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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. When there is a shower of truly torrential rain (the stuff you literally can't see through as it comes down for a couple of minutes), my kitchen window leaks. I don't mean around where the glass meets the frame or anything I mean the literal frame that the windows are in. It drips in through the top and when it pishes rain as it did about half an hour ago, it streams in and soaks the window ledge and anything directly under the window ledge. This will be followed, again, by a phonecall to the council, the same two bored looking men will appear to go into the loft and come back and say they couldn't find anything (and if this one roaster suggests "condensation" again I will hit him, condensation doe not spontaneously form in the middle of the day in an empty room with an open window and immediately piss water everywhere, completely unconnected to the massive downpour that just happened you utter, utter p***k) and go away until the next time there's a downpour and it happens again.
  2. Is this why you seem to have jumped off the deep end recently?
  3. Well, why did Perthshire Bell get banned rather than one of his myriad inevitable aliases?
  4. Do they already have a child or is he just practicing pushing a pram about?
  5. What happens if they suffered a blow to the head and have amnesia and don't remember where they left their wallet?
  6. I remember once my old English teach once was talking about some younger weans he had in classes who did things like capitalising all the words in sentences, he said it was like a disorder of some sort. I'm genuinely bemused by people who do it, and I've no idea how they can pick something like that up. In learning a language your most important thing is immersion which helps you understand it being spoken to you and makes you able to speak it yourself, but how can a grown adult who has from the age of at the very latest 5 years old seen literally millions of words and letters presented the way they should be and end up Typing Them Out Like This When They Try To Say Things? I'd love to know. Really.
  7. I think Janice's Face is my favourite of the stories. Or Behind the Toilet Wall. From what I remember of his stories on twitter that medium seemed a lot better suited to the conversational style that's in the books but those two, I was doubled up with laughter. Good stuff.
  8. I think French border forces have enough problems currently, I was stuck with the British version. You seem to allude to running online selling business of some sort - you got any knockoff PS3 controllers kicking about?
  9. Makes it look like there's subsidence under it.
  10. Your fault for having a mobile phone network try delivering something.
  11. Have a look at the feedback for this amazon seller and have a guess at the sort of letter I got this morning: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aag/details/ref=aag_m_fb?ie=UTF8&asin=&isAmazonFulfilled=0&isCBA=&marketplaceID=A1F83G8C2ARO7P&seller=A3J1VK73CSKERX#
  12. Have never put anything larger than "Glasgow" when putting my address on anything.
  13. That lassie in the pink appears to be on a night out with her parents.
  14. Was it this thread where people were complaining about buskers a few weeks ago? Must have passed at least five today, the majority of which had amps. One had a full band with a fucking drummer!
  15. You don't sound very sure. Not sure if I can trust this judgement, frankly.
  16. Is there anywhere in Glasgow I should go for: - Thermal paste - Wire for connecting speakers to things ?
  17. Jeremy Kyle just described a woman as "Scottish Jennifer Aniston" I'll let that sentence marinate in your mind's eye
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