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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Digital gaming Can't wait for the future to become increasingly less reliant on physical media if a game released in 2013 is a 35GB+ download
  2. It's alright, it's understandable it went past your eyes
  3. I used to take pills for my skin which were identical looking to yellow skittles. Their shell also tasted the same. The insides, not so much.
  4. Those are interesting things to equate tattooing with.
  5. I was in Kelvingrove earlier, and was having a look at Jesus. This was printed on the wall next to it:
  6. How hard is it to find a normal looking pair of white adidas trainers with subtle blue trim? Extremely, apparently.
  7. Not much football on council telly at 1PM on a Thursday in August
  8. The less Big Bang Theory channel 4 and its derivatives show, the better.
  9. I went to university with a girl called this who went by Jem and when called Jemima once in a class looked ready to kill somebody.
  10. Channel 4 has started showing old (S3-onwards so far) Simpsons episodes around this time on weekdays. While this is obviously fantastic news, years of watching them all repeatedly has seared all the episodes into my brain to the extent that I can recognise when bits have been edited out, either for time constraints or for being unsuitable for the delicate sorts who'd be watching them at this time (for instance Mr. Burns training Santa's Little Helper to be an attack dog by softly punching him on the nose has gone from the one I just watched).
  11. I overcame this by singing along anyway Steve Sax had his run-in with the law *doo-doo*
  12. benny seems to be lashing out a lot in this thread recently think he might actually have lost it
  13. Presumably she was the subject of her own thesis.
  14. That thing with the dog took me a bit to actually understand. "I am complaining because your shop was too clean and my dog couldn't go around eating random shite and dust it found on the floor." What an outrage.
  15. The moneysupermarket advert with the epic #epicbuilder, and indeed any marketing campaign by a company which deliberately attempts to engineer something to go viral. Especially when it's got a shite song in the background and it's played on every advert break.
  16. I was in the queue to get an ice cream at the time. Said dreg was buying about ten hot dogs.
  17. Was in Ikea last week where I heard an utter dreg calling after a... Taio. I can see him growing up and leading a fulfilling existence under that name.
  18. These Lidl adverts with the "try the real thing then try this shite version/oh they taste the same/oh WHOOPS I tricked you! you ate the shitey version and liked it!" Also, Aldi adverts with variations on "these are a few of my favourite things"
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