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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Yoons be raging at Scottish lesbians on this site this weekend.
  2. Does anyone else lose Mobdro when there is live football on? I don't use it a lot but its the only time I seem to have any issues.
  3. You're right you didn't. You just jumped at a chance to side with the 'green n greys' to score a cheap point. My apologies.
  4. Bennett white knighting the Celtic fans should be the end of this thread. Two cheeks of the one are right enough.
  5. President Donald Trump tweeted an erroneous claim that was nearly identical to an on-screen graphic that has repeatedly aired on the racist, conspiracy-mongering One America News Network (OANN) that falsely linked crime in the United Kingdom to “radical Islamic terror.” In a segment airing at 6:25 a.m., OANN ran a chyron which read, “Report: U.K. Crime Rises 13% Annually Amid Spread Of Radical Islamic Terror.” Trump sent his tweet at 6.31am.
  6. One white man killed almost as many people in ten minutes in Las Vegas than our muzzies killed this year
  7. Nothing trump has done (yet) is worse than the Iraq war.
  8. If only it was a tramp with a bottle of cider he'd attacked.
  9. Imagine being 'stunned ' at a congresswoman hearing a conversation she was allowed to listen to on speaker phone. Not stunned at his boss defending white supremacist though.
  10. He never expected to be President though. He stood as an ego boost and for the publicity never really believing he'd get the nomination, never mind actually getting elected.
  11. “But I think that makes them more heroic, not less heroic, because they signed up for this,” Obama said. “They volunteered.” Doesn't look so bad when you get the benefit of seeing his quote in full.
  12. 13 days getting classed as a 'few days' is pretty desperate.
  13. Fucking Bennett and Macghee turn up and the thread goes to f**k.
  14. mjw

    Trailer park boys

    The actor who plays Mr Lahey has died.
  15. Training Spanish police to deal with independence supporting Catalans. Sent home early for going to far.
  16. The Ruth Davidson no surrender branch of the government could get the Scottish figures and give us all a heads up to how bad its going to be. She's got that kind of clout seemingly.
  17. With a flurry of links in every post. Takes you back to his brexit posting days.
  18. Resigned from a gap year internship? Is that the most important part of this story?
  19. On the one hand he says Nichola should make way for someone else,then immediately says there is no one good enough to replace her. Very helpful.
  20. Exactly this. Let that p***k Ratcliffe get richer at someone else's expense.
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