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Everything posted by printer

  1. Thanks, guys. I'll let you know how I get on.
  2. I've entered the "pedal for Scotland" Glasgow to Edinburgh charity ride in September (the 50 mile one) to get more into cycling and get fitter. Really just started using a road bike this year. I got proper pedals and shoes a month or so ago, and they are making quite a difference. Anyone got any training tips? I'm 53 in August, so nothing too dramatic!
  3. Wasn't expecting that. Tremendous effort. Winning breeds winning, so let's hope we can go on from here, have a good Autumn and a successful 6 nations.
  4. Fourth round of the year at Stirling last weekend. Reasonably happy with an 86 given how few rounds I've played in the last three years. Takes me a few holes to get the timing going and probably lashed at it a bit too much before then, hence why my back is f*cked this week. Short game was again pretty solid.
  5. My advice would be don't carry a lob wedge in your bag. The temptation to use it and play a Phil Mick type shot is too great too often for us handicap golfers. I would go to 52deg max, and only use that when absolutely necessary (e.g. bunkers). Play chip and runs rather than pitches whenever you can; with a 7 or 8 iron.
  6. Terrible decision to play Kujabi. Been a bombscare since he arrived. Fenlon has to take the blame and this one decision calls into question his ability to take Hibs forwards. I thought only McPake showed the sort of fight and character you would expect from all eleven players for a match like this.
  7. Did you join at the recent Open Day?
  8. They didn't give the money to Rangers PLC. They gave it to Whyte's holding company, which then passed it to Rangers to pay the bank. No way will the bank pay that money back.
  9. Couldn't agree more. You wouldn't have caught Jim Farry using Twitter.....
  10. I don't think it would be far out. Could be something like: Monthly Savings Required £ 1,000,000.00 Weekly Savings Required (Monthly *12 / 52) £ 230,769.23 Gross Wages excluding pensions/NI of say 15% £ 200,668.90 Average Gross Wage - 15 players £ 13,377.93
  11. Agreed. I'm also sure it is right he has given personal guarantees for much if not all the loan. Definitely. It will have gone through the books as a loan from the parent company, passing the funds which it had received from Ticketus. It may or may not have been actual cash, although I suspect it was as that would stand up better to scrutiny. In any case the funds were used to settle Rangers indebtedness to LBG. As I have posted above, I believe that a lot of the original loan will have already been repaid from Rangers to the parent company and on to Ticketus from Rangers cashflow (Jelavic's money, the £9m owed to HMRC, other stuff). I would be surprised if the current outstanding amount is over £10m. Double whammy from Whyte: reduces his indebtedness to Ticketus; pushes the company into admin.
  12. I wouldn't be so sure about that. In any case it isn't the key point. I imagine Fakirk were further behind with their payments than Rangers are.
  13. He's completely guessing. The problem with sports journalists reporting on the administration is they don't have the knowledge or experience to really understand it or add much, if any,value or insight.
  14. It would reduce the amount he is owed, but not his status as the secured creditor.
  15. I suspect it may work like this: The holding company get a loan from Ticketus. That loan is probably subject to a personal guarantee from Whyte, so effectively safe. The loan will also carry a decent short term return, probably in the form of a fee. So worthwhile for Ticketus. The holding company then loans the money received from Ticketus in turn to Rangers. That money being used to pay off the bank debt. Since the purchase of Rangers by the holding company, funds have been used to repay a reasonable chunk of this loan. I expect that the indebtedness of Rangers to the holdng company has been reduced as far as possible. I'd guess now less than £10m. Ticketus are happy as they make a good short term profit with no real risk as the debt is backed by a personal guarantee from Whyte. They are outwith the financial problems of Rangers. Whyte is happy as his holding company is a secured creditor and will have the remainder of any loan paid in full. It's effectively just an in and out for him in any case.
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