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Everything posted by mjw

  1. They were also talking about it being 4 recent incidents.
  2. Linda McMahon has a place on one of his business committees.
  3. They should have brought their U19s over they know how to win matches.
  4. Piss off. You've had three different accounts on here and you've been a seething mess on all of them.
  5. That came from Pedro claiming in his press conference that rangers are more respected now.
  6. Last time I seen it on here it was Grimbo they were coming for.
  7. We've still only had a cheeky bid from Aberdeen for him though. We could get stuck with a player who doesn't want to be here and who no one else is that interested in.
  8. Fox news comes to P&B. No matter what Trump does you can always what about back to Obama or Hillary. You only found this site searching for rangers,didn't you?
  9. Nigel Farage using his radio show to fluff his big pal.
  10. Aye right. They were utterly deflated last month the when we didn't go into recession. That's despite every unionist rag telling us we definitely were.
  11. Ftfy. Being an of fan perfectly described in one sentence.
  12. You'll have had a few the last time you were here you scamp you.
  13. See the 'peaceful protesters' who noticed people with swastikas and burning torches and didn't think 'f**k this' and head home. They don't get to be called 'peaceful'
  14. He read a speech someone else wrote condemning them. He holds a different view when he is off script. Better than Hillary though.
  15. Who else is going to challenge them when the president if the US can't even bring himself to condemn then?
  16. He sent Gorka out to push the same line after the Mosque incident last week.
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