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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Until any of those attention seekers who think they are the independence movement step up. He's the guy that's going to keep doing this stuff. He's still a fucking idiot at times though.
  2. Difficult to see where the positive coverage would come from. Even Fox had to build a conspiracy around a young Democratic staffers murder to try and take some heat of him. In between firing and suspending half their male staff for being Tedi's.
  3. I wonder if he had to deal with petitions about mascots before he came here. Can you imagine having a shite day at work and getting tweeted at by some of our mentalists? He's probably underpaid for dealing with that madness.
  4. Aye you've got us there.
  5. To some in Lanarkshire that is like a red rag to a bull. 99% of our fans are brilliant, but what I’ve found up here is that there is a small percentage of fans that desperately try and find negativity in any situation. Ain't that the fucking truth.
  6. You're more interested in taking digs at posters who might have been nasty to the DUP. As for that crack in the wall,I'm sure Jim wells will get plenty help filling it.
  7. I thought the crazies had fallen for Corbyns pish and gone left.
  8. Kind of pisses on your porridge though considering you bumped the thread with this.....
  9. Lurker not in any hurry to link this story though. http://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/jim-wells-cuts-ties-with-national-trust-over-gay-pride-issues-36004835.html
  10. Trump got a phone call from the Vietcong begging him not to go. They said he'd be the best soldier ever.
  11. The article includes a sidebar with an interview with Davy Rea who self-describes as a unionist who believes in equality. … over the last few years in a plethora of elections to the Stormont assembly, local councils and even Westminster, Rae has been at times reluctant to visit his local polling station. Why? Because he is pro-union but also gay. Rea, who works for a technology company, says he has no one to vote for among the mainstream unionist no political parties – especially those who constantly torpedo attempts to bring marriage equality to Northern Ireland. “My sister is 17 and will soon be of voting age. She asks me all the time who can she vote for if she is pro-union but believes in treating people equally. What do I tell her?” Davy seems to explain it better than I could. Maybe a few years of people not killing each other has led to a generation growing up wanting more from their politicians. Its not much different from here with the young voting predominantly for Indy/remain.
  12. What now? Why on earth would that happen?
  13. Who else apart from her former colleague who is now an independent?
  14. Looks like politician singular from that post.
  15. This 'yes movement disintegrating' stuff that has filled the papers and social media for the last week seems to be the same people everyday shouting me,look at me! The names you mentioned seem to have promoted themselves way beyond where any ordinary voter sees them.
  16. No. This is a football website first a foremost. The vast majority of posters on here didn't sign up to post exclusively on the politics sub forum. The few that did generally hold the same political views funnily enough.
  17. Aye imagine football defining someone on a football website.
  18. Attitudes like that would probably make any gay rangers fans stay well away from Ibrox.
  19. Probably not but I'm not sure they'd care. Look at the survey during the week where hundreds of people said Brexit was worth them or their family losing their jobs. Same mentality.
  20. That's two threads that were lying idle until trolldave and HeeHaw resurrected them to tell us nothing is happening.. One if them is a fully grown man as well.
  21. Farage to visit later in the summer. “The idea of a trip to Mississippi? Rather. Absolutely,” he said. About a week before he flew to Mississippi, Farage learned that his trip was going to coincide with a Trump visit to the state, on August 25th. Also, Steve Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart News, was by that point in charge of the campaign. Bannon and Farage have been close for years. “I have got a very, very high regard for that man’s brain,” Farage told me. Bannon is a student of right-wing nationalist movements in Europe, and in the summer of 2012, shortly after his appointment at Breitbart, he’d invited Farage to spend several days with him in New York and Washington, where the ukip leader was introduced to, among others, the staff of Jeff Sessions, the nativist Alabama senator who is Trump’s pick to be the next Attorney General. Add Stephen miller to that mix and you've got a right shower of shite.
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