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paul wright scores

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Everything posted by paul wright scores

  1. When's that picture from? I don't remember the cobbled road outside St Mirren's ground? The last cobbled roads I remember in Paisley were Moss Street and County Square.
  2. Kilmarnock also were promoted that day, as beating Stirling Albon 2 v 1 at home, meant Hamilton could no longer catch us.
  3. How ignorant are you. Search for Freemasons and the Vatican and educate yourself, unless this is a wind up.
  4. Not even close to the size of Leeds in terms of history and achievement
  5. And what do these clowns train on regularly? They also need artificial pitches as part of Project Brave as far as I know.
  6. Cheers - I think the club should try and revisit the tickets to schools option again. I hope the ground move is not to the pitch in Waulkmill - I don't think that would energise the club at all, in fact I think that would be a complete disaster. Will probably see you there on Saturday as we play one of the arse cheeks on Sunday!!!
  7. There used to be more kids on the pitch at half time than there are Arthurlie fans at some games nowadays. I've asked you this before but can't remember the answer, do Arthurlie ever try and give tickets to be distributed through the schools? Another issue is that as you drive or walk past Dunterlie there is nothing to say who Arthurlie's next game is against. They miss a trick there as it is a busy road.
  8. Definitely Moncur. Yip - McLintock didn't play in that game. Over 137,000 at the game.
  9. Definitely Love street. That's a really old picture, as I don't remember the tenements at the back the North Bank at all.
  10. I have always enjoyed it and now watch it out of habit, but what you say is probably correct.
  11. I saw this and couldn't believe how poor he was. While I have never liked his politics he could always back up his own argument, but not last night. Alan Johnson obviously thought he was talking utter rubbish but held back from destroying him live on TV. Andrew Neil didn't hold back though, and for the 2nd week in a row totally tore apart a 'guest' on the show who basically turned up with an argument they could not actually back up. He also put Sam Gyimah in his place several times, deservedly so. Not sure I like Neil though, as he IMO can be a bully, however he would have been a far better candidate to chair Question Time than any of the others that were 'interviewed'. Time for Livingstone to disappear and enjoy his retirement.
  12. Kilmarnock manager Steve Clarke believes that referees are no longer willing to accept that they have made glaring errors during matches, even when television evidence suggests that they have. As a result, he claims that the current appeals process – in which referees are asked to review their decisions on tape or, in the case of an incident being missed, a panel of former officials must reach a unanimous verdict – is a waste of time. However, the 53-year-old – who was handed a two-game suspended touchline ban after criticising the decision not to overturn a straight red card shown by Willie Collum during Killie’s 1-0 home defeat by Hearts in August – insists he will continue to highlight injustice when he sees it, even though failed appeals cost clubs £1,000. Clarke was baffled this week by the SFA’s refusal to erase the red card shown to Kris Boyd for a challenge on Aberdeen captain Graeme Shinnie during the 0-0 draw at Pittodrie on Saturday. “I sat here in August and went through what I thought were some flaws in the system up here and I was hauled over the coals for it,” he said. “I’m not trying to create anything between Kilmarnock and Aberdeen but there was a tackle early in the game which was as bad as Kris’s, if not worse, but their player gets a yellow card. Kris gets a red and I can’t for the life of me work that out. “The inconsistency shown by the referee… he should look at both challenges and say: ‘Well, I gave a yellow for the first one so it should be a yellow for that one’. “It seems to be they don’t want to rescind their decisions, whether it makes them look worse than they already are. I haven’t got the explanation [for this one] yet. I was told on Wednesday the appeal had been rejected. “To be honest, we didn’t expect to win it. They’ve shown their hand over the course of the season – with other clubs and ourselves – that they don’t like to admit they were wrong.” Even so, Clarke stressed that he will continue to defend his stars. “You owe it to your player and you owe it to the rest of the clubs to ask the question,” he said. “If you think the decision is wrong and don’t ask the question because of a financial penalty then that would also be wrong.” Clarke didn’t attend the recent summit between managers and referees at 
McDiarmid Park. “The real boss [Mrs Clarke] was up in Scotland,” he said. “I got the invitation late on the Tuesday to go to a meeting on Thursday but I had already made plans. “However, I’m also quite sure of the fact that the people who are paid to run the game in Scotland should be capable of running it instead of going around and canvassing managers, who are not paid by the SFA. They should do their own jobs. It’s up to them to put their house in order and get things right. They can ask the opinion of managers but the SFA and people in charge of the game have to take 
responsibility. “I don’t know if your input means anything or not; you don’t know how they are going to proceed. I know they asked Lenny [former Hibs manager Neil Lennon] to join a panel but I’m not sure he will want to do that anymore. “But, like I say, it’s their job, they have to put the game right. That’s what they are paid for.”
  13. I heard tonight we are looking at signing Alex Bruce (Steve Bruce's son). No idea how true it is.
  14. It's the best part of Scottish football, hilarious as you say. Long may it continue.
  15. Correct, our best player on Saturday, IMO, Ian Wilson, wasn't even on the bench.
  16. So do most Killie fans despite the fact he played for us.
  17. Anyone with half a brain can see Clarke is a far better coach than McInnes.
  18. My grandson is 3 and you can have a more sensible conversation with him than you can with her. Why Labour allow her to go on TV is unbelievable.
  19. I would be amazed if that happens - not good enough for the SPFL IMO. Would happily be proved wrong though. Likewise - I cannot believe how disrespectful he has been to the club, manager and supporters. I can't see them paying any money for him, so I would let him rot for the next 5 months and fine him a weeks wages every time he does or says anything wrong.
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