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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Basically what I said in eight words. Maybe the twin attack of verbosity and bluntness will help the message get across.
  2. Since I don't feel like going to bed, let's have a look at what that 20 million got you Kevin Thomson - 2 mil (A good signing that had value in terms of the player Thomson was at the time and which ultimately got value back as he went to Middlesbrough for the same price) DaMarcus Beasley - .7 mil (A relatively negligible amount of money and one that was largely repaid, even if he was injured a lot. His performance away to Lyon alone probably brought that back) Carlos Cuellar - 2.37 mil (A good signing and sold on for profit - something that Scottish clubs should do, as Celtic have done with players in recent years, it remains to be seen what would happen if Rangers did it on a regular basis. If I remember right Cuellar was one of the few that was sold on for a profit like that, and it didn't go down well) Lee McCulloch - 2.25 mil (Every penny well-spent, I'm sure everyone will agree) Steven Whittaker - 2 mil (see Thomson regarding his stature at the time, can't say much for the fee he brought in since he left after liquidation) Steven Naismith - 1.9 mil (the same, though I'd say he was better on the pitch than Whittaker) Daniel Cousin - 1.1 mil (From what I recall he probably falls into the Beasley camp in that his European performances probably paid for that - but this isn't something Rangers are going to be able to get anything out of in the next what, three years at best? five years even for the CL?) And since they only total 10 million, the shite he spent money on in 2008, since the job to rebuild the team after Le Guen got hounded out for not delivering instant success: Andy Webster - .45 mil (What an odd situation that was) Kenny Miller - 2 mil (Probably paid that back, although again, no re-sell value) Andrius Velicka - 1 mil ( ) Kyle Lafferty - 3.25 mil ( :lol: :lol:) Madjid Bougherra - 2.5 mil (a Cuellar replacement who probably could have been sold on like he was, there was some good had from him signing) Pedro Mendes - 3 mil (3 mil? really?) Steven Davis - 3 mil (was good, and could easily have commanded that and more back in transfers but for liquidation, think he falls under just being a product of a different time, a thought we'll return to later) Maurice Edu - 2.6 mil (I remember when this signing happened, there was unrest outside Ibrox over... something, it was before a game then this guy gets wheeled ut and they all shut up. Money well spent, indeed). Now in fairness, around 11.5 million of that second lot was funded by the sales of Cuellar and Cousin (he for 3.5 million as a 31 year old, somehow) and it's important to remember that there was some level of involvement in the Champions League from Rangers throughout that time, but all this does is reinforce that this is completely non-existent right now. The one player Rangers had with any sellable value was Lewis Macleod, who was out the door at the first opportunity. Potentially to keep the wolves from the door for another week. I've no doubt if Rangers were any more stable at the time they would have kept him, but they didn't. There's going to be no European income from several years, and getting to the Champions League is going to be harder than ever for all Scottish clubs. Rangers need, for their own sake, to return to some level of success. Throwing money at the team to make this happen, as was the case in the past, is not only completely unfeasible now owing to the completely different circumstances from then and now but is completely impossible in Scottish football. The money that you want and that I've no doubt countless others want in increasingly unrealistic amounts, cannot exist. There will need to be an initial investment of some sort, of course, but to rely on this as a means of instantly improving the team on the park, and then the standing of the club, misses the point of where investment is actually required so spectacularly I can't imagine any Rangers fan has ever actually been able to understand what happened to Rangers over the past twenty years. They spent money they didn't have, on maintaining the team in a way that wasn't possible, to appease a fanbase out of touch with reality (and in comparing the reaction to impending doom of Rangers and Hearts fans, a largely apathetic fanbase), and it fucked them. If I was Dave King, or someone with a better tax record or illusion of trustworthiness that didn't see my millions stand idly by while a clown car of charlatans rolled up to drain the club he loved so dearly I would sit at a press conference and say the things that would happen while I was in that position. Think Fergus McCann, only with more bored contempt for the people he was addressing. The thing that needs to happen for Rangers, that would be best for Rangers and best for Scottish footballers as far as a club with such resources should be providing Scotland with more than it has and does, is for them to be ruled with a completely non-Rangers man. A man who can see past all the bluster and shite about rightful places, about what they deserve and say, no. It can't happen. This is how to be successful, this is what we're going to do, and if you care about this club as much as you say you do you'll shut up and deal with it. This would have the added bonus of possibly driving out some knuckle dragging hangers-on of its own doing, rather than having me needing to say "and if you start singing about ******s during a game I'm pulling the team off the park myself," but I digress. We've seen various clubs the world over survive financial hardships of different sizes and types, hell we've seen how to do it properly in our own country. Yet this doesn't seem to be the most pressing thing that Rangers fans want, or think they need. And to return to the topic of this thread, that's quite funny, since I don't have any emotional investment in it.
  3. I honestly don't know why, after having seen the state Rangers have been in for however long it is, you would want that sort of money spent purely on what would be first team players.
  4. I'd say it's telling that any Rangers fan would have the chief method of improving their team as "7 or 8 signings" rather than "completely gut and restart the way the team and the club is structured to bring in a model of successful self-sustainability" Still funny, mind.
  5. Depends on what variety of "African" they tasted of. The way you posted this makes it sound like African people.
  6. I was the driller for the first time last night. Took me five minutes to figure out how to get through the damn lock.
  7. It's Curns, stupid! No it's not. Disregard.
  8. What a fucking state your football club is. It's that sad and that much of a reflection of society in this country (or city, if I'm being unfair to other places) I can't even laugh.
  9. I had a pizza from asda for my dinner last Thursday and it re-entered the world at around half 4 Friday morning I think I still have the plague
  10. Managed to do the 2 person job with a friend earlier, that was quite fun. Trying to maintain a connection long enough for a 4 man job seems completely impossible at this point though.
  11. On my last day of school (or the day when my last exam was, I think) I went for the bus home and was sat listening to appropriate music - staring absentmindedly out the window a girl from school sits down next to me all cheery and talky. I sit with both earphones still in, not looking at her and she keeps talking to me until I say f**k it and just get off to wait for another bus. Cow. You could have done it in the time it took you to post this.
  12. I liked the boy at 1:25 trying to not drop his chips.
  13. I still have Frightened Rabbit's Beards calendar for 2012 on my wall, at November, which is where I left it in 2013 as I just flicked through the pictures again.
  14. A half bottle of scotch and more painkillers than I could physically hold in one hand, by the way.
  15. An actual thing on the one o'clock news is of two Pakistani girls who were filmed singing a Justin Bieber song and went viral. A good three minutes of some bint talking about them and video of them singing various other Justin Bieber songs. Is the world that devoid of news on this day that the most interesting/relevant thing was deemed to be this shite?
  16. That lamppost is one of the most legitimately tragic things I've ever seen.
  17. The hashtag #KeepWestLondonRs that appears on advert boards at Loftus Road Shitey grammar for a hideous little football club which will hopefully dissolve when they get relegated and FFP destroys them
  18. I'm pretty sure I made a 3000+ word analysis of the players in The Mighty Ducks once. I'm sure you'll manage.
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