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Everything posted by printer

  1. That position being: We'll not vote Sevco into Div One unless there's something in it for us.
  2. Any word on the SFL vote yet? The Bairnstrust guy has gone awfy quiet.
  3. No he isn't. Tell him he's an arrogant c*nt.
  4. Yes, I know. The point is that doping in professional cycling is almost a necessity to compete at that level, as those books clearly show.
  5. Yes we do. Have you read Rough Ride, Bad Blood, David Millar's bio. It's endemic.
  6. Cheers, mate. So they are the official views.
  7. Can I ask if you are giving the official Bairnstrust view everytime you post on this board? Or are they your own personal views? Just curious.
  8. I think it will come out. I could be wrong of course. As could you. I believe Bairnstrust are seeking confirmation.
  9. I find it bizarre that Falkirk are not coming out and saying which was they voted. It will come out eventually anyway, but they may have no control over when and how. Given the silence, the assumption has to be that it was a "yes". Why not just admit that then, rather than have it drag on?
  10. Impressed with these young players. I liked the look of Grant in particular. They competed well against an Alloa side with plenty experience, especially in midfield (Darren Young, Graeme Holmes, Bryan Gilfillan and Stephen Simmons). Thought we just about deserved the win. Blair Munn, Conor Kelly (trialist) and Ryan Miller (trialist) got half an hour or so for the Wasps.
  11. I work beside one of the Bairnstrust guys and he was showing everyone the statement to say "look how Falkirk are making their position clear". My response was that it said nothing conclusively, and in fact implied that with the correct concessions Falkirk would be happy to let Sevco in the first.
  12. Definitely. That really came home to me at the weekend when I bought a couple of quality papers to read their expected in depth analysis of Friday's events. There was nothing at all in there that I hadn't read already on P&B. The quality of opinions and argument here is also far superior.
  13. He won't start, at least initially. We have a number of good attacking midfielders. Ryan McCord is the main man in that role, and the likes of his brother Ross, Cawley and Cox could all play there. He'll get a chance at some point though. Either from the bench or when we have injuries. He looks tiny out on the pitch! But then that doesn't stop Kevin Cawley being effective.
  14. I remember him getting good reviews after one game in particular last year. I expect both Miller and Kelly will get some game time up at Oban at the weekend to allow Paul Hartley to assess them further. It is interesting that we have signed Munn and have two or three ex-Falkirk youths training with us. Clearly there is a relationship between PH and Pressley, and we are local, but I think that part of the reason is also that Falkirk have a good reputation for the way their youngsters are trained.
  15. I think that's right. I got told the name last night, but couldn't remember it.
  16. Mitchell played for Alloa as a trialist against Partick last night. Did OK, but not great. Was Connor Kelly the fair haired one. Did OK. Good runs. Decent pace. Who was the ginger haired one? Ex-Falkirk youths as well, I believe. Ryan someone?
  17. Got the train into Glasgow and cycled the route back to Falkirk via Avonbridge. 36 miles in total and completely f*cked at the end. Made even trickier as one of the screws came off my cleats and I couldn't get my shoe off the pedal clip without taking it off. Made stopping at junctions tricky!
  18. They may be saying that, but they are only saying it so that if it comes to pass they can say "Well we aren't bothered. We said that's what we wanted anyway." In reality ALL of them want to be in the SPL and nowhere else (well EPL obviously ). One of the main reasons they support the club is for the reflected glory. That's why when they are losing they try and distance themselves from the club, blaming a scapegoat or saying they are "embarrassed". That cannot be reconciled with actually being happy playing in division 3, but it does make sense with SAYING they want to be there.
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