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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Week 2 update One death this week, Franz Beckenbauer: Franz Beckenbauer, World Cup-winning captain and manager, dies aged 78 | Franz Beckenbauer | The Guardian The full obituary on the Guardian's site is also worth reading: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2024/jan/08/franz-beckenbauer-obituary I always enjoy pictures of old footballers, so here's one: It's not every day in the Dead Pool we have a country's undisputed best ever player featured, so whether you're old or like me you were born well after his playing days, it's worth doing some reading to see just how much he changed the way the game is played. There are names in football which are ubiquitous in that they're a byword for stature, reputation, style, whatever. Beckenbauer is that for most of the defensive half of the pitch. I don't know that a single individual can be as influential in football culture as that any more. Beckenbauer died at 78 so he's worth 47 Base Points for @parxyz, @psv_killie and @The_Craig, with @D Angelo Barksdale getting a Vice-Captain bonus for a total of 71 points. As a result, the standings look like this: 1. mozam76 189 2. lolls, Moomintroll, pub car king, Salvo Montalbano 163 6. psv_killie, The_Craig 141 8. cdhafc1874, lichtgilphead 129 10. amnarab, Arch Stanton, Ned Nederlander, sparky88, The DA, The Naitch, ThomCat 94 17. D Angelo Barksdale 71 18. Florentine_Pogen, tamthebam 58 20. parxyz 47 21. sleazy, stanton, Sweaty Morph 25 24. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CsroU6IlQNJOesOqCc5gsI7SCw8ywBS-PUzQwLTJe4g/edit?usp=sharing
  2. This is correct. Pro Evo is something I've only ever heard English people say.
  3. I just turned my TV over and was immediately hit with a shot of a guy on Jackass standing completely naked with a bit of honeycomb attached to his dick while bees swarmed around it and him. I think I should start going to bed earlier.
  4. I can see Donald going out like this in a fit of rage:
  5. Could Scotland really turn down our last World Class player?
  6. Have you considered that fish smells and looks weird?
  7. Imagine going into your work after a break knowing your boss did this and it was filmed. "Awright gaffer? Get up to much when you were off?"
  8. After the top TV thread I've started watching The X-Files again. I know there's a bunch of people coming up but: John Connor's stepdad from Terminator 2 is in an episode. It's a rip-off of The Thing so I'm guessing he doesn't make it. Ed - oh! Felicity Huffman's in it too: Ice (The X-Files) - Wikipedia
  9. Like shards of rubber between two polystyrene ceiling tiles.
  10. Has Judd been to Turkey? His hair looks a lot fluffier than the last time I saw him.
  11. I got really excited when I saw the picture and the word Well and thought you'd added a message there.
  12. Looks like the house of a minor bigshot from Grand Theft Auto who you kill a third of the way through.
  13. At least some of the wojaks are well done. Tony Blair's is practically photorealistic.
  14. It only started last week so it's just a bit red and swollen. It's also the second toe, not the big one. I gave them a steep this evening, I'll do that a few more times and see if anything changes.
  15. I think I'm developing an ingrown toenail. Does anyone have any tips?
  16. It's a good thing your man Alli chimed in below or I would've been declaring war on Dundee.
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