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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Better team won and probably 2-0 a true reflection - forced into lots of sloppy errors. Looked pretty Keystone Cops for the 2nd, kilked the game off.
  2. I see Twitter is falling over itself to tell us both teams deserve to be in this league - who knew
  3. Fair play Sandy. (Still an absolute wid right enough)
  4. I used to follow Grouse Beater but he blocked me for pointing out that he'd cropped an image so that he could use it to criticise the SNP. Interesting that I can see his post here on P&B but not on Twitter itself
  5. I remember thinking much the same when she took over from Salmond.
  6. Wasn't aware they'd signed him I've only met him once but the owner is related to Mrs Ned - seemed a thoroughly decent chap it has to be said.
  7. Jordan Allan pulled loose the velcro strap on one of his goalie gloves when Falkirk were about to take a corner
  8. These For You & Following tabs are a load of pish The 'For You' tab is full of Right Wing nonsense that I'm not following *because* it's Right Wing fucking nonsense - what's the point? I like Twitter but it's becoming a bit shit.
  9. I read something recently (probably a twitter post) suggesting that the original Bond books include off the scale racism.
  10. Yip - big strong fella, fit & healthy, and presumably able to afford top notch healthcare - what fucking chance do any of us have!? Played a big role in Italy's 2020 success and comes across as very much loved in their documentary about the tournament - Gut-wrenching, ciao etc.
  11. It has changed hasn't it!? I'm hardly using it these days - it's had a tweek or something
  12. Aye - looks like he's genuinely starting to get a bit concerned when the clip stops
  13. Photo finish - great scoring all round! Congrats JustOneCornetto
  14. Didn't someone on here claim to have pumped Hayden Panettiere
  15. Aye, good well respected player I don't know what he did to merit it but I did once try and put him down at Brockville but shouted something about Frank McAvennie in the excitement - he looked very confused. RIP.
  16. I'd just been going to look that up lol Not that it's been confirmed that I had McGarvey of course
  17. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/frank-mcgarvey-dead-66-celtic-28851664
  18. This loss of service is giving me palpitations - is there a contingency plan for submitting teams if the site is down?
  19. We were in Rome recently and stayed in a similar area - like you say the restaurants were full of locals - it felt a bit more gritty! And we used the buses to get into town which was an adventure in itself Despite having been to Paris I don't know it well enough to judge that particular part of town though.
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