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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. pfft, I've been Safarian since before you were born
  2. I agree with this. I think if Gauld is going to be the main piece of the national team for the next ~10 years, which he hopefully is, you need to get him in and playing as soon and as often as possible. That it can start against a pub team like Gibraltar is all the better. Less pressure on him and the team to get a result (because it'll come easily, obviously.... right?) so he can be eased gently into international games.
  3. Re: "Are they still Rangers or not?" To quote someone I saw on P&B somewhere - Same shite, different toilet.
  4. How come Magee doesn't have "Banned" under his avatar but you can't click on his profile?
  5. I went to school with a Darcy. Then again, she was a girl and English so it's probably not the same.
  6. I generally hit CTRL+B and have to wait for my favourites menu to show up before I go back to what I was doing. So annoying.
  7. Saw an otherwise respectable looking man in HMV today buying at least six Peppa Pig DVDs with TYLER scribbled on his neck in prime Jeremy Kyle tattoo font. Is this becoming a thing, where people feel the need to write their kids' names on them in prominent places?
  8. One time in a tech class someone asked the teacher what he would do if someone tried to attack him with a chisel, his exact words were: "if we're being attacked we're authorised to use whatever force we deem necessary to protect ourselves, in that situation the force I'd deem necessary would be to batter him round the head with a chair" Which was surprising, he never struck you as the violent type.
  9. This Chelsea assistant manager keeps looking into the camera. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-KDL32R433-Widescreen-Television-Freeview/dp/B00IJ8PHIK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420930042&sr=8-1&keywords=sony+32
  10. I am watching Match of the Day in HD for the first time on the new telly I got with my Christmas money Shitting hell This is amazing
  11. Rangers players voting Yes and the assorted seethe it's caused is just delightful. I feel as if the prospective effect an independent Scotland would have on Rangers fans should have been a bigger thing for the Yes side. It would have been worth it to send them all mad, surely. PS
  12. What annoyed me more about this advert when I first saw it was how they kept saying it was a 1:1 scale model. No it isn't. If it was a 1:1 model then £893 would be considerably better value.
  13. Birch Barlow: Mayor Quimby, you are well known for your lenient stance on crime, but suppose for a second that your house was ransacked by thugs, your family was tied up in the basement with socks in their mouths, you try to open the door but there's too much blood on the knob.... Mayor Quimby: What is your, ah, question? Birch Barlow: My question is about the budget, sir.
  14. Do they give a Nobel Prize for attempted chemistry, do they?
  15. Lewis Macleod allegedly on the way to Brentford for one million pounds. How long until that money gets pissed into the ether?
  16. http://terracepodcast.net/chrismillarlounge/2014/4/1/gif-how-does-it-feel
  17. You know those videos of football with Spanish commentary where the commentators are completely unbearable? Well, it's spreading to other sports: (also I managed to delete this by accident after posting it the first time)
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