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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. River fucking Song is back, of course she is The worst part is you know she's not going to die or be pulled into an alternate dimension because she already has been
  2. Anyone who calls it Tesco's should suffer a similar fate
  3. Ah but wait, there's more. Look at the comments on that tweet from the main BBC News account, then look at the replies to the same tweet from BBC Yorkshire:
  4. This is a good thing and should happen everywhere.
  5. imagining a world where Wunfellaff is in charge of the country
  6. Leaderboard - The Pie Shop (pieandbovril.com) 1. Chronicles of the Banter Years by @HibsFan 2. cheerio from @chigsy91 3. Rangers' AGM Gazebo by @RandomGuy. 4. Graeme Le Sauxdomy by @bullywee 5. madwullie's wife 6. I'm not dead by @Jacksgranda
  7. I wouldn't raise a five year old to be a grass, personally.
  8. Are American men the only people in the world who have haircuts with corners in them?
  9. The other night I couldn't sleep and found old episodes of Who Wants To Be a Millionaire on a channel. A "band manager" who looked like he was dressed for a school disco was on and constantly plugging some of his bands. Imagine making indie landfill this boring.
  10. People who hang on Elon Musk's every word are really, really weird.
  11. Dirty Sanchez was always much better than Jackass.
  12. Second Sunday of the month is new Dead Pool day, and the official start of Christmas. @The Master I will fix your score on Sunday and can do as well as making you first among the other people you're tied with.
  13. Clark, Hakkinen, Button. 3. I would've counted Damon Hill on account of him being beige before I heard him do commentary. I'm sure everyone else in other motorsports is a fud as well. Ed - Richard Burns was alright as well
  14. I usually picture people looking like their avatar.
  15. How many world champion racing drivers haven't been arseholes?
  16. The 'drive like gran's in the car' efforts have now extended to a guy trying to do coke in a club toilet If I had a gran like her I'd probably down a bottle of Smirnoff before going out driving with her tbh
  17. It's worth pointing out this wouldn't be happening if we didn't have such an obviously shit referee.
  18. I had stuff to do so I stopped watching after they crossed the line. I assume post-race has been as much of a farce as the race itself?
  19. tbf they were the supermarket vacuum packed variety and they weren't actually whole, it was easier to cut it up than it would have been to try and do them whole. In other supermarket foods news, while tucking into my £1.50, 1.5kg bag of clementines from Tesco I opened one of them that had a squishy bit on the skin to discover some worms inside it, so I'm now off citrus fruit for the foreseeable.
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