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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. I fucking love Punk.....by far the best promo guy going at the moment.
  2. Urgh, that set reminds me of just how hideous the tag titles are.
  3. I didn't know there was a tag title match.....I'll go for Rhodes/McIntyre just for the hell of it
  4. Anyone staying up for Night of Champions? I'll predict: WWE Championship 6 Pack Elimination Challenge Sheamus vs John Cena vs Randy Orton vs Edge vs Chris Jericho vs Wade Barrett I'll predict an Orton win as I can see Miz cashing in tonight and for that to happen it would probably have to be a face champion. I'm not so sure about the elimination stipulation. For me it would be more inense if it was just first fall wins. World Heavyweight Championship No Holds Barred Match Kane vs The Undertaker Kane to win this one for me as I can see this feud lasting for a little while yet, upto at least Survivor Series. United States Championship The Miz vs Daniel Bryan See my prediction for the WWE Championship. I can see Bryan winning and then Miz cashing in. Intercontinental Championship Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston Ziggler must win or face being one of the worst IC champs of all time. Big Show vs CM Punk Punk has been made to look very shitty against the Big Show, he has to win to save face. I'd like to see the reunion of Gallows and Punk. Diva and Womens Championship Unification Lumberjill Match Melina vs Michele McCool Melina....can't justify why as I don't give a f**k. . Actually really looking forward to this and the WWE, WHC and US title matches in particular.
  5. I believe it was "Who ate all the pies.....fella?" Aye that was a belter. Edge to X-Pac - "X-Pac, 1998 called and they're sick and tired of you."
  6. This is inspired by another thread in the GN forum, but what are the greatest insults ad put downs in wrestling history? These two spring to mind: JBL to Chris Masters - "If you were any smarter you would be a moron". Undertaker to the crowd during a promo in which the crowd were giving it the old "WHAT!" chant - "Blah blah blah.....**what!**....blah blah blah...**what**.....say what if you sleep with your own sister...**what**" PWNED!
  7. Met the big man in the Apple store on Buchanan Street when WWE was over here a few months back, he was just in cuttin aboot lookin for a new iPod and me and my mate just went upto him to say we were fans and he ended up talkin to us for about 10 minutes, he was sound as f**k. A guy I've always liked and I can;t recall anyone in wrestling ever having a problem with him.
  8. Mostly it's Sky Sports 3 & 4, but the PPV's are usually on Sky Sports 1.
  9. uthin Just makin sure cos aye it's a phrase that does my heid in too.
  10. You'll get us all emotional. I can't stand UKFF...some wrestling fans really are c***s. But aye this is a good un....with a surprising lack of trolls. His back?
  11. Saw an interview with him during the TDF and youcould see he didn;t have long left. Sad news indeed.
  12. It's getting boring as f**k now. They have had about 4 matches for the IC title in as many weeks...reminds me when they had Matt vs MVP for the US title every week for about 3 months.
  13. Just thought of another cracking suggestion, simply because I've been watching some of his stuff myself and it's keptme well entertained.......Muta.
  14. Superb shout actually, I'll scond it. SHould be far more entertaining than any suggestions so far...well maybe apart from Regal.
  15. I liked him when he first dropped the Hurricane gimmick and became just Gregory Helms. Plus he done some good things and had some great matches with the Dragons in WCW.
  16. I'd watch it a few more times if I was you. Everytime I watch it I notice new jokes that I never noticed before.
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