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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Horizon Zero Dawn fulfils that and is in the PS+ Collection on PS5.
  2. I think it was (former guy in charge) @Fuctifano who said of yon South African rugby player whose name escapes me "he's in my team until he dies or I do" and I operate a similar philosphy.
  3. This lack of self-awareness is genuinely impressive. And quite sad.
  4. Here's what I finished this year: MediEvil BioShock Infinite: The Complete Edition PixelJunk Monsters 2 GRIP: Combat Racing Wreckfest Concrete Genie Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Monster Energy Supercross Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered American Fugitive Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Horizon Zero Dawn Bloons TD 5 Gravel Rise of the Tomb Raider Inside Grand Theft Auto III Far Cry 3: Classic Edition Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Guacamelee! 2 Gran Turismo Sport Hotshot Racing Burnout Paradise Remastered Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Dear Esther: Landmark Edition Batman: The Telltale Series Metro 2033 Redux Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition Metro: Last Light Redux The Lego Ninjago Movie Video Game Abzu Horizon Chase Turbo Dirt Rally Aaru's Awakening Games that changed my life: GT Sport Games I think you should make a point of playing if you get the chance: MediEvil, BioShock Infinite: The Complete Edition, PixelJunk Monsters 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition, Guacamelee! 2, Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, Metro 2033 Redux, Horizon Chase Turbo, Aaru's Awakening
  5. I haven't followed what it's like trying to buy these things but Game's website currently has them available to pre-order for release next January: PlayStation 5 Consoles - Check Back Soon | GAME
  6. I see Joan Didion has died. There's me thinking I had her and was off the zero-pointers list. Raging.
  7. The perfectly ethnically diverse school children are very annoying Did enjoy his description of Clara: "Surprisingly round face?"
  8. Horizon Chase Turbo (PS4, 2018) The first racing game I remember playing is the original Super Mario Kart for the SNES. The second racing game I remember playing was the original V-Rally for the Game Boy Color, which was similar in style to classic arcade racing with your car in the middle of the screen and the course coming up ahead of you, and a constant horizon line separating the course from the background. This effectively describes Horizon Chase Turbo, only since it's on PS4 there's a bit more content and a bit more refinement of the formula from the 80s and 90s. Structurally it's a pretty standard arcade racing game. You have a range of cars to choose from and unlock as you play through the different game modes, with the cars having different stats affecting how they drive. For the most part there isn't really any choice to make, you pick the best handling car you have and you win every race easily. There's enough variety in the cars and enough obvious inspiration from real life models as well as pop-culture to have something for everyone though, so if you want to drive a Lamborghini or Mr. Bean's Mini, you can. For what's effectively an indie game with a pretty limited premise for its genre, the variety of tracks is outstanding. In the main World Tour game mode there are twelve real world locations with nine or ten tracks in each. Every track is unique and every track feels unique. Some are fast, some are challenging, some are awkward and annoying but there is no feeling of repetition. That's even before you get to the design of the backgrounds and scenery which is even better. The locations the tracks are set in are varied enough that there's a wide range of possibilities even within locations, so the art and design always keeps you engaged. Throw in the final fact that there are some tracks which are copies of real racing circuits, and for the completely sad like me you're never going to get tired of racing on a new track. The same can be said for the game's soundtrack, which only occasionally gets irritating. Game modes are where things falter slightly. World Tour is the main focus and it works well. You progress through each location with tracks getting slightly more complex as you go. In each location there's an upgrade race which you can win to apply boosts to specific aspects of your cars, so races get faster as you go too. That works great. Then you have Tournament mode, which has groups of four races together with points awarded at the end of each. This sounds like a nice twist but the AI always finishes in the same order, so the only chance you have of winning is to finish first in almost every race with a very slim margin for error. The other game mode is Endurance, which is a massive tournament of 12, 36 or 109 races in standard tournament fashion but without the constant AI finishes, so a much higher margin for error. I feel like there was more potential than "Races," "Races but with points" and "Lots of races but with points," and by the time you get to the end of Endurance you'll be a bit fed up of all those lovely tracks and cars. I should point out here one thing against the game. World Tour mode made the game crash. A lot. Probably at least 25% of my World Tour races finished with the game crashing. It only happened in that game mode though, nowhere else. Any racing game lives and dies by its gameplay and Horizon Chase Turbo excels here too. Although corners can come up suddenly there's a slight steering assistance which means you only really need to lift off the throttle to avoid hitting other cars or obstacles at the side of the road as long as you still steer into the corner. It's accessible enough for pretty much everyone, but still engaging enough to be a challenge once cars are fully upgraded. You can also use nitro for the occasional boost if you need to make an overtake easier, so tactics can come into play too if you're really struggling to win a race. I think the only aspect of gameplay which I didn't like was the ability to get an acceleration boost if you time your engine revving properly. Races begin from a standing start and if you time it right you get a nice speed boost... right into the back of the car in front of you, which slows you down. If that's the biggest gameplay complaint I have after at least 25 hours, the game's done something right. Actually that isn't, I've remembered another. Races aren't what you could call 'scripted' but they're not really natural either. If you go through a race normally without hitting anything and successfully overtaking every car first time you'll almost always be in a position to win the race by the end. If you get a really lucky start though and end up, say, top five after the first couple of corners you'll find the AI are more likely to overtake or hit the back of you, as if there's a set point for when you should have overtaken each car. This doesn't guarantee you a win each time but once you notice it races can feel less skill-dependent than racing games really should be, and that's a shame. I decided to play this now after DLC was recently released. The game is made by a Brazilian developer and if there's one thing you can guarantee about Brazilian motor racing fans, it's a reverence of Ayrton Senna. 'Senna Forever' is a fitting name for the DLC then and I'll quickly sum up how good this is. £4.99 and you get 11 new tracks, 30 new cars, a refined tournament mode with three difficulty levels and a 5-stage recreation of Senna's F1 career making use of all that content. And part of the money raised goes towards his charitable foundation which provides education for poor Brazilian children. The DLC is successful too for a similar reason to the base game. It's just so... charming. The pop culture references and such with the normal cars are nice, but driving facsimiles of 80s and 90s Formula 1 cars, teams and drivers is just another level. I got to drive Michael Schumacher's first F1 car! I used his helmet and everything! While buying books and pencils for some poor children! Why can't all games be like this? I can't be certain of the time I put into Horizon Chase Turbo, but with base game and DLC, call it at least 30 hours. I didn't get sick of it. I enjoyed almost every aspect of it. I think even people who've never played a racing game in their life could play this, enjoy it and be good at it. Is there anything else I need to say?
  9. Metro: Last Light (PS4, 2017 - originally PS3, 2013) I lied recently when reviewing Metro 2033. I said I'd not played any games based on books. I didn't actually check, because if I had I would have remembered Spec Ops: The Line. A frankly masterful piece of story-telling and characterisation, based on a work by a writer I've never cared for. The sort of intelligent video game which just doesn't really exist. Also with Mogwai on the soundtrack. Fantastic. Last Light is, functionally, exactly the same as 2033. Every aspect of gameplay is the same. 2033 works so this is fine, but when you play both games back to back like I have it's really stark how stale the game feels as a result. I don't necessarily think anything should have been changed, but given the premise of the story there could have been one or two additions to freshen things up. The game starts with you, Artyom, living in D6, the secret military stash of weapons, food and equipment he found in 2033. Surely there's something in there? In lieu of saying anything else too detailed about the game, I'm going to describe two comparable setpieces from both games, and let you decide what that says about Last Light. In 2033 there's a level where you're above ground, moving through the ruins of Moscow after being split up from the guy you were travelling with and trying to get back to him. There's a building you have to go into which you can approach from different directions - I didn't find this part until my second playthrough. You go into a ground floor room and as you look for resources or a door to go through you'll turn around and see a Lurker, roaring and snarling at you. When I saw this I immediately shot it. I then discovered three small, pink, hairless baby Lurkers behind it. In a game with a subtle moral choice mechanic, where characters frequently tell you to be thoughtful and not to act rashly, I killed a mother protecting her children without even thinking about it. If you do stop to look at the situation, there's some ammo and health on the ground in front of her which you can't get to without making her attack. In Last Light there's a mini-boss fight in a large open area. At this point you've teamed up with one of the mystical Dark Ones you were trying to kill in 2033, a small child who follows you about the centre of Moscow telling you what's going on. At the start of the fight he says "she's protecting her children." A huge armoured creature called the Bear then appears, and fights by charging at you. If you dodge her when this happens some Lurkers will jump on her and expose her back, which glows red. You then empty a clip at this spot, and the process repeats. This happens four times before the fight ends, and she charges through a wall at the side of the area which opens a path for you to go continue through. When you go through you find the Bear lying on the ground, making pained sounds, with three Lurkers on top swiping at her. You can shoot the Lurkers. Last Light has a lot of DLC levels which let you play as some different factions from the Metro universe. These are quite fun, though there's a big variance in terms of length. Some you'll finish in ten minutes, some could take hours if you did them legitimately. It's something different and I like DLC in this style, offering something that really fleshes out the game world. It's a shame this is really the only part of the game that has that sense of imagination or interest about it. I don't really have anything else to say. I'm not even going to mention the inexplicably detailed female breast animations or the final mission which resembled the end of Modern Warfare 3 where you get tanked up with the most powerful weapons and armour possible and just shoot waves of enemies. I suppose by this point I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.
  10. By the time this is over, will people have stopped calling it Omnicron?
  11. Homer and Marge go out on their anniversary dinner, but are forced to take the kids. They end up having an unromantic dinner, and lose interest in being intimate later that night. Later, the two must go purchase a new refrigerator motor, but during a rainstorm, their car gets stuck in the mud, so the two rush into a barn. When the farm owner nearly discovers them, the two become excited and have sex. When they return home, they decide to spend a weekend at a bed and breakfast, but when they are there, they find themselves romantically uninspired once again, until a maid discovers them on a bed. They then realize that the fear of getting caught makes them excited. Later, they decide to go to a miniature golf course to have sex in the windmill there, just like they did when they were younger. The people there soon realize there is something inside the windmill, and the two barely manage to escape unseen. However, the people see their underwear, and realize someone was there. To get home, the nude couple steals a hot air balloon, but they accidentally wind up landing on a football field full of people. Homer and Marge travel back home, and are in the newspaper the next day.[52]
  12. The Simpsons only ran for nine series, that's a decade
  13. I did decide I'm not doing it that was the point of the post
  14. I would red dot that Granny Danger post because people I like have red dotted it but I believe he was the first proponent of this thread I used to improve my forum experience, and I don't care to sully that on an already tenuous day for the thread.
  15. For the love of god people just stop and he'll go away
  16. I'm up to date with my PMs. One of my favourite games each year is seeing how many different spellings of Shane MacGowan's surname I get.
  17. Quite enjoying this, if for no other reason than the speed you're rattling through these. Looking forward to seeing the world run by teuchters
  18. Apparently Kindergarten Cop got a direct to video sequel a few years ago Sounds like a hoot!
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