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Father Ted

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Everything posted by Father Ted

  1. I meant in general. What's the point in them. They just get in the way.
  2. Totally unacceptable. Manky behaviour. My Mrs is well aware that my food is sacred. She tried it just the once.
  3. Depends on her personality, doesnt look good so far. Have you interacted with her before and it was fine? Or is she a roaster who can see no fault with her kids, no matter what? A kick in the pie would be far more direct and get your point across but sadly life isnt that straightforward
  4. You couldn't make this up! Corbyn was getting it off press for IRA links. And here's Tories happy to side up with these terrorist sympathizing bottom feeders. Can't wait to see MSM take on this. Not forgetting Stormont is a clusterfeck because of these eejits and now they get say in UK politics. I await the scenes.
  5. Look a little deeper. Don't advertise your ignorance.
  6. It's like a mutant march of Oompaloumpas. WTF is the bags about?? Rearrange this popular phrase; Lambs, mutton, dressed as. Tragic.
  7. Are you on drugs??? Stop buying OBR propaganda. Truth is England would be finished if we left and they know it. But they prefer to play it other way, as they cannot stand it.
  8. I understand where you are coming from but Dorrans has had family/personal issues to deal with, amongst other things. I'm sure if signed, he will be a big asset. Better than anything we've got or had. He can play as a defensive or attacking midfielder
  9. If we can get Dorrans on his game, he is one of the most technically gifted players I have seen.
  10. LOL. Where's Ally cutting about the Ibrox one? NDP is sacred ground. That's gazebos, not pagodas
  11. Just noticed links I posted came up blank. Search Google Images for decorative pagodas, see if that takes your fancy?
  12. How about this https://goo.gl/images/xbRS5z Others to think about: https://goo.gl/images/i3kUDc https://goo.gl/images/MznGIU https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gardensite.co.uk%2Fimages%2Fthumbs%2Fdatabase_images%2Ffast-delivery-timber-pagoda-63fbp_original.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gardensite.co.uk%2Fgarden-buildings%2Frowlinson-oriental-pagoda.htm&docid=S7ZpC8-D7U8BcM&tbnid=zKMOZ2xo6-5EQM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwia_MvG-pXUAhWqA8AKHY5fC_0QMwhBKBIwEg..i&w=600&h=600&gl=uk&bih=616&biw=360&q=timber%20pagoda&ved=0ahUKEwia_MvG-pXUAhWqA8AKHY5fC_0QMwhBKBIwEg&iact=mrc&uact=8 https://goo.gl/images/PVMWu2
  13. Would look good situated next to the Japonicas, give you an oriental theme.
  14. Mooooonnnn the Accies. They may laugh at your gazebo but today is yours.
  15. Recently John Swinney took FMQs , he destroyed wee Ruthie. Truly monumental telt. We don't even need the first team to beat her lol. She's very trying, wee Ruthie but she will always be a Tory. Which in Scotland is almost a disease.
  16. Tbh Zuckerberg has just given the morons a stage, they were always there....sadly.
  17. Did you use a crayon? Hope you get a win, will make up for Tories being roundly horsed again up here. As always.
  18. The over 65s have lost it completely. Along with Labour, the Tories are NOT guaranteeing a triple lock on pensions. It's not just the over 65s either. Why vote Tory? After all they've done. I reckon the Tories could commit mass murder and still get voted in at WM. What the fcuk is up with the British public?
  19. Mark as Spam, don't bother to read them. Then they will be redirected to Spam folder. Delete it en masse every week. Problem solved. They will get fed up before you do.
  20. Where's Stellaboz he's usually the barometer on these matters. Imo, widnae unless large consumption of alcohol. Followed by deep regret the next day. They both look a bit unhinged. Dark haired one slightly less than other
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