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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. The mental judge from Ghostbusters 2 is in The X-Files: And I may as well, David Duchovny's wife is in The X-Files: In an episode written and directed by him. Nothing weird going on here!
  2. There's an irony in near enough every use of AI making me want it to take over and eradicate humanity.
  3. The only actual P&B posters I've seen post this sort of thing are @Romeo (on behalf of his wean) and @accies1874 or @Scotty Tunbridge, I forget which. Them, fine. Everyone else, I've no idea why they're not banned and deleted instantly. This inquisition is long overdue.
  4. *you're My attention to detail will always win the day.
  5. He left a race winning team to take a massive contract at Renault. There was some mild improvement there (I thought he was there longer than two years tbf) but nothing to make anyone think he's developed into a top driver, especially not when Verstappen/Russell/Leclerc/Norris are all coming through and establishing themselves at the top of the grid. I stopped paying attention to F1 as much when he was winning races at Red Bull but he just seemed to have gone downhill when he moved with nothing suggesting he could lead a team. Outside of his win (which was at a circuit where most people in this thread could probably get a result at) he was very comfortably worse than Norris at McLaren and was notably worse than the driver he replaced, which to me just confirmed the downward trajectory.
  6. If you want to start bringing up people who were born here and moved when they were young, there's an obvious choice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Gardiner_(ice_hockey)
  7. I saw that advert a few days ago and found it quite uncomfortable.
  8. Has this nonsense done the rounds on here yet?
  9. I do enjoy living in a country where the government gets community noted on twitter.
  10. I've actually sat and watched all of that. Oh dear.
  11. Bet the BBC are glad they fought to get this game on the telly.
  12. I was going to comment on how ugly the North Irish fans are then I saw that guy with the names tattooed all over his head. Dear oh dear.
  13. Can you post the data gathering section of your dissertation once it's been marked? "In the process of collating data I shared a link to the online questionnaire on the Scottish football website 'Pie and Bovril'. This location was chosen with no regard to its demographics, and with no prior personal experience or familiarity with the forum or its users, despite it being the largest online forum dedicated to the subject of this dissertation. The questionnaire was shared on a number of occasions, with a specific request made to seek out supporters of a specific club due to a perceived lack of response." Full marks. Absolutely legitimate, worthwhile insightful results. All appropriate data gathering methods followed flawlessly.
  14. Fine, if you're all whinging about The X-Files I'll post something else. Mulder and Scully from The X-Files are in The Simpsons:
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