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Everything posted by ecto

  1. Everyone probably had to sign an NDA on arrival
  2. We used to have well meaning amateurs doing a professional job at Arbroath, we now appear to have professionals doing an amateur job
  3. Think this is probably correct, we used to have well meaning amateurs doing a professional job at Gayfield, now we have professionals doing an amateur job
  4. Agree with this, but Airdrie still have much to play for
  5. I genuinely hope that as the years go by, you can find some form of peace in your life, carrying this amount of seethe about, must be exhausting
  6. Canna even grieve in peace, now off you pop, you no got a top 6 to celebrate?
  7. Tbf, I kinda wish we activated this prior to the ICT game, think it might’ve given us a lift, it’s obvious now, he has lost the dressing room
  8. If he is only due 2 months severance, maybe we should start a crowdfunder
  9. Have to say 1800 quid a week, was the figure quoted to me when he signed
  10. No so sure on Ricky, maybe it’s time we let him go home, plenty of teams on his doorstep #legend, but yes on the other 3
  11. They are not reading the room, you don’t get yourself out of a hole, by digging another hole
  12. Don’t think anyone will be fighting for a new contract while McIntyre is still in charge, but if we sack him after the Ayr game next Saturday, then the home games against Queens and Morton, might be slightly more interesting, but my gut feeling is, he’s here until the end of the season, unfortunately
  13. Am quite confident that whoever finishes 9th is joining us in League1, pity the likely candidate is Caley, a slim chance it’s Queens, both who have an appalling away support
  14. Not made up, I’ve been saying since the Caley game at Gayfield, whoever finishes 9th, probably Caley to be fair, as you lot have to play us, and we’re on the beach, will come down with us, sticking to that
  15. Spoke to a Montrose fan a couple of weeks ago, he made the point, that none of Cove , Alloa, Montrose or Hamilton will be frightened if they had to play Caley or QP
  16. Agree with this, probably have someone else in place for the two home games, although he should have been sacked tonight
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