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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Today is the day Kier Starmer became leader of the opposition.
  2. Gran Turismo 7 now has a release date: How do I buy a PS5?
  3. I think @Spain's mob won the last time we did this. My loyalty remains with @itzdrk though.
  4. Started watching this from the beginning. I hadn't seen Ecclestone before, how/why did they cast him for this returning? He's not right at all.
  5. Guess it's a cock and balls on my next ballot paper.
  6. Joey is the internet pointing out things happened, Ross is Janey Godley trying to make it go away by apologising, I am Gunther:
  7. I've not been looking at this in detail, I thought this was about her talking about "spazzies" or something similar from 2009 or something. This is much worse. Outstanding. Get her binned and out of the public consciousness immediately.
  8. And asthmatics and people that work in hospitals. I've never had a flu vaccine and I've never had reason for one.
  9. Since 3 is the formula that years' worth of games and franchises have followed with little deviation, I imagine one game is the same as the next. Literally hundreds, thousands of hours*, of chewing gum for the eyes. *Platinum trophy in this took me 17 hours, although you don't need 100% for that
  10. Far Cry 3: Classic Edition (PS4, 2018 - originally PS3, 2012) Far Cry 3 was really the first Ubisoft game which established and perfected the open world formula which would go on to dominate their release cycles. A world, a bunch of collectables, some crafting, a bunch of enemy outposts you need to flush out to take over the area. With the 7th and 8th console generations this formula was expanded across several franchises and eventually made its way into the online realm, with the concept of games as a service becoming Ubisoft's main business model. The result is a seemingly endless production line of games which differ little in gameplay, with only the aesthetics and characters changing. With this change came a lot of success, as it seems (the only one of these I've ever played is Far Cry 3) the formula is actually quite enjoyable. Since Far Cry 3's release the workplace culture that defined Ubisoft was largely horrific, with widespread and appalling accounts of sexual abuse and a general abuse of power by those in charge. Despite the head of the company saying things about inclusiveness and accountability very little has happened. The games keep coming out. Nobody has been punished. It's almost amusing playing Far Cry 3, since almost every character is a sadistic, arrogant lunatic, and you can easily imagine most of the dialogue having been said somewhere in a Ubisoft building over the past ten years. Far Cry 3 is an open world game where you play as Jason Brody, a horrible person who along with his horrible friends end up stranded on a tropical island where they're captured and tortured by the pirates who inhabit it. Jason escapes and is reluctantly thrust into a fight against the pirates, the rest of the island, and finds out what the true history of the native population is. Gameplay is okay. You have a range of weapons you can quickly unlock. You'll need to as well, I was playing on the easiest difficulty and in the early stages I found enemies have a bit of the bullet sponge about them. It's worth pointing out that I didn't realise the menu in the weapon store scrolled down past the options on screen, which meant I missed out on "Signature Weapons" which were all much more powerful. There are only a few missions where you'll have to rely on pure firepower though and you can carry four different weapons as well as a range of (awkwardly controlled) explosives, so you can brute force your way through most tough encounters. The controls are a bit weird, and I can't tell why. I think it's to do with the frame rate of the original. Aiming, even with auto-aim enabled, feels swaying and unresponsive. It's like what you'd get if your character was drunk, but there's no blurriness, just poor control. You sort of get used to it but it never really stops feeling weird. Getting around the island is relatively fun. There are a range of vehicles to drive which handle hilariously. You eventually unlock a wingsuit and parachute and have access to hang gliders which let you see parts of the island in a bit more detail, and there's no denying it can look spectacular. The biggest criticism I have of moving around is the amount of fall damage you can take. One of the things I liked best about Horizon Zero Dawn was being able to move around the world so easily. Here, if you fall three feet off a ledge then half of your health disappears. It gets old. In addition to the story there are Radio Towers dotted around which you have to climb to show up the map in detail. These are a nice idea in theory but as you progress in the game the towers get harder to climb, with narrow ledges to walk on and jump to. First person platforming isn't good. It seems like a design choice made to stop a repetitive part of the game from feeling repetitive, but it's just annoying. There are also Outposts occupied by the enemy, and you have to infiltrate and kill all of them to reclaim the island. The intention is for the player to approach these from a range of perspectives, but you can't. If you try and run in all guns blazing you'll get flattened. If you manage to kill one or two guys and survive they'll trip an alarm and reinforcements turn up and you'll get flattened, so the only real option is stealth. Some locations have an animal like a tiger or a bear locked up in a cage which you can unleash to do the work for you. It's quite fun observing an outpost, tagging enemies and trying to take them out one by one, but there's very little difference between them. On that note, there's no denying that Rook Island is well-populated with enough animals to make it feel like a genuinely threatening world. You can be looking for some plants to craft a syringe, or just exploring, then all of a sudden some tigers will run out of the trees. Or a pack of rabid dogs. Or if you're in a cave, some komodo dragons will appear. While the whole environment has lots of detail there's not much that's interesting about it. It's due to the additions like animals and enemies that it's rarely repetitive and it really does feel like you're a scared, out of your depth city boy trying to survive in it. I remember when I played this eight years ago on the PS3. I was bemused by how much people seemed to like it. It wasn't that I thought it was bad, it was just... there. Now though, I found the story and the characters much more engaging. For Jason there is genuine development as he makes his way through the jungle and becomes more able to deal with it. He'll gradually make more enthusiastic noises as he kills people and animals for instance, and less scared or disgusted ones. This is subtly played off against his friends as he rescues them one by one and you can sense them growing apart, as they all just want to leave while he's suddenly feeling more at home on the scary murder island. The end of the story results in a choice you have to make and really, it's one of the few choices I can recall in a game where it wasn't only easy to pick, but the easy choice was the thematically logical one too. The antagonists are probably what this game is best known for, and there's no denying that the mohicaned, scarred, maniacal Vaas is a memorable figure. The scenes with him are the highlight of the game. Everyone's just a bit too wild to really be relatable and I won't even go in to what the natives get up to, but near enough everyone is just a well-crafted, exaggerated character who fills their role perfectly. The story and the setting have one major weakness here since you reach the halfway point and discover there's a whole new section of map and story which feels like two separate narratives thrown together because they couldn't be a game in their own right, but you're generally having too much fun to really notice. Far Cry 3 has its flaws, it has its forgettable moments but it has a lot of enjoyable moments too. I don't think my opinion of it has changed too much since I last played it, but I don't feel as if I've wasted my time going back to it.
  11. Super Hans is now in a car leasing advert of some sort. He plays it as Super Hans and he looks really old
  12. You would have a point here if there hadn't been adverts with an array of obnoxious oddballs telling us the same information on the television for the whole year prior to this one.
  13. Desree someone? And yes, yes it is I have only ever seen her in adverts for things on Dave. Absolutely unbearable for seconds at a time. Dear oh dear.
  14. 12 grand for 30 seconds of work sounds like something straight from the "Jobs you'd love to do" thread.
  15. Hold the phone, this one on the left isn't that infuriating American woman who's constantly shouting, is it? I don't think I could purposely watch something with her in it.
  16. You must've done it a while ago, I only got a fiver.
  17. I've just seen the Janey Godley advert for the first time. How can I contract covid and die so I no longer need to exist in this world?
  18. Got a letter a few weeks ago (that I forgot about) from the Office for National Statistics about a survey. Got another one today with a name and a phone number on it to phone someone up and carry out whatever study they're doing. Do I have to or can I phone up and tell him to bolt?
  19. Here's a... I'd say nice but not completely, but here's an article about his problems and the attempts to overcome them: The Redemption of Michael K. Williams - nj.com
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