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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Costs more to means test prescriptions than having them free at point of delivery apparently.
  2. I don't know our exact record, it's undoubtedly poor but I suspect it's no bad for a right diddy club, but the thread gives me a chance to mention that I've seen Falkirk beat Celtic at 5 (five) different grounds
  3. This might've been posted already but I really can't be arsed looking, You're invited to work out which club he's referring to. (As an aside, and it's not unusual for these f'cktards, the flag's upside down)
  4. I started reading back this thread from the beginning - I knew she'd always been a c'nt but I genuinely didn't know the half of it And I'm only up to about page 10
  5. Criticising looks isn't the done thing, and rightly so, but I'm happy to make an exception for Mone - her online presence is very much about how she looks (even a post about Remembrance was accompanied by a 'glossy' picture of herself) and she dishes out advice on coping with life by looking good etc all the time (or at least she did before she fucked off for a couple of years) but she looks fucking rank there, and she's done it all to herself with our fucking money - botoxed to the max, lips Pete Burns would've pointed-and-laughed at - she looks fucking ridiculous I know she's thicker than a Boxing Day shite but surely to f'ck she knows that presenting yourself like a over-ripe barbie Doll while going for the sympathy vote is a bad move (or a bad look I suppose)
  6. Anyone else being spammed by an "I can show you more" post featuring a picture of a lass with her arse in the air in every Twitter thread? It comes up even if I'm on my backup account at work so I'm fairly sure it's not influenced by my search history ()
  7. She was on a celebrity version of The Apprentice many moons ago and I remember watching it at the time and being rather surprised at how utterly shite she was on it.
  8. Expected this to have been posted already. Miller goal at around 1:01 3rd @ 2:10 (complete with comedy 'Oh my God' audio )
  9. Fair play to the guy, feel his pain - we've all been there. Can't argue with his assessment either.
  10. 5-1 is pretty much an outlyer for this fixture - we generally struggle against Kelty. Wouldn't like to call today.
  11. Sorry if it's been mentioned already but is there a valid reason for the game being physical tickets only? Going to Hamilton was already like going back in time tbf
  12. I know criticising people's looks is underhand but what an absurd looking gentleman Musk is - he looks like a bellend peeking out of a foreskin.
  13. I take it I'm not the only one that wakes to Twitter notifications about Links in some random's profile!?
  14. That ghoul was filming the emergency services outside Mathew Perry's house the other week.
  15. Not playing players was one of the most frustrating things about Hughes - Roman Wallner looked class in the two games he played for us ... he went on to play, and score, for the Austrian national team, the only time we saw Theobald play was on telly a at World Cup where he marked David Beckham out the fucking game Even guys like Arnue Riera were confusingly left sitting on the bench occasionally when we were screaming out for them on the park *had to stop myself going into a big rant there - do carry on*
  16. Most folk in the comments going along with the joke other than Douglas here who'd have had the 1980s cringing
  17. I'd forgotten about the annual stooshie by folk who don't know Poppy Scotland put the card at the bottom of their wreaths.
  18. "England Expects" - Surely not? We commemorated Taranto Night when I was in the RN (FAA actually ) and by 'commemorated' I mean we got completely rat-arsed!
  19. Twitter takes you back to the top of the thread when you read a comment now - it's like they've sat down and discussed ways of making it even shitter!
  20. Absolutely definitely made from a recovered shell case that - no chance some wee guy in Sneck is making them out of pilfered brass.
  21. Tough game, happy with the draw given I had a feeling Queens were going to take one of those late chances/corners. Bisland going off was the right call, Spencer certainly not 100% and looked to have taken a knock but did make a difference when he came on.
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