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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. I have to say I'm quite surprised to read about boring, boring County. Are County really a boring, long-ball outfit? It's funny, as back when we won the First Division first time out, County were the ineffectual, tippy-tappy, pass-the-ball-about-in-the-centre-circle-but-never-score team. Especially funny to hear Billy Reid moaning about boring football Do County fans think that you will try and stick with teh current squad for the SPL or will you make a lot of changes?
  2. Russell Duncan was a great servant for us. COuld be that he just didn't fit into County's XI this season. Who normally plays central midfield for you?
  3. The first paid work I did after leaving Unversity was a bouncy castle attendant. Great days. Or day, as I only did it for one day.
  4. I can't be bothered organising my favourites or anything like that properly so for some reason David Hampton's wikipedia entry is stored in my History. Every time I go on Wikipedia, I go to teh David Hampton page. In case you are interested:
  5. I've only had half a shag cozza that fucking gimp. Tonights episode looks like a fight in the chimp enclosure.
  6. Everytime I have seen that programme (my wife likes watching terrible television) I feel like I need a shower afterwards. Just awful, horrible people.
  7. Everyone should follow @uselesshibsfact Kevin Nicol's surname is an anagram of Colin Nish's first name #FACT #Hibees #gloryglory
  8. Depends whether you were talking a load of shite or not
  9. Is it hugely unusual for this sort of arrangement in business, ie the use of money from within the club? He is clearly a lying wee scrote though.
  10. I heard the Five Live debate this morning, they had some professor on saying that they needed to think about safeguarding jobs at Rangers. How many people to Rangers actually employ? Closing them down and opening a big Asda at Ibrox would probably increase the number of jobs in Govan.
  11. Absolutely. SHocking. This puts the question I was asking better - what are Rangers spending all this money on?
  12. So Rangers have withheld payment of taxes to HMRC and the Inland Revenue to the tune of £11m in the last few weeks. I'm assuming that this has been done because the club has had a big cashflow problem - anyone know what the bills are? What the f**k has caused these cashflow problems? Oh and
  13. In the film 'Grosse Point Blank' a convenience store clerk is shown playing a Doom arcade game. But there never was a Doom arcade game, it was just for the film! Amazing. My question is - I am a 31 year old man and I just bought a comic book from Amazon. Am I a sad git?
  14. ICTChris

    The Sopranos

    I don't think Carmela was a sympathetic character at all. The more the series progresses the more you see what a horrible person she is - when Tony buys her a new car she flashes it around to fellow mob wives, including Ginny who was going through getting her possessions sequestrated, but took the nip when she was gazumped by Angie, who earned her flash motor. She was also a complete boot to her daughter, clearly showing jealousy at the fact Meadow was able to make her own way in the world whereas she was tied to Tony. Also, her Catholicism is the worst kind of hypocrisy, a pseudo-religion widely practised by the Mafia both in the US and Sicily. The scene where she goes to the Jewish psychiatrist who tells her she is married to a depressed criminal and lives of blood money is about the only time she is actually confronted with what her life is. For all his brutality, cruelty and viciousness I think Tony is actually a more sympathetic character at times than his wife. Maybe that says more about me than anything else
  15. Haha McKee wet himself and is now in constant tears about it. Haha xbl got knocked back by a woman in the Fubar. Haha philpy pretended to be autistic and then rolled around on a floor covered in urine. Haha Kilt masterbates in female posters letter boxes. Haha Adam tried to get into County's ground by giving them some ground up kdiney beans and a piece of paper with 'MUNNI' written on it. Haha Fast Action put his life savings into Northern Rock shares Haha Swampy got banned and then phoned the P&B hotline to leave Div a message, pleading to be let back in. Haha Ric resigned Haha that Hearts poster earns £9/hour Haha. Edit: Haha ICTChris put a post laughing at other people but had to edit it as one of the haha's didn't make sense.
  16. I'm quite touched that four people greenied my post about being provisionally safe from redundancy. Either that or you are taking pleasure in my skivy colleague getting binned
  17. We should double up and have posties carrying out doctorly duties or doctors delivering letters (you're a quack aren't you?). It would save time and money.
  18. I'm provisionally safe from redundancy. Has been a shit few days, a lot of good people being made redundant. Also, phoning in sick when obviously just looking for a day off hasn't worked out that well for the aforementioned.
  19. Find out tomorrow if I'm getting made redundant I'll be OK either way I think. It's going to be a horrible day though.
  20. Bumpity bump. As I am staring economic inviability in the chops, I'm putting feelers out for a new job. First time I've really thrown myself into this for a few years so a couple of questions: - If asked to state a desired salary is it better to overstate than understate? I'm not going to demand Fred Goodwin's pension but I have put that it would take me slightly more thanmy current salary to go somewhere. I've been told that I'm underpaid for the job I do (an experienced colleague told me she'd pay me around £20,000 more than my current salary, sadly she isn't recruiting). - What's the best website for IT jobs in Scotland? - What are the best agencies for IT jobs? If/when I'm made redundant I'm going get onto an agency. I can't really do it now as I know agencies like people to start asap and I can't offer that, unless I forgo redundancy payments, which isn't likely. Thanks in advance.
  21. Lidl is a great shop. Sadly the nearest one to me is at the rough end of Leith, meaning I'll have to do the junkie obstacle course to get one.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C2cgDYgyjM
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