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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. I don't want to judge someone I don't know but if I won the Euromillions I'd hope I could attract a better class of boyfriend than "gangland hood".
  2. All I know about the Newsroom is this masterclass in cringe that did the rounds on twitter a while ago
  3. You'd be forgiven for not knowing this because nhl.com is a terrible website and the NHL in general seems desperate to make it as hard as possible for people to watch it, but NHL TV is by far the cheapest and best way to watch, especially if you're in the UK: What You Get (nhl.com) You can stream every game any time you want. I've used it every season since 16-17, and there have been some problems but it still does what it should. If anything it's better now, blackout restrictions don't seem to apply in the UK any more. I don't know if that's because of how Viaplay works, but it doesn't matter. If there ever are any blackouts they were always easy enough to avoid with a VPN, and I don't think things have changed much. Blackouts mean you can't watch the game for 24 hours after it's shown if it's shown on a channel/network in your state/region/country. I remember that first year, the Avalanche were historically bad and the one game we had on UK TV all year was against Arizona who were the next worst. It was like watching beer league stuff. The price has come down a bit since then too, I think it was £85 or something for the full season this year. That's every game in the entire league, and playoffs, live or whenever you want. There's usually half season deals too which would/should be going on around now, but again it's not a very well-promoted service on their website so I don't know. You could sign up for a half year subscription at the start of the year which was £49 (I know this because one real problem the service has is the start of the season and renewals being terrible, which had me being charged for half and full year sub this year) but I don't know if that's still a thing or how the playoffs factor into that. But, aye. NHL TV. Eighty-odd quid for every game whenever you like and a first hand view of the worst designed online store you've ever seen. I recommend it.
  4. It says right in the first paragraph. [T]he Mexican actress who voiced great-grandmother Mama Coco in the Oscar-winning Disney Pixar animation Coco, has died aged 90.
  5. I'm up to date. 111 entries so far. I'm about to have my dinner so won't be replying to anything for a while.
  6. I've had this once today as well. The game was shit.
  7. Can someone please take this lovely dog. As long as you don't have anything for it to eat.
  8. I've just been sat with that on too. "I don't have any plans for new year's now." I fucking bet you don't.
  9. Week 52 update Nothing. The Week 52 and a half update finalising the results and doing a final check for any missed death and qualifying obituaries will happen on Wednesday or Thursday. Happy new year.
  10. Derek Adams strikes me as the kind of person who's in bed by 10pm sharp, waiting for midnight with '99' dialled on his phone so he can phone the police the instant he hears any noise from the neighbours.
  11. Motherwell do have a history of helping hands from the establishment.
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