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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. I'd be very surprised if Rangers/Ross County is on the radio tonight. Perhaps another game will replace it.
  2. The good thing about the rotten posters thread is that it was quickly dealt with and isn't lingering on the forum.
  3. Miguel Sanchez

    The Sopranos

    Get off my car before you flip it over you fat f**k.
  4. Has Keith ever just done.... anything? I've never seen footage of him where he looks at ease, or as if he's doing anything natural. It's like when Broon used to get training on how to smile.
  5. Think of how little gameplay innovation there's been in FIFA over the years. You're playing an EA game with an audience a fraction that size. In terms of just knowing what all the buttons do I'm sure you'll get used to it but from what I understand it's not a series which has focused on improvement or refinement over the years.
  6. The last game I had was 09. I bought 24 because it has Cale Makar on the cover but I've not played it yet. If there's an option to simplify the controls and go to the classic X to pass, square to shoot and triangle to hit, pick that.
  7. I'm up to date. 42 entries so far. Have I had the number of days to go in the title wrong this whole time, without anyone telling me?
  8. The Mackie's black pepper and haggis crisps were fantastic. I realised the other day I haven't seen them since the switch to Taylors but the website says they still exist.
  9. Did we ever get closure on what happened with @Bambino7?
  10. I live opposite a hire yard. Since yesterday morning their alarm has been going on and off intermittently. It's on for about an hour then off then on again. Clearly nobody is being alerted, or at least nobody's coming out to see to it. Can/should I phone the police?
  11. Monkey Tennis digging up posts regarding virginton from the covid thread isn't a very good idea.
  12. Week 51 update Nothing. Are we going out with a whimper after ending last year with the Pope and Pele, and starting the year with Gianluca Vialli? Hopefully.
  13. Potato flavour crisps? Nice concept.
  14. They cancelled it because of the two Premiership games being postponed. So far Liam MacLeod is better at giving lower league updates than Macintyre, even while he's commentating on a game.
  15. Play Rocket League instead.
  16. This looks much worse than when Fox used the glow puck in the NHL, which I didn't think was possible (even if it served some purpose given the size/speed of a hockey puck and picture quality in the 90s)
  17. Fairly sure Keith will have much more pressing matters to attend to.
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