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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. I'm informed he's in other, even shiter programmes about baldy guys.
  2. West Ham fans have wanted him out for ages. An odd bunch.
  3. By older games I mean the NHL 94 controls as they're called in-game. 08 was the first game on PS3 and I think they started using the skill stick then. I had 06, 07 and 09, 09 was the first year of Be a Pro so there was more reason to have refined individual controls I suppose. NHL 94 was rereleased I think along with 19, for the 25th anniversary of it. Because the NHL doesn't like money or people caring about it you could only play this if you got one of the special editions of the regular game. I don't know why they don't keep that in the games even as an extra mode, but oh well. I also won my first Threes tournament earlier. It's amazing what happens when you're paired with a guy who will pass every now and then
  4. Oh I'm fucked if I know how to do that either. The higher the level of your player the more abilities you can unlock and there's one where you can do dangles, but my muscle memory just seems to kick in from 09 and I try and go from forehand to backhand and nothing happens.
  5. Speaking as a Chelsea fan, I’m personally really liking the lack of transfer movement during this window. Our owners have treated our football club like it’s a baseball team with their obsession for purchasing and selling players like they’re stocks and shares. This transactional attitude to our playing staff doesn’t work in football though. Football requires a real team ethos whereas in baseball players operate far more individually (albeit in a team environment). Baseball is far more suited to trading players because it doesn’t negatively affect the team ethos in the same way (watch Moneyball to see what I mean). FFP may not be perfect, but it’s seems to be forcing Boehly and Eghbali to limit the wheeler-dealing quite a bit.
  6. A better option than the amount of people in the replies (seemingly) sincerely saying Drake.
  7. New Pearl Jam: Pearl Jam Unveil Upcoming Album At Daytime L.A. Playback - SPIN Be nice if they played in Scotland for the first time in twenty four years to go with it...
  8. Taylor Swift is a psyop. I saw this tweet a week ago and it's genuinely never going to leave my brain. The ignorance, vacuousness and stupidity is astounding.
  9. Big Jim from Under the Dome is in The X-Files:
  10. The last one I had before this year's was 09, so I'm going in from scratch too. There are sound effects from 09 they're still using - players shouting things on the ice like man on or pass it here, that kind of thing. It was almost nostalgic. HUT is hideous, but this is the only experience I've had of it. The entire concept isn't for me, so I can't say how well it actually works in practice. Squad Battles doesn't seem a very viable way of getting packs because you need a good team to play at a decent difficulty level and if you don't have a good team and you're just learning the game it... won't work. The player base is going to be much smaller than FIFA as well, so I don't know what sort of effect that would have. The last time I played I used the simplified controls (one button for pass, shoot and hit) but this time I've used the default and I think I've got the hang of it by now. Playing in HUT as a whole team is a bit frustrating (trying to do tactical stuff or make line changes is a nightmare) but if you do the 3v3 rush mode, or you go into Chel (which I think is the equivalent of Volta in FIFA) and do 1v1 or 3v3 and you just control your player, you actually start to recognise what your inputs do. Like I said above I'm still kind of at a point where scoring is just something that happens, rather than something that I do consciously knowing how my button presses are actually affecting things. Defensively I think I have the hang of things, offensively there are still things I'd like to do better. I might be really dumb and missing it but if there was a tutorial/training mode or something where you had all the controls explained to you it would really help. As far as I know there's just a practice mode where you can pick one guy and go up against a goalie which is fine since there's no pressure, but not fine since you don't know what you're doing. I think if you're just getting into the sport and league, if you play on easier difficulties and don't get too worried about all the fancy stuff, it's a very good way of learning and being interested in it. The presentation (graphics, soundtrack, commentary, factual details, aesthetic) is hideous, but the gameplay is pretty solid. If you have a ten hour trial you'll easily be able to decide if it's for you or not. Obviously all of this comes with the caveat of me being a long-time NHL fan and completionist who wants to platinum the game because it has Cale Makar on the box.
  11. I've spent the past week doing Chel. I've played thousands of games of Rocket League so I know how to play positionally in a 3v3 game. Nobody I get paired up with does. Skating down the wing with two players coming towards you, and me on the other side of the ice with nobody near me? Better try a loose puck deke and get knocked off and now I'm miles out of position. In saying that, I got to two finals in 3v3 tonight with a pair of Swedish guys. Lost both. I've not really tried any different player builds so I'm sure there's a meta I can take advantage of (and I'm only level 15 so there's more stuff to unlock), but I've been a defenseman and have the hang of most of the mechanics like stick play and blocking. I'm still useless offensively though, I've still not reached a point where I feel like I understand what my button inputs are doing. I've basically done the game totally backwards - HUT, then Chel, then once that's done I'll do BAP/Franchise Mode and actually learn how to play it properly. I think the biggest thing for Chel in either ones or threes is to just play conservatively and don't wildly throw yourself about all the time. I'll add you tomorrow and get you a game at the weekend.
  12. Why would anyone ever bring up Neil Lennon seriously in these kinds of discussions? At Celtic he has/had enough reputation to get by without any deeper sense of philosophy or structure, and there he had the obvious bonus of far greater resources. At Hibs he had the reputation and the immediate motivational ability to galvanise the club and improve things at a point when they needed it, before the wheels inevitably fell off when that stopped working. When he was at Bolton he had basically no chance, so not much point dwelling on that. I just don't really see what there is to take seriously about him as a manager, never mind at a club in need of stability the way Aberdeen currently are.
  13. Won't this be some wonderful television.
  14. I don't know what Kenny Macintyre looks like but I am 100% certain that watching Sportsound would be much more irritating than listening.
  15. The guy rubbing his hands together from that gif of Stranger Things is in The X-Files:
  16. Terminators are covered in human skin but they don't have any other human organs to maintain it, so presumably the skin would die and fall off about 48 hours after the initial time travel (at most). It'd be a bit hard to blend in after that.
  17. As an NHL fan I've seen how a Bill Foley team operates. Las Vegas started in the 2017-18 season. They made the cup final in their first season (their success was as much the fault of ~75% of the other teams/managers in the league not handling the expansion properly) and have been a contender ever since, winning the Stanley Cup last year. The best way to describe their approach over that time would be "aggressive." If there was a big name signing or trade to make, they've generally made it. Because there's a salary cap in the NHL this often meant having to ship out previously important or well-liked players to accommodate the new guys. If you think football agents are a poison, get a load of this idiot. The team has also played very heavily into the generally tacky and horrible nature of Las Vegas as a city, and the team is largely reviled by most NHL fans as a result. I can't stand them. Obviously there's not much of a comparison to make between the operation of Hibs and a North American sports team, but for whatever concerns there are about them being a feeder team or less of a priority to the investor(s) as anyone here would like, I do think there's a decent chance they'll see a sizable, sustained boost to resources on and off the pitch. Whether or not that translates into results we'll have to wait and see. Someone may need to educate them on naming conventions a bit though:
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