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Everything posted by ecto

  1. Jesus wept, what is wrong with you
  2. Trying to buy a season ticket on the club website, absolute nightmare, any advice
  3. Looks like they were all at United at the same time
  4. would hehave been at United the same time as Bollan and Ferguson
  5. Was talking to a guy today, he said the very same thing, he thinks they are looking for a good time, to bury bad news
  6. I take, since yesterday, has come and gone, this is good news for Caley?
  7. I’ll reserve judgement, it just gets in the way
  8. Hopefully some in for the open training day
  9. Am pleased for you, haven’t attended one of these ties, for years, won’t this season
  10. Oh no, he’s done, he cannot be the level of our ambition
  11. Or alternatively, we put it out of its misery
  12. We did wth Nicky Low and Chris Hamilton You can if the other forward 5 are attacking minded
  13. The one thing you will all learn, is do not under any circumstances get involved with threads which have been set up, by some Caley supporters, they will ruin it, you’ll wish Falkirk were still in this league, you have been warned
  14. If we are going to go 4-4-2, (which I doubt, once he sees everyone else playing virtually a 5 across the middle), I would prefer a b*****d as one of my middle 2, who will eventually play in the middle of a centre mid 3
  15. I also heard it was 6k If he’s seen has a squad player, why the hell give him 2 yrs, a year would have been enough, I have my own thoughts on multi year contracts, for part time players, that’s for another day
  16. I’ve had a bit of time to digest this, but am no really sure about this signing, could be proven wrong, but am really no sure about this, at all
  17. Have to say, spoke to a guy from Inverness,( not a Caley fan), why he wasn’t a Caley fan, was another story, but he did say they’re was a knowing among Caley fans, the club was losing money, but he said it was obvious they didn’t appear to care, as they would get back to the top flight, now I understand, this properly wasn’t all Caley fans
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