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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Managed to avoid spoilers so far, haven't even read anything on here, just sitting down to watch it now, but is William Shatner reading the opening poem thingy?
  2. The mental image of this is quite disturbing,,,,,,oh wait, no you meant.........
  3. I made the mistake once, never again. You get harassed all night.
  4. You wore a wrestling t-shirt on a night out? Big mistake.
  5. I'm hoping Resistance Pro gets good as I'm moving out there in the summer.
  6. To be honest, I reallly like him, I can't stand Mardle or Harrington (they sound the same). I haven't heard his commentary, but I'm guessing he knows his stuff...didn't he predict a Lewis/Anderson final last year right from the start? EDIT: I've been out all night, did Nicholson win? (I've an outside bet on him)
  7. Some pretty good stuff there from Klaasen. Did he say he faces Wade in the next round probably?
  8. Has Snakebite got a red swastika on his hair?
  9. I always like Klaasen, ever since he was in the PL.
  10. John Cena vs The Rock WWE Championship CM Punk vs Dolph Ziggler Undertaker vs Kane - Career vs Career. Triple H vs Kevin Nash - No Holds Barred Cody Rhodes vs Goldust Then just because I wanna see them: Daniel Bryan vs Rey Mysterio Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio
  11. They need to get him in a feud ASAP. He is just bumbling along with nothing to do. He should be the man to take the title from Henry when it happens.
  12. The occasion just seemed to get to Heydon in the end, he bottled a few legs. Lewis will have to get his finger out or he will be "put to bed" © (copyright, Paul Nicholson 2011). Great first night at the Worlds!!!!
  13. The standard was piss poor for the defending world champion and Heydon brought his A-game.......but it was fucking brilliant viewing. I woke my wee girl up screaming at the telly, trying to urge Heydon on......great stuff
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik0QbBCgxKs&feature=player_embedded#!
  15. Not exactly classic, but good value. http://www.silvervision.co.uk/products/WrestleMania-26-DVD-3-Discs.html http://www.silvervision.co.uk/products/WrestleMania-18-DVD-2-Discs.html http://www.silvervision.co.uk/products/WrestleMania-7-8-DVD-2-Discs.html Just purchased: http://www.silvervision.co.uk/products/The-Spectacular-Legacy-of-the-AWA-DVD-2-Discs.html http://www.silvervision.co.uk/products/Ric-Flair-The-Four-Horsemen-DVD-2-Discs.html http://www.silvervision.co.uk/products/The-Triumph-and-Tragedy-of-World-Class-Championship-Wrestling-DVD-2-Discs.html http://www.silvervision.co.uk/products/WrestleMania-26-DVD-3-Discs.html http://www.silvervision.co.uk/products/Hell-in-a-Cell-2009-DVD.html
  16. just read an article that lists a whole bunch of reasons as to why TNA hasn't progressed as far as it should have, some I agree with some I don't, I'll list a few of them: 1. Lack of PPV building 2.Hiring Bubba The Love Sponge 3. Hiring Vince Russo 4. Having Dixie Carter at the helm 5. The move away from the 6 sided ring 6. The electrified cage incident 7. Heel and face flop flopping 8. The overuse of factions 9. Ric Flairs debut 10. Putting the X-Division on the back burner 11.Hogan and Bischoffs debut The ones I agree with, 3, 4, 7,10 The most annoyinh thing by a mile is the constant heel/face turns.....it got so difficult to keep up with as one week a guy was heel, next week without explanation, storyline or logic he's face. I also thin TNA used to actually be amazing....there was a time from about the beginning of 2005 until the end of 2006 where the X-Division was incredible. It always had the best matches and made the PPV's. They had a unique selling point and basically scrapped it to re-hash things that have already been done.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvXUZb4JdtI Jesus Talk about terrible stories....Cena getting stabbed.....not a mark on him.
  18. Edge and Cena had a belter at Unforgiven 2006.
  19. So who was the annonymous RAW GM? Did I miss that episode?
  20. First Christmas with the wee one has me pretty excited, I must say.
  21. Apparently there's going to be "a very good hint" as to who the mystery videos are for on the Dec 19th RAW. WWE brought Lilian Garcia back to the organization to permanently replace Tony Chimel as the ring announcer for weeklySmackDown tapings. Chimel, 50, will continue working for WWE at television tapings in the production office backstage. Company officials asked Garcia late last week if she wanted to return and a deal was reached Monday upon her arrival in Tampa, Florida. Garcia, who turned 45 years old in August, retired from her job as Raw ring announcer in 2009, citing a wish to settle down with her husband and being burned out from WWE's strenuous travel schedule. During her time away, she continued to pursue her music career, and hosted AfterBuzzTV.com's post-shows for Raw and Tough Enough. Lillian Garcia is 45? WOULD!!!
  22. Smoked ham and mustard on brown bread with sunflower and pumpkin seed......it was the baws.
  23. Just under an hour to do less than 5.....some people are fucking idiots. The roads aren't that bad.
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