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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Greaves know how to run a business better than I do but surely they're missing out on a fairly decent wedge here!? And the club as well.
  2. Got Ned Jnr the Limited jersey - looks like they're sold out already.
  3. So, and I don't post this lightly, the ball didn't go out. I'd have put my mortgage on it but we watched it back recently and he does actually keep it in! Dallas is still a c'nt though.
  4. Bisland for Yeats Let's fucking do this.
  5. Those figures would read better if the club shoehorned 19 more seats into the KM7.
  6. The lad on the left has a tattoo of his Celtic debut:
  7. Entire personalities based on a sports team - even their wakes and headstones will be about Rangers. Some of those wakes will be fairly soon judging by the absolute state of them - simply the best though
  8. It's mental isn't it - imagine being that immersed in something so backwards and pointless? They probably think the locals are somehow impressed by it all rather than utterly bemused. We should pity them but I just fucking hate them all.
  9. Imagine getting a stiffy over a bunch of mono-brows stomping through the streets with empire biscuits balancing on their nappers Not only are these chumps voluntarily letting the local community know who all the aresholes are they're doing it in point-and-laugh fancy dress
  10. The OJ case hinged on the gloves not fitting did it not!? Gloves he put on in the Courtroom!?
  11. Does Rylan present the trophy? And if not who does?
  12. He has a connection to one of the Arse Cheeks so platforming his opinion gives our sporting press yet another reason to mention 'Rangers'. (Is he saying anything 'controversial'? If so get it on the changing room door)
  13. Same here - one of our cats limped home like it had just been hit by a car, we phoned the vets in a panic and were rushed through a busy waiting room like a scene from casualty Cat emerged from the carry case like it was wondering what all the fuss was about - no sign of a feckin limp I don't remember if we were charged for that visit but I'm sure we would with these new c'nto owners. As an aside - our dog is insured but our cats aren't, not entirely sure why we did/didn't!
  14. Isn't LinkedIn about employment networking? I certainly don't post anything radical on Twitter (or P&B) but I'd probaly hold back on some posts if I thought potential employers would see them.
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