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Posts posted by Kenny_m

  1. 1 minute ago, cb_diamond said:

    So a regrettable joke? Again. I don't think I'm struggling with any context, mainly based off the fact that both the OP and yourself think this was any variety of joke.

    Do you know what, here's an easy solution if you think I'm struggling with context. Why don't you tell me exactly which part of this was a "joke" of any variety? Go on, help me out. 

    I've tried you're too stupid.

  2. 4 minutes ago, cb_diamond said:

    Nope, I wasn't. Also I didn't need to be to know how genuinely bad this episode was and the retelling here makes it sound like it wasn't really that bad. People who were associating with the club by openly being fans, dressed up like the KKK in the middle of a town and then went to the match still in these costumes. There is no joke, no stupid joke, no humour, nothing but offensive, bigoted behaviour that did real, long lasting damage to the reputation of the club and the fanbase.

    It's genuinely blowing my mind here that I am having to justify this view to not one, but two grown, adult people and I am the only one apparently in the last two pages who is seeing this.

    As i've said, i believe your struggling with the context. The word "stupid" could easily be substituted for regrettable.

  3. 1 minute ago, cb_diamond said:

    He called it a "joke" directly, he pointed out that one of the racists was a "coloured lad", which should be an immaterial detail here, but was stressed twice within the "retelling". He made it clear that the good folks of Gretna thought that people dressing up as a horrendous group of racist murderers and roaming their town was all a tremendous wheeze and not in any way abhorrent behaviour. He then went in on a newspaper who while doubtlessly adding their own sensationalist hyperbole had decided to report on, y'know, a bunch of people dressing as a group of racists for TWO days consecutively and roaming about thinking this was a great laugh.

    So yeah. Forgiven me for not exactly thinking "this seems a neutral, facts based retelling of one of our clubs darkest hours" with this version of the events.

    If you're going to quote please do it in the correct context as "stupid joke" has a different meaning to "joke" to me

  4. 1 hour ago, Mr November said:

    I think he’s been our weakest player for the last two games to be honest. I like him and think him and Fordyce are fine for this level but as you say, centre back is the main area we need more competition. McCabe is the only other option in there and as we saw when he went off yesterday, we lack anyone else who can come in and play that holding role if he’s not in there, though I suppose McMaster might be able to do that.

    Left back as we only have Deveney who i'm still unsure of and no one to cover. Yes Ballantyne can but a genuine leftie/centre back required.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Glenmavis Diamond said:

    Tough conditions yesterday. Glad we managed to escape with a draw and allows us to move onto the home game at Alloa with the same confidence and unbeaten run going. 

    As always, fingers crossed for some signings this week. A stronger bench might have helped yesterday in terms of players running out of steam quicker due to the weather. Fair to say that the QoTS subs had a significant impact on how well they came into the game in the second half. 

    Whilst most fans have supported Rhys on his to signing policy, time is now running out and perhaps he will need to look again at his B list of players.

  6. 16 hours ago, stuartcraig said:

    Anyhoo, given that everyone else is doing it I'll speculate too by suggesting that Quitongo's lawyer is referencing those incidents to demonstrate that there are reasonable grounds for believing the allegations of racist behaviour in the support at the QP game were true, enabling the tribunal to then focus on the question of whether PH dealt with the situation in a way that was fair to Quitongo.

    Of course they are but the fact remains whoever made the comment has not been identified by the police or the club. I wonder if the player and his Dad who alledgedly reported the incident are appearing at the tribunal, awkward if he's still at the club.

  7. 13 minutes ago, She who dares gins said:

    There are two things going on here. The case against PH personally and the case against the club from my understanding. I was just referring to his personal role in those incidents. And for it’s worth I did and do speak out on behaviour of this kind and have been subject to targeted abuse as a result.

    What is the club though? Is it the entire staff? Does it include the fans? (Tommy Robinson paying into a game can't possibly be attributed to the Club, directors or staff)

    Is this heading down the strict liability route?

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