wanted to move to a team in the top flight he could have taken on Dundee - and apparently that's the team he supports. With the caveat that we have all been wrong predicting the premature demise of St Johnstone, they are in no way a step up from us. Even the most charitable would consider it a sideways move.
  21. The problem is, and we've seen this with McInnes, the media will just tap him up for Aberdeen.
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