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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. And since I had to throw him in with a bunch of other people, the last word to my captain of seven years: Lastly he saw his brother standing in a place where he could not reach him, windowed away in some world where he could never go. When he saw him there he knew that he had seen him so in dreams before and he knew that his brother would smile at him and he waited for him to do so, a smile which he had evoked and to which he could find no meaning to ascribe and he wondered if what at last he'd come to was that he could no longer tell that which had passed from all that was but a seeming. He must have knelt there a long time because the sky in the east did grow gray with dawn and the stars sank at last to ash in the paling lake and birds began to call from the far shore and the world to appear again once more.
  2. Week 24 update I actually do think this is a record. First thing this week is Ted Kaczynski who it seems has died by suicide: Unabomber: Ted Kaczynski believed to have died by suicide, source says | CNN It's been widely reported as such and nothing seems to be coming out to correct that. This means 50 extra points for @Arabdownunder, @chomp my root and @djchapsticks. On a related note, this article caught my eye: Opinion | What Ted Kaczynski, Silvio Berlusconi and Cormac McCarthy Have in Common - The New York Times (nytimes.com) I also discovered you can buy the Unambomber Manifesto from Amazon. Maybe his death had something to do with him finding out. ============ Next up was a death from a few weeks ago, religious man Tim Keller: Prominent NYC-based pastor and best-selling author Timothy Keller dies at 72 | The Independent You know how last week Pat Robertson was an arsehole? This guy seems like the opposite. Keller died at 72 so he's worth 53 Base Points for @Melanius Mullarkay and @psv_killie, with a Deadly Duo bonus taking that to 78 points apiece. ============ First death this week was noted shagger Silvio Berlusconi: Silvio Berlusconi, scandal-ridden former Italian prime minister, dies aged 86 | Silvio Berlusconi | The Guardian I might have read or posted more about his influence and his indiscretions if there wasn't so much going on today. Have this picture instead: Berlusconi died at 86 so he's worth 39 Base Points for @Oceanlineayr, @Salvo Montalbano, @Shipa and @statts1976uk. ============ Next up was writer Cormac McCarthy: Cormac McCarthy obituary | Cormac McCarthy | The Guardian A good summation. Which would be a funnier interview to post - Oprah or Werner Herzog? f**k it, McCarthy for everyone: McCarthy died at 89 so he's worth 36 Base Points for me. He was my Captain (since 2016) and a Solo Shot giving me a total of 112 points. ============ Next death this week was singer Christy Dignam: Aslan singer Christy Dignam dies after long illness - BBC News Much like Aim Here, the only reason I've heard of him is because of the Dead Pool. Let's have a listen: It's alright. Dignam died at 63 so he's worth 62 Base Points for @gkneil, a Solo Shot taking that to 112 points. ============ Finally this week, Gordon McQueen: Gordon McQueen, former Scotland defender, dies aged 70 | Football | The Guardian He scored a goal for Scotland that did this: Good guy. I'm listening to this while I finish this post, can't wait to hear Motson wailing all over the place. I wonder if any P&B posters were on that pitch. There's a lot to be said about footballers and dementia but it would just be lost in this giant post. McQueen died at 70, so he's worth 55 Base Points for @alta-pete, @dagane, @Desp, @Dunning1874, @gkneil, @peasy23, @psv_killie, @qos_75, @Scorge, @Shotgun and @sophia, with @Billy Jean King getting a Vice-Captain bonus for 83 points. After all of this, the standings (probably) look like this: 1. JustOneCornetto 405 2. psv_killie 318 3. gkneil 234 4. Arbroathlegend36-0 230 5. Arabdownunder 228 6. buddiepaul 226 7. qos_75 221 8. peasy23 220 9. The Naitch 208 10. Desp 206 11. Miguel Sanchez 199 12. LoonsYouthTeam 187 13. Billy Jean King 167 14. D.V.T., microdave, throbber, weirdcal 166 18. chomp my root 161 19. The DA 153 20. Ned Nederlander 151 21. Karpaty Lviv 145 22. Sweaty Morph 140 23. alta-pete 139 24. get_the_subbies_on 138 25. Bully Wee Villa, cdhafc1874, Frosty, HK Hibee, Mark Connolly 134 30. Ludo*1 133 31. lolls 122 32. Donathan 121 33. Shotgun 112 34. Bert Raccoon, Savage Henry, tamthebam 111 37. Melanius Mullarkay 110 38. Arch Stanton, mozam76 101 40. Lofarl, Michael W, pub car king, The_Craig 99 44. Aim Here, Oystercatcher, weemac 97 47. Ray Patterson 96 48. djchapsticks 94 49. Moomintroll 93 50. dagane, Scorge 87 51. ParsJake 86 52. Indale Winton, sparky88 84 54. blackislekillie, Herc 74 55. ICTJohnboy 69 56. paulathame 68 57. atfccfc, DG.Roma, Fuctifano, HI HAT, lichtgilphead, thistledo 67 63. HTG 66 64. Dunning1874, sleazy, sophia 55 67. Empty It, The Hologram 48 69. DeeTillEhDeh, Jimmy Baker 42 71. Oceanlineayr, Salvo Montalbano, Shipa, statts1976uk 39 75. 10menwent2mow, dee_62, Enigma, parxyz, scottsdad, senorsoupe, superwell87, Suspect Device 32 83. amnarab, choirbairn, Derry Alli, expatowner, stanton 31 88. BillyAnchor, German Jag, superbigal 29 91. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RxCIfczRUmrRrW79tUQ0vJ5KaHZpYENsTKmDqW4X3W4/edit?usp=sharing
  3. You know how Chelsea have spent the last year spending a lot of money and buying a lot of players? Looks like they're finding a way out of it:
  4. Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014) This one hasn't finished yet. I fancy a holiday in Hong Kong. Hopefully the robotic dinosaurs and Stanley Tucci are gone by the time I get there.
  5. "Tom Grennan" appears to be literally everything I hate about everyone under 30 combined in the one person.
  6. Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) I can't do the brief, glib reviews any more. This was stupefying. I've seen bad films before. I've seen films I couldn't follow before. I've seen films where I didn't care about what was happening before. The second film was apparently panned much more than this and the first, and I'm not sure how. There's an irony that in a film about warring robotic aliens coming to Earth that absolutely nothing that happens bears any resemblance to any sort of reality ever experienced by anyone in the history of humanity. No one in this is real, and look who's in it. John Turturro! John Malkovich! Patrick Dempsey! Alan Tudyk! Frances McDormand! She has three Oscars! She didn't when she did this and she seems to be doing a bad Jane Lynch impression, but look at the names! People you've heard of who can actually act! Maybe it's a joke. An elaborate ruse. They all treat what's going on with the contempt it deserves. Kelsey Grammer is in the next one. Sideshow Bob, that'll improve things. You might have noticed if you've seen a Michael Bay film, but do me a favour if any of my reviews have intrigued you enough to give these a try. Count how many shots you see where the camera doesn't move. I don't know how people can watch these and not suffer from motion sickness. I checked the time as I was watching this and I was 1 hour 50 in. It felt like I'd been there for years. It felt like I'd been getting battered round the head by the robots too. Endless. Horrible. Ugly. Stupid. Insulting. Perverted. At least it wasn't racist.
  7. The Island was a ripoff, not a remake. They settled out of court.
  8. I had to see it more than once to be sure it wasn't a horrible nightmare brought on by the heat.
  9. You know how the BBC puts out sitcoms which exist seemingly inexplicably when compared with their quality, charm, humour, or admission from literally any human alive that they'd consider watching it?
  10. Armageddon is great. The Rock is a Nicolas Cage film were Nicolas Cage isn't the most ridiculous person in it despite playing a guy called Stanley Goodspeed. The Island I saw when I was 14 and features Scarlett Johansson in a skintight white onepiece in varying states of distress, so I'll not hear a word against it.
  11. This is true, although given the apparent stated aim of B teams is "Rangers remains committed to finding the most innovative and challenging environments for our young players, not only for the benefit of our club, but also for the benefit of other clubs and the Scotland national team. We look forward to continuing our positive engagement with the Scottish FA and other bodies in the drive for young player development." it would probably help if the players participating were Scottish and prospective Rangers and Scotland first team players. I realise not every youth player coming through these teams will be a world class talent and that two years isn't going to achieve anything notable, but the setup strikes me as slightly disingenuous.
  12. Ronnie Corbett being from Edinburgh is news to me.
  13. Out of interest In the time that Rangers and Celtic had B teams, how many players who played games at that level have gone on to feature in their first teams?
  14. Anyway Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Almost legible plot, completely illegible robots, stupid, slightly racist, extremely perverted and still ugly.
  15. Some of us prefer to get sexual excitement from things like pornography, or actual relationships, or the vague concept of human interaction rather than being delighted that a literal idiot is dressing a school-aged female character in as tight and revealing clothes as possible and making a point of showing her in an assortment of sexually suggestive positions. Still, I haven't reviewed the second one yet, or the ones with Mark Wahlberg making statutory rape jokes.
  16. Transformers (2007) Stupid, ugly, obnoxious and incomprehensible. Shia LaBeouf was all of these things and was by far the only tolerable thing in the movie.
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