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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Beer monkey back to tell us the truth is out there. Only he knows where to look though[emoji53]
  2. President Grudge https://www.google.co.uk/amp/amp.timeinc.net/fortune/2017/09/24/donald-trump-nfl-usfl/%3Fsource%3Ddam
  3. It was the only region to vote totally in favour of remain according to The Mayor of London.
  4. Absolutely everything he says now you will find a past tweet that says the complete opposite.
  5. I've been checking through covenant and I can't get things I've watched previously to come on. An issue at their side?
  6. He's some neck on him anyway the draft dodging c**t. At least the 3 million Americans in Puerto Rico without electricity can rest in the knowledge that black sportsmen are top of their presidents agenda.
  7. They didn't win the election. But they didn't lose it either. [emoji15] Labour.
  8. Another flurry of 'look over there' tweets from president bawheid this morning. Should be some fun and games when the American sports start later.
  9. Jackson seems to be deflecting the blame on to Show racism the red card. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-celtic-clash-were-guilty-11220981.amp
  10. We don't have gay pride day at my work so I didn't think there was much point reading any further.
  11. He's too busy dealing with pesky sports people to other with Iran an NK just now. He'll twitter f**k out of them later though.
  12. Despite lashing out at absolutely everyone who even looks at him the wrong way... Putin and Erdogan are absolutely off limits for the big orange baby.
  13. The whole anthem thing is people exercising their first amendment rights,no? Or do these 'rules' written all those years ago only apply to Faux News viewers?
  14. Tom Gordon on twitter. Wow. Chair of SLab leadership hustings bans any Qs on candidates' "domestic circumstances and financial arrangements" !
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