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Father Ted

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Everything posted by Father Ted

  1. There has been another two murders in "Rignam", one four weeks ago and another a couple of years ago. Some place, Rigside.
  2. It's about time a mass non payment of tv licence was organised. The BBC no longer can be taken seriously after recent events Pity most people are morons and politically naive, so it won't happen. Will just need to add them to my despised list with the Banks and Westminster.
  3. Happy to hear that's the case. It's 40,000 years overdue going off according to the experts. The chain of volcanos in Iceland that sit on the North Atlantic Ridge. Could conceivably all go off in a chain reaction. Indonesia is a melting pot too. Think they are only ones the would rival, Yellowstone. If Yellowstone went off, it would be lights out everyone, eventually.
  4. I heard during the week a big fissure had opened up there. I'm no geologist, so no idea if the end is nigh or just par for the course. It intrigues me.
  5. The original quote done so, from a woman. Just adding my opinion.
  6. Julie Fleeting was quoted as saying women's football is on a par with youth football at best. It annoys me that every BBC football panel has a token women on it. It's the equivalent of having, wee Shug the left back for Auchenshoogle Under 18s giving us his views on the World Cup. Women's football is brutal I watched Scotland women's team in last Euros. Amateurish at best.
  7. There won't be enough for a cabinet the way this going. Maybe just a stool. How do the Tory party recruit? Are you a loathsome two faced cnut, with no empathy or soul. Simply driven by money and self interest? If you answer Yes, you're in. Mundell is a doormat. I still cannot understand why anyone in Scotland would vote for these cretins. Especially considering that Ruthie mess too. Two years they've had to come up with Brexit plan, and they have the square root of fcuk all. Then all the rats jump ship, when the sh*t hits the fan. I wouldn't leave this lot in charge of a cat never mind a country. Mind you they might privatise it or sell to foreign investor, so maybe no a cat either. They've done it with everything else.
  8. Tbf, a balloon with a face painted on it, is better than Grimshaw.
  9. Parasitic freakshow. Off with their heads. BBC are doing their best, to boot the absolute arse out of it, and it's not even the wedding day. Nauseating sycophants.
  10. Happy to see Fort continue in HL. Always keep a lookout for the result. Hope to get up early next season to take in a game
  11. Some councils are better than others. South Lanarkshire Council are turning it into an art form, cutting back on parks, verge cutting, hedgerows, grass cutting and litter pick. I travel in Borders and it seems well kept. Answer is for councils to manage it far better than they are, and not invest in Icelandic banks that went belly up, like SLC and others. We are paying for these services already, we shouldn't have to pay again through private means. That's probably what these councils want.
  12. Miller & Wallace should know how matters should be dealt with. They are senior players. Glad to hear they won't play again. Could they take that moron, Halliday with them. I don't care if he supported club since he was a foetus and lived in area. He is brutal and out of his depth in Premiership.
  13. It really is astonishing how engrained they are, fighting for a system that f**ks them over everyday. It's like the SNP are the devil incarnate. I even had one claim to me the SNP were Republican! Until I pointed out SNP supported the Queen being head of state after Indy. No acknowledgement of it, moved on to next SNPbad. They seem to completely ignore Westminsters failings. I reckon the Tories could steal their bairns and it would still be SNP fault. I told him I've never felt British, that was the end of the conversation.
  14. I'm starting to doubt the intelligence of the English. Can't believe they take in this Tory propaganda. The Tory party are the worst thing to hit the UK since the last ice age. You have to laugh when MSM try to link Corbyn to the IRA but it's ok for the scum to buy support from the DUP with taxpayers cash. Absolute fecking morons
  15. The impending implosion of the Tory Party. Clusterf**k Brexit will be gateway to Independence. The Tories looking like absolute amateurs in negotiations. Irish Border is where the sh*ts really going to hit the fan. I can hardly wait.
  16. I'm not doubting there will be morons. But the swing that this Tory f**k up will make, will be enough. The Tories are destroying what's left of Great Britain and have been hellbent on doing so, in their time in government for their own ideology and personal gain. It is unsustainable at it's current rate and and when EU brakes are taken off this despicable ideology, we will see the true extent of the Tory scum. A percentage of people fell for the propaganda the last time, it won't be so easy next time. Whenever that maybe.
  17. The Tories will make an absolute mess of this, there is no doubt. May and rest are so far out of their depth on this. Turbocharged Toryland after Brexit won't be pretty, if you think it's bad now, just wait and see the depths this scum will go to. I wouldn't trust them with a cat, they would probably try and privatise it. No doubt Capita would put in a bid. On the bright side it will probably herald a 2nd Indyref. Which will be successful. As the Tories continue to run Britain into the ground. Only a complete moron would want to stay attached to Toryland.
  18. England is so embedded with crony capitalism and the class system. We will only be free of these curses, if we go independent. I just wish Scottish population would wake up to it. As both are robbing us blind. Tories and their supporters are abhorrent human beings, who lack empathy, a soul, and a moral compass.
  19. At the game tonight. Dons spent most of the game fouling and moaning. Totally shat the bed. 2nd best team in Scotland, hahaha hahaha. Keep going the way they did tonight and they will be doing well to be 2nd best team in Aberdeen. Gers bossed them. Very pleasing.
  20. Bit of an over reaction. Don't like to think what would happen if it really mattered????
  21. Top: Stirling Albion- Annfield. Bottom: Dumbarton - Boghead.
  22. I raise you, the no man's land of Longriggend, Greengairs and Limerigg. Truly awful.
  23. Thanks for the insight. Just wanted to understand it. As for "Man up ffs" I'm more man than you can handle WB[emoji14]
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