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Posts posted by H_B

  1. Eh, being against the Tory policy of ethnic voting in a referendum is eh.... Campaigning with Tories?

    Yep, no surprise a thicko like you hasn't grasped this.

    You do know what stance the UK government are taking on the EU referendum don't you?

    Do you need a hint?

  2. We won't need to restrict the vote to win the next referendum. The passing of time will gerrymander the demographics in our favour. We just need to wait.

    Will it? In what way?

    Won't the percentage of old people in 20 years time actually be higher?

  3. Not hugely so, as I said, I'm glad they did the franchise as it was, I'd rather lose 45/55 polling everyone than winning a referendum run on clearly ethic nationalist standards. However, it's clearly one way they could've run it, and it wouldn't be beyond the pale - witness the proposed EU referendum franchise.

    It wouldn't have been ratified by Westminster with such a restrictive franchise. Wouldnt have had legal status and any 'win' would in effect be the same as a UDI and good luck with that.

    It was never an option for the SNP. And it would have been suicide anyway given their predeliction for painting themselves as a party that wants more immigration.

    Anyone who seeks to break the result down into ethnic groups to make a point is an utter scumbag. As proven by various threads on here.

    What next? If we didn't let women vote it would have been Yes. Maybe the SNP can try that next time.

  4. they pick holes in almost everything.

    Which is possible for just about every murder case given there are going to be unexplained parts of the story and other people with plausible motive and opportunity .

    If you actually look at his story, you could drive a monster truck through it. Its absolute nonsense.

    His convenient memory lapses.

    His phone being in the vicinity of where she was buried in a shallow grave.

    The Nisha call.

    the Serial programme was determined to find out that he was innocent. The narrator more or less admits that at one point. It cant. Because the evidence is hugely incriminating.

    They've picked this one case but I'd be willing to bet this isn't in the top 30% of American murder cases with questionable verdicts.

  5. No need. The BBC already did that and Billy made it crystal clear that he regarded such payments as wages and that they were given to him, very unequivocally on those terms. Technically legal or otherwise, this was a con, a trick to entice better players than would otherwise be possible by enabling them to duck their tax obligations. To do it fully, they had to register their players with the football authorities in deceitful terms. Any decent football fan or even citizen would find the practice distasteful in the extreme. Imagine seeking to defend it because you support a particular team.

    Financial doping.

  6. 'Tears, wailing and gnashing of teeth? Hounded out'?? :lol:

    Every manager has a shelf life.

    But you keep spinning that religious conspiracy theory of yours, bigot.

    Mmm hmm..

    Yep. Most supporters would generally want the most successful manager for 30 years to leave the club after 4 years. After having wanted the previous failed Catholic Irish incumbent to stay, despite having a greatly inferior record and having been there longer.

    Fooling no one bigot. Fooling no one.

    The only thing Strachan had going for him in Celtic fans' eyes is that he wasn't black. Given you have a known racist streak as well as being bigots.

  7. as if there's some Opus Dei managerial selection process at Celtic.

    It's not the managerial selection process the Top Trumps addresses, bigot.

    It's the Celtic fans' wishlist criteria for manager and your bigot fanbases' treatment of said manager.

    Which is why your most successful manager in the modern era was hounded out, whilst failure O'Neill, with a greatly inferior record, is lauded as a legend and his departure was greeted by tears, wailing and gnashing of teeth from the permamourners.

  8. Yes - I really enjoyed Serial.

    I was left in no doubt whatsoever about his guilt though. I think he quite clearly did it.

    "What do you remember of what you did that day? You know, the one where your ex girfriend was brutally murdered and the police questioned you?"

    "Not very much really.."


  9. Very Seldom I see Celtic fans accuse people who have a go at us as sevco fans(I know you dislike us as much)...... Paranoid freaks :lol:


    Utter bollocks. Your scabby mob's fans regularly accuse other posters of being Visigoth sympathisers.

    I've lost count of how many times green vermin fans have gone down that route.

    As for paranoid.. Repugnant and laughable though the Mordoreans are on here and in general, they will never reach the levels of paranoia and delusional fantasy the offended by everything, ashamed of nothing green bigots wallow in.

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