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Everything posted by ecto

  1. As far am aware we don’t have a recruitment team or am I missing something
  2. Think we will be playing both these teams next season, always look forward to our games against Montrose, ICT, not so much, any thread involving them, always becomes a shitshow
  3. Heard a crazy thing, Hammys brother is coming to keep goal, might be nonsense
  4. Am no sure it’s a blind hatred, very few of us would have picked him, I do concede Dick Campbell was in the same boat, but performances have deteriorated, his signings have been poor, the end of the season has been awful and we look a bit of a joke, I do not buy the “dead rubber” ,”players will be leaving” every game has to be played and competed professionally, I don’t think he’s the man, but I’ll be there come next season, heart filled with hope and excitement, whether he is the manager or not This is also my final take on it
  5. They probably don’t need much motivation, but they should pin this on the dressing room wall,
  6. Anyone, at the moment, cannot think how anyone else could be worse Tbf, think Graham is a more than decent shout i know we struck gold with the appointment of Paul Sheerin, player manager, maybe it’s time to not dismiss this as an option
  7. But surely these awful performances must move the dial, surely to f**k
  8. These performances are completely unacceptable, they’re is absolutely no way, we can go into next season with this manager in place, the board must now see this, surely
  9. The nick of this thread, the close season canna come quick enough
  10. Was absolutely not three at the back, it was absolutely gutless, whether this was a meaning less end of season game or not, it was an embarrassment of a performance, board need to read the room, they also have to think about season ticket sales, canna see a rush if McIntyre is still in charge
  11. Every journey has a few bumps along the way, probably be final home appearance for many, I kinda think QP are destined for 9th, so home win
  12. Excellent work by Gordon Walker and the Morton medical staff, who seen what was occurring, not so good from the Lino who was right there or Kirk Broadfoot or Robbie Crawford who both appeared to moan about the game being stopped we could be saying goodbye to club legends next week
  13. Limping at full time, suggest it was the correct decision
  14. Agree on Delaney, but doubt he’ll stay, MacKinnon, absolutely not
  15. Came within a whisker of blaming us for his own team’s failure
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